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A poet, lyricist, piano and organ enthusiast, I have been filled with the love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ who has blessed me with many talents and gifts. It is all to His glory that I am happy to serve mankind through teaching middle and high school students in the areas of Language Arts, English, Reading, Social Studies and Life! All of my experiences on the stage, in film, on television have come together to contribute to the whole of who I am. Fortunately, I am still in growing-mode, always learning new things, reveling in experiences, satiated in joy and happiness on a daily basis, and looking forward to the next person that I can be a blessing. I believe we are all here for a purpose and until we pass this earthly body into the heavenly of heavens, we must continue to serve man and that purpose is through the Spirit of God. He is the author of the peace, joy and love that I have for everyone. Now - How YOU doin'?

  • What Would You Like to Get in a Surprise Gift Bag?

    I am a middle school teacher. Each year when school starts, I try to do something different and/or unusual for my incoming students (homeroom). This year my thoughts were leaning toward providing a 'gift bag' of items for every student assigned to my homeroom. Each teacher has their own 'standing' theme for their class - mine is "WARD'S WINNERS!" It's a way to get the students involved, encouraged, and hyped about their own homeroom. I'd like mine to stand out this year. I have some ideas about what might go inside the bag (pencils, pens, other types of teen junk (NO CANDY)- but I'd like to know what the Yahoo Readers would like to have.

    Keep in mind - I'm looking at 25-30 students, and if I can get items at lower costs,(Kmart/Walmart/Cosco, etc) that would be helpful.

    What do you think????

    I really want the first day of school and the last day to be rewarding, challenging, fun, engaging, and a lifelong learning experience that allows my students to know how much I do care about them personally, their happiness, as well as their progress, their education and their success in this world.

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • What are the "benefits" of a MAC computer vs Dell Computer?

    I have been told that a MAC computer provides more than a DELL. If I want to program music - MAC, they say, is the way to go. If I want to prevent computer errors and freezes, MAC is the way to go. I have no idea which computer is better than the next. I am searching and researching information to compare both these systems.

    I've had my DELL for about 7 years. There are two of us who share it. I've had so many problems lately that have become very discouraging to me. I've had the computer cleaned twice, and still, I cannot listen to music, and most of the time, cannot see videos (all I see is the "x" in the left hand corner of the box). It's frustrating.! I get messages all the time indicating '"Visual C++ Runtime Library; out of memory line 56; line 9. WHAT ARE THESE???

    Would purchasing a new computer be the answer? Should I get my DELL cleaned out again? I'd appreciate any information, direction and advice. I am a teacher. I need my computer to incorporate lesson plans, research information, etc. at home - and then transfer same at my school (DELL) computer.

    Why won't my home computer work like my school's computer? It never freezes, I can access quickly - less than a minute. Why can't home computers act the same? PLEASE HELP.

    I know I have asked a lot of questions here, but I really need someone who can respond to them all.


    10 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Who Can I Contact to Get Information Regarding Victim's Rights, Compensation and Benefits?

    I have a friend who was injured in a 'drive-by' shooting. He was minding his own business and was shot and had some extensive injuries to his arm, hand, and leg. He was also grazed in the head. He was hospitalized for 6 months and had to learn to walk again. Thank God, he was young enough and strong enough to endure however, he was left without feeling in his left hand. He was supposed to receive compensation and benefits to help him while he was being rehabilitated. Because he had no one competent enough to help him process the extensive paperwork, and for whatever reasons, this was never settled on his behalf. He has now asked me to help him. I have not seen any of his paperwork as yet however, I wanted to know what this processing is about and if he might need an attorney to become involved.

    Since this is 'governmental', and from prior experience, I doubt if they are going to rush to his aid any time soon. It has already been 10 years!! I would like to help him and would appreciate any information from someone who has accurate information and/or suggestions.

    Recently, his was displaced due to the heavy flooding our city experienced two weeks ago. He has no home, no job, and only getting by with what the communities are providing the flood victims. He is just one of many who has suffered, but I would like to do what I can to help.

