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Lv 5

Am I the only one disgusted by this?

In a nutshell, members of Westboro Baptist Church plan on picketing the funeral of the young man who was brutally stabbed, decapitated, and cannibalized last week on a Greyhound Bus. They claim that it's fit punishment for Canada's tolerance of homosexuality and abortion.

I don't have any use for anyone who agrees with them. This is just beyond disgusting...I thought they had sunk a new low when they began picketing soldiers' funerals, but this is just beyond horrifying.

38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What is important about this type of church (similar to the Fundamentalist LDS church from earlier this year or the Branch Dividian cult church from the Clinton administration, or Jim Jones in Guyana or Osama bin Laden) is that they have free speech. As strange as that may sound, by them having such hate filled free speech is that others become aware of the evils of fundamentalist religious fanaticism. It helps keep others' minds balanced when we see such deeply disturbed and unbalanced people.

    Keep in mind ... I do not support what these rectal sphincters say or do, however, I do support their right to free speech even if it hate filled.

    This demonstration by this group is, as you said, disgusting and I'd personally prefer that they be put on an island, along with every other similar religious group, where they can practice their hate for others. But, we can't do that as when we remove one groups right to free speech, we remove OUR right.

    I'd still like to beat the hell out of them! LOL But, we can't do that, either.

    I wonder how Pherd phelps would feel if someone from another church, based on their interpretation of god, protested at his daughter's funeral with signs that stated the Pherd was a perv and will rot in hell and that god hates him?

    THAT is why, in the US, there is a separation of church and state and why I am an atheist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No you're not. Phred Felps and his so-called Westboro Baptist Church are utterly despicable. They are not a church. They are a clique of homophobic bigots, mostly belonging to Phiendish Phred's own family. They are not Baptist. They are not Christian.

    In the UK they would be prevented from demonstrating the way they do in the USA. They would probably be prosectued for stirring up hatred against other persons because of their sexual orientation.

    Matters are too lax in the US. In a civilized society free speech, although a vitally important civil liberty, should be restricted if it is designed only to stir up hatred against other persons on the grounds of race, colour, gender, sexual identity/preference, religion or political party.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not familiar with this story, but just going on what you have written I can't say that I nor the church I attend would handle the situation this way. I would like to say that I am some what pleased to see a church stand up for something. If more Christians would stand and unite, I believe the world would be a better place. At least GOD would be at the center of our lives instead of the things of this world.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, you aren't the only one. I find it fairly disgusting as well, but I can honestly say that I'm not surprised. The Westboro Baptist Church members are among the lowest life forms on the planet. To expect anything less from them is nothing short of absurd. How they can presume to call themselves Christians is beyond me. They give their entire religion a bad name.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care who the person being buried is, what they've done or their religion. It is just wrong to use a time of profound grief on the part of his/her family and friends to monger your own brand of hate. If they were truly Christian, they'd stay away from this funeral and find more loving and compassionate outlets for their energy. does this punish Canada?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd like to see the WBC do something original for a change. I used to be shocked by its actions, but now, they've just become predictable. How about something new? Protest silly putty because it isn't all that silly to begin with. Or picket the Green Bay Packers because Bret Favre going to the Jets obviously happened for their love of all things cheese.

    Let's face it, WBC. You're just boring now.

  • I'm mostly just sad for the pathetic lives the Phelps family members live. I would give them all a hug if they protested at a funeral I attended.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is awful! That man had nothing to do with Canada's tolerance of anything. That church is certainly not practicing God's teachings. He is the only true judge anyway.

    That poor family!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not for nothing that every Baptist denomination has disavowed them. They're "baptist" in name only. You'll have to look under a very large number of rocks to fins a bigger bunch of sickos.

    Hey, we may have found the one thing that the Christians and atheists on R&S actually agree on!

  • 1 decade ago

    The hatefulness of that group is on par with any other terrorists. They may not have blown anything up or killed anybody just yet, but their intentions of inflicting psychological violence upon innocent people in the name of religion is exactly the same. They disgust me on every level.

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