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Jill M
Lv 6
Jill M asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What do you think about Obama's illegal campaign contribution?

According to Federal Election Commission filings, Barack Obama has received illegal donations from Palestinians living in Gaza, a hotbed of Hamas terrorists.

Obama received more than $24,000 in campaign contributions over a period of two months last fall from three Palestinian brothers from the "Edwan" family in Rafah, Gaza, which is a Hamas stronghold along the border with Egypt. The story was uncovered by Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog. (see Federal Election Commission report)

Attorney and conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel notes foreign nationals are barred from making contributions in connection with any election -- federal, state, or local -- and an individual is allowed to give only $2,300 per election to a federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.

"The donations are basically through and through illegal -- that's number one. And number two is how the Obama campaign tried to conceal it," Schlussel chides. "They listed the campaign contributions as coming from Rafah, Georgia. They used the 'GA' from Gaza so it makes it look like it's legal; and then for the zip code it says '972,' which is actually the area code to dial over to Gaza," she contends.

The attorney comments that if the Obama campaign is willing to "accept thousands of dollars beyond the legal limit and they're also going to flout [Federal Election Commission] restrictions...that's very indicative of what kind of president [Obama] is going to be."

"They're not going to be worried about the details and they won't mind if they break the law to get to the final result that they want," adds Schlussel. She believes it is a "major news story when a presidential candidate receives money from 'a bastion of Islamic terrorism.' And Schlussel argues that the media is "bending over backwards to help Barack Obama and cover up any negative news about him."

Schlussel says Pamela Geller will likely file a Federal Election Commission complaint against the Obama campaign for violating restrictions and limits on campaign contributions

Still trust'em?



This is a better source as it is Pamela Gellers own evidence:

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whatever. I'm sure Hannity will rant about this tonight. Maybe you should get a job as an intern for Fox News.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not that I don't believe what you have stated. I tried to follow your sources and came up empty handed. Did you enter a search on, and is there a particular story on that needs to be search for.

    If true, this is appalling to say the least. This guy already seems shady and this would not favor a more positive image at all. If it is not founded, then it is just the right wing conspiracy that so infamously attacked President Clinton for busting a nut on that blue dress.

    Wouldn't be too surprised if he was getting money funneled to his campaign from foriegn sources. I think it is pretty suspect that he has raised more than $339 million.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your Federal Elections Commission link leads to a page for campaign contributors from the zip code 972, which appears to be part of Alaska. I see a lot of really traditional English names on the list of contributors.

    Am I supposed to be persuaded by this link?

  • 5 years ago

    I don't understand why you would feel the need to lie. There is no "evidence" provided by your search. This we know: The Chamber of Commerce accepts donations from foreign governments and corporations, and we know that the money goes directly into the account that is funding scores of millions of dollars in ads to elect regressive candidates... We also know that the Chamber refuses to identify the governments and corporations, so American citizens have no idea what corporate front groups are purchasing our government.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Balogna! Believe me. If this were true, the news media would be all over the black man! Obama, his personal life and compassion for government is and has been under all kinds of surveillance, scrutiny and judgment since he was a Senator. If this were true, the Powers that Be would know about it and we would not hear the end of it on the television, radio and webcast.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe this was one of the lies debunked some time ago. If the FEC knew of any such donations, it would be on the front page of every major and minor news rag.

    Source(s): Just another lie!
  • That's a lie, actually. He never recieved a cent from him. Additonally, "Hamas has changed its tune on Obama. After his speech to the American Israel Political Action Committee on June 4, 2008, Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters that his group no longer had any preference in the U.S. election. “Hamas does not differentiate between the two presidential candidates, Obama and McCain, because their policies regarding the Arab-Israel conflict are the same and are hostile to us, therefore we do have no preference and are not wishing for either of them to win,” Zuhri said."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Par for the course, with Obama

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your question is no better than the source you base it on. Right wing wacko stuff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Got a real reference?

    Those links do not provide any proof or mention of what you claim!

    Did you make a mistake or is this a deliberate lie on your part?

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