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What's the oddest thing that's hit you while on a motorcycle?

The other day riding my cruiser home from work, a tumbleweed crossed in front of me on a particularly windy day just before I got into a nasty thunderstorm. I'm a fairly new rider and while it would have been safe, I didn't go into a swerve to avoid the thing, thinking it would pass or it would bounce off the bike or something. Well, at 55 mph, the thing hit my left knee and it felt like a baseball hit me. (Who would have guessed?? It's a dead plant for crying out loud!) I am enjoying the small cut and the bruise and of course it's funny. Any others out there? Things I should watch out for other than the obvious!?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    baseball cap. i think it was from in front of me. about 1:30 AM, we're both going 75-80 on a dark, rural stretch of I-70 (i live in eastern colorado), and out of nowhere, an oakland raiders cap hits my shoulder. i know it was a raiders cap because the wind held it against my shoulder just long enough for me to see the logo. then it was gone. sadly, it was summer and i wasn't wearing a jacket. that hurt.

    once a 2-inch-long grasshopper. in the face. whilst wearing a shorty. my speed of 20 or so was a mixed blessing. didn't hurt much, but it was also still alive, and stuck to my face. god i hate bugs...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, at speed a little thing can hurt like hell! An acorn or a pebble kicked up by a car or something like that can leave a big bruise!

    When I was first learning to ride, I was on a country road, not going fast or anything, and I saw a few sheep on the road up ahead. I slowed down and the sheep looked at me and got off the road, so I sped up. And just as I did, one of the sheep walked right back out onto the road and I went down trying to avoid him. I don't know if I hit it or not!

    There was a house there and knocked on the door and asked the woman if she had a first aid kit. She said the sheep were her son's 4H project and should have been penned up and she apologized and helped me doctor up my cuts and bruises. I have never trusted sheep since, to know enough to get out of the way!

    A year ago my mechanic redid my front suspension, and when he took my fairing off there was the dried body of a dead bird in it. He asked me if I remembered hitting a bird and I didn't!

  • 1 decade ago

    A duck

    Doing about 60 watching the sunset along a country road, I viewed out over a pond just as a duck was taking flight off the water as the sun was setting in the background. Just a beautiful and picturesque view. Suddenly the duck just turned to it's left and right in my path, I braced for impact and BAM! Knocked the wind right out of me, don't ask about the duck. Ducks have one speed when they fly, full speed.... they take off and fly rather low but seldom do they veer like this one did. Yes it was cool out and lucky me for leather jackets.... my bars took the main hit but I got the full deflection in the chest, enough so that I wondered if I would pass out from not breathing before I got stopped

  • 1 decade ago

    OLD PEOPLE... riding in florida is like riding through a nursing home. One night I was doing about 50 down a fairly well lit street when all of a sudden an old granny in her bigass crown vic pulls out of the local clinic and clips the rear end of my cbr 900. Sent me flying across 2 lanes and into a ditch.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually hit:

    Questionable debris hard enough to break my watch crystal

    Birds and bird crap. The crap hit middle of my eye glass lens.

    bugs, inhaled mosquito, bee stuck in shirt and, various species hitting the eye protection and exploding.




    6x6 chunk of lumber laying in the road

    Toads crossing the road in South Dakota Bad Lands.

    nearly hit:


    car tire rolling toward me

    Taurus driven by crazy man upset about something. Two day commuting affair. Guess he just wanted be get in front of me. Never got to ask him what he was thinking.

    Skunk, his tail brushed my foot.

    Goose poop from a couple of birds taking off, guess they were giving up ballast.

    My favorite was the Honda Element that hit me. My left side foot pegs broke off in her front right tire. She changed lanes and claimed she couldn't see me. Of course the police didn't cite her for lane deviation or inattentive driving. My expectations are set low after 30 years and 300K miles of riding experience. So it didn't bother me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont have anything over the years other than tree limbs, bugs rocks and cow turds but I saw a bird fly right into the side of a buddies helmet one time when we were out trail riding in the strip mines.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An empty gas can blew off a trailer and whacked my leg pretty good.

    Watch our for vultures. The can't take off very well and try to do straight up, sometimes.

    I almost hit some wets who had been hidden in a taker truck and unloaded out in the country, when they ran across the road. So watch out for tankers stopped out in the boondocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ring Neck Pheasant.

  • 1 decade ago

    A mattress blew out of the back of a pickup truck. The bike hit the mattress but unfortunately I didn't

  • 1 decade ago

    I didnt hit it per say, but i did have a squirrel jump onto my leg while i was on a ride, it ran from my leg and onto my front fender before jumping off the bike

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