    Please - no negative or insensitive comments - this is truly a hurtful situation.

    Thank you sincerely.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why won't Social Security allow the recipient to receive his/her complete amount withdrawn at one time?

    Seeing as though I am getting pretty close to receiving Social Security in 20 years, I want to know why I can't get all of my money that was taken from my earnings UP FRONT? I'd like to invest and deal with my financial affairs myself and not wait for Social Security to 'divy' up what they think I should have in hopes that I'll die before I can collect it all. I'm pretty upset with this system anyway.

    When my aunt was alive, my uncle had to make the decision that if he accepted her social security he would have to discontinue receiving his. That does not seem fair. Of course he accepted the larger sum, but why won't they give us our money up front and let us deal with the fallout? My belief is they hope we won't live long enough to collect all our money. It does not seem fair or legal to me. What do you think?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • TEACHERS ONLY..Do you know any good websites focusing on the Holocaust AND Slavery?

    I am a middle school teacher and every year, I do a unit on the Holocaust, using The Diary of Anne Frank as the focus literary piece. Many of my African American students voice concern because they say in Social Studies and Lang Arts, the teachers never seem to hit on slavery and what that awful event did to black people. I understand their concern and decided that the upcoming year, I would try to hit on more state standard requirements and also include compare and contrasting the two historical events. I am already researching and hunting down information, but if any of you have ideas that would help me, I am so very open for suggestions. My objective is two-fold- for the students to visualize and experience what happened to the two groups of people in the past, AND more importantly, how it impacted the groups TODAY and how ignoring these past issues can affect us today. I really need to put a complete package together of activities for individual and groups. This information should include lots of activities, website investigations, projects, videos, presentations, etc.

    I know I am opening up a huge Pandora's Box. But our students don't know the impact or realize the importance of governments and their weight in our lives. I want them to clearly see how people suffered, died, and how the mind-set of many people today are skewed because of the past.

    Any suggestions you offer will helpful and seriously considered. I am also thinking of perhaps writing a Unit Lesson for my school and other middle schools who might want to try this.....but only after I see if mine is successful.

    Thank you so much. My email address is also available for those who wish to correspond with me.

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • Should I return the balance of the money I was paid?

    I recently resigned from a church that I was a musician for 17 years. During that time, I only received one raise of $100 and the other 16 years, just a monthly stipend of $600. Recently, the pastor took the opportunity without any prior consulation, discussion, or warning a deduction from my check. When I called and asked about it - he said, "you would not have called me if your check had not been short, it's all about YOU'." Then he said, "you were absent one Wed night (I was sick, called and told him, and was eventually hospitalized), and cancelled a rehearsal (one member showed up!) I was rather taken aback. Prior to this - I had been meditating on the possibility of quitting for many reasons (needed a change, pursue advanced degree, travel, and the headache of having to deal with his issues whenever he wanted to bring them up which were always stressful, hurtful and never encouraging to me).

    So, they paid me for the month of May. I cashed the check. Tues. I wrote a letter and resigned. I did not charge anyone for resignation and just said that it was time for someone else to take up the baton and vision - that I had done all I could do.

    Now - he is calling, leaving me text messages and emails and his only question: "What about the money we paid you?"

    Technically, I feel that for the 16 years I went without a raise, I'm owed. I have no intention of returning the balance of the money. But I am curious as to what some of you think.

    I'm not mad, I'm disappointed that he is so controlling and thought that he could continue to make my life miserable. I have never 'fought' back before - and yes, perhaps this is my way of seeking some satisfaction. This might not be the "Christian-like" thing to do - but I don't plan to meet with him, talk to him, discuss anything.

    What would you do?

