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Pagans, is Samhain a good wedding date?

A couple Pagan friends of mine are wondering. One says yes, the other is iffy on it, and their daughter would prefer not to miss trick-or-treating. I don't think it's all that good, either, but it *is* a New Year and a time for ending the old and beginning the new.

What would you think? It won't have any bearing on anything, but I'm curious.


Labgrrl and PaganPoetess are affirming an idea I had! First full moon after! My wife doesn't want to miss Halloween, either--she's working *so* hard on costumes and will be pissed if she has to sew formal dresses for us instead.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's a terrible wedding date, actually.

    It pretty much inconveniences every Pagan and Wiccan friend (who celebrates November Eve) that the couple has, assuming that they want to spend the day away from their ancestors...

    I actually was recently contacted by a couple who wanted me to handfast them this Samhain. Luckily, I won't do ANY weddings without 6 months notice, so I didn't have to explain that I had more important things to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I wouldn't. Yes, it is a time of new beginnings, but its also a time of endings and a time of mourning. Sort of a mixed message to associate with a wedding. And as Labgrrl mentions, it inconveniences every Pagan friend who normally celebrates Samhain religiously. And the daughter has a very practical objection: trick-or-treating only happens once a year! Why miss it when there's 364 other dates to choose from?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really up to them. I would personally choose the full moon prior to or just after Samhain. I was married on the full moon just prior to Beltane that way we could enjoy the holiday together and not stress about wedding issues. That also meant that none of my practicing Pagan guests would have to miss the holiday either. I bet the guests would be much more open to sharing a moon with the happy couple then rearranging their plans for a major Sabbat. JMHO

    Source(s): )O(
  • 6 years ago

    I have done weddings/handfastings on Samhain for years. Many are held in the afternoon allowing time for the children festivities. I also include honoring the ancestors into the ceremony. I see it as a personal choice and not for anyone else to judge the couple s preferences. Blessings!

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  • Arbor
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In the tradition I follow it wouldn't be an appropriate date for a wedding. Sure it's the celtic new year but it is also the time of the last harvest, the growing season is over, fertility is no longer abundant, animals and plants are preparing to go dormant, it's the entering into the "dark" part of the year as wellas the goddesses decent into the underworld. But it would depend on the couple and what they feel and understand about the holiday, what they feel it represents.

    Source(s): pantheist witch
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It does interfere w/ the other pagans plans for the holiday. Beltane and Midsummer are the most traditional for handfasting but Imbolc might be better. It's more symbolic of new life and it isn't as big a holiday so there shouldn't be as many people w/ conflicting plans (like a coven sabbat circle)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, because it's already the day for another celebration

    and you won't get the proper attention that you deserve.

    Try to put your wedding on a day nobody else is already

    doing anything with.

    Good luck and congradulations !


  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't use a major day like that to get married on. I hadn't thought about until Labgrrrl pointed it out but she's right. I do like the idea of getting married on a fullmoon though.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am getting married on that date, we both love it for different reasons. anyway, you can always have it eariler or later and their daughter could still go trick or treating.

    it all really depends on what they think and agree on, after all it is their wedding. but i'm sure it'll be a good time for everyone no matter what date it is on.

    Source(s): Mah own 2 cents on the Matter
  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I would do my wedding on Samhain or on the Winter Solstice, but that's just me. It would be a very symbolic day.

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