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I need some fast help-interview with no info on job

I have an interview today (less than 24 hours notice for it) for a job with my local school district for a new position. It is for a substance abuse counselor. They have given no details on the job other than it requires a BS degree and is grant based. How do I prepare for this interview?

Jobs in our community are not common and right now I commute 2 hours a day-I would love to get a job close to home that will pay close to my current salary so I do not want to flub the interview.


LOL-substance abuse rates at these schools, I am floored they are even taking grants to staff such an opening since they always say they have no substance abuse issues in the district. I get your point though. I have researched the schools and I have worked in public housing so I am sadly familiar with what is common in our region and how to spot it, common names, signs of use, items associated with it, gang signs, the list is endless. I just hate having no idea what they want-is this to be an education position where we talk about not using or do they want people to do one on one sessions with kids who have a problem or a family memeber does. They only advertised on the school site for positions at 3 high schools-never ran an ad anywhere and gave everyone less than 24 hours notice to inteview.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Consider doing a quick search for information about your school district, preferably the school interviewing. See if you can find information on the student body substance use rates, perhaps even attendance/truancy rates, things along those lines. At least then you would have some indication and preparation for the volume and types of substance abuse issues the position might confront you with.

    Good luck with your interview! :)

  • 1 decade ago


    Drug abuse counselor on google and see what requirements there are posted for those jobs. It doesnt matter the state because the postings should be similar.

    Or just come to MN. We have a lot of jobs with at risk youth here!

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