    Also - how can I block him from my personal email address?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago

    When I was a little girl, my mother used to teach me poems. She believed that I should always know poetry, songs, speeches so that I would be prepared if ever asked to perform. She taught me "Trees". I never forgot that poem. Then she taught me "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost. I grew up loving this poem into my adulthood. Now, as a teacher, this is one of the poems that I present to my students to learn. It speaks to me of life and how to make the right decisions. It uses imagery and paints a picture that is so awesome. When my mother passed away, I had this poem printed on her obituary in memory of the love she gave me through the words of this poem. I was just curious if any of you have a poem that you have come across that has touched you in a magnificent way that has left a mark upon your life. Will you give me the name of the poem and author, and/or the website where I might find it. I love poetry and believe it can really speak to us in ways that help us grow and recognize each other in the world. My other favorite is "The Rose in Concrete" by Tupac Shakur.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain 'buffering' and 'initializing'?

    Today, I went on MTV to watch the details 'From G' to Gents', a reality show. I clicked on the screen and waited for the show to pop up. I watched for 20 minutes as the video began to play and then quickly shut down indicating "buffering" and then "initializing". The video would start up again and then shut down over and over. This happened for 30 minutes! For some reason, I am unable to watch some videos from my home computer and/or work and I don't understand why? I would love someone to explain how this process works. Why is it that some videos jump right up and continue until the show is over, and others either won't play at all, stop in the middle and continue to restart, or get almost to the end, and cut off before the show is over? Is there something I can do? My computer at work runs much faster than mine at home so I expected the one at home to be slower. Thank you for your knowledge.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why is the MAT considered as an assessment for Grad School?

    I will be going to grad school....finally! However, I have a problem with the entry procedures. I have to take either the GRE or the MAT to enter. I don't understand why an analogy test is required for grad school! I have seen all four of the tests and it's ridiculous that there would be words that are on the test they KNOW are unheard of! It doesn't seem fair. It's as if they don't want you to attend. What if you don't pass? I'm not good at analogies, but I don't want to take the GRE either. I know I'm going into the program with a negative attitude about testing, but that's how I feel. If you can shed some light onto this entry into grad school and what the schools are thinking about when they expect new entrants, I'd love to hear it.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Noise in the back of my 2004 Dodge Stratus?

    About three months ago I had my brake pads replaced. I was told that I'd probably hear some squeeling later and would need additional service. Now my front is shaking when I put on the brakes and the steering wheel also shakes. Today, I noticed a noise in the back of the vehicle. Any brake experts out there? What am I looking at in terms of cost? I do intend to have the work done, but would like your honest knowledgeable opinion. Only those with real experience should respond. I do thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I need a menu that is non-traditional for Thanksgiving. What are you having for Thanksgiving?

    Every year around this time, families gather together for the season of giving thanks for the harvest. Truthfully, I am tired of turkey, stuffing, etc. I'd like some new ideas for Thanksgiving dinner. My family is very small - really just my daughter and me. I like being at home, but I don't treasure all the cooking. I just want to relax . What do you think about something different?

    19 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago
  • Any holistic recommendations for swollen, painful knees?

    My doctor recently advised I have 'arthur' in my left knee. I fell and when xrayed, it was discovered at that time. Often the knee is painful and swells. I have had other problems with this leg including radiation down the leg of numbness, burning and a feeling of being "dead". It hurts to stand for long periods of time. Doctor also indicated something about a 'nerve' in the back which might be responsible. I have taken Ibuproven, Tylenol, etc and nothing helps the pain. It is painful to walk, impossible to walk up or down steps without the 'one-one; two-two step" process. My principal has offered me the schools elevator key, but I was thinking that would only make me more dependant. I want this to get better, and if I can do it with certain exercises and holistic medicines, I'd prefer. The only REAL relief I ever received was a shot of steroids in the knee. It was heaven - but I only know negative about them. Any ideas? Suggestions? I am going back to the ORTHO doctor asap.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How do you ask for a raise in the Church if you are a musician?

    This is a serious question for serious responses please. I would like to hear from church folks who have a role in their church and are paid for their services- such as musician, clerk, custodian, etc. I have a problem 'asking' the pastor for a raise. I am a musician and have been for 16 years. The first 15 I was paid $500 per month to play the piano, sing, teach songs to the choir, be available for other services of the church, and outside visitation, prayer, etc. Since then, I have received one raise of $100. So, for 14 years this is the salary I have made. I can almost count on one hand the times I have missed. I have never 'officially' taken a vacation, my expectations have increased (we go out to serve more, when members of the choir do not show up, I sing their lead and backgrounds, I lead (all the time), I arrange music, write; play for funerals, weddings, arrange workshops, play for revivals (this also conicides with my regular work). The problem is I am ashamed to ask.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • At What Age Do You Consider is a "Senior Citizen?"?

    I have recently begun to respond to questions in the Senior Category and while we know that Avatars do not reflect 'age', it is difficult to guess anyone's age. Based upon some of the questions and responses, it seems that the 'senior' age varies widely in this forum. I am just curious as to what you all believe is the 'age' for a senior. I am 54 and I don't feel or act or believe I am anywhere close to 'senior'. I don't plan to retire from teaching until they wheel me out of the school on a stretcher - I dance, I sing, I act, I still wear shorts, I don't have wrinkles, or reflect much of the wear and tear that they say I'm supposed to at my age. People have looked at me and guessed I'm about 39-45..I remember a lot of the past because I had family who lived to old age (97+) and I was very communicative with my relatives. I love rap, hip hop, pop, gospel, country - all kinds of I'm just wondering when am I supposed to be considered a "Senior Citizen"? I feel blessed!

    14 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Why can't I change my Avatar?

    I just went into my profile in order to change my Avatar. All I got was a popping sound with a yellow star! It appears that I am not allowed to do it? Anybody have any ideas?????

    2 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • Do I have a right to sue the mortgage company?

    I bought a home 6 years ago and thought I would be happy here with my daughter and mother. My mother has since passed away and daughter working and living somewhere else. Throughout the 6 years, I discovered a couple of things -one when it rains and especially hard rain, my basement flooded, Sometimes water would rest just at your ankles. As a result mold and mildew and other water damage existed. I became sick and was hospitablized more than 6 times over the years. I developed Asthma, and bronchitis, and was unable to go down stairs for any length of time. Much of my furniture, albums, etc, were destroyed. My insurance company threw their hands in the air and so did the mortgage company. I sincerely believe that the property owners KNEW about the rain and flooding. The house sold at $90,000 and after the sale, the realtor showed me that other homes in the area were going for $120,000. Do I have a right to investigate and determine that fraud was involved? My ailments still exist

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If you were the widow with children, would you have a right to sue?

    Recently, a Colorado Rockies minor league coach died after being struck in the head by a line drive as he stood in the first-base coach's box during a game in North Little Rock, Ark. While we understand this to be an accident, I was just curious to poll the commnities' ideas...does this 'accident' justify his widow to 'sue' someone (Individual who threw the ball? Team? Coach Union?) Do you think they will compensate her for the loss of the husband and father? The general finance he contributed to the home and the welfare of his children and their futures?

    We have become a world of sue-happy people and there are times when it is totally necessary. In viewing this as an "accident", do you think the dog-lawyers will busrt out of the pound to persue this woman to sue someone for her loss?

    Warning: There is no malace or intent in this question. No accusation is being made, no offense intended towards any individual, group or other consortium. Serious responses with thought.

    18 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What ideas do you have to help a mature woman have a successful Christmas wedding?

    I am a mature Black woman who will be marrying my much younger fiance' for Christmas. I have been checking David's Bridal and other sources for suggestions. I have not been successful. This is my third and his second. This is it for both of us. I am not concerned about huge bridal parties, elaborate clothing, etc. We just want somethin simple and tasteful. I would prefer wearing a nice cream colored tailored suit with veil and for him, a matching cream colored suit. ( I am leaning toward wine, cream (winter white) and gold.) with sprinkles of green (don't want to be too Christmasy) My daughter will be my bridesmaid, his son will be his groomsman. I have not decided on the "time". With it being Christmas Day - I was thinking, either late morning, or early afternoon. I could really use some unique ideas. I live in a lovely complex with a wonderful clubhouse that features a fireplace, kitchen (oven, sink, etc,) I would probably have someone play piano music or CD's. I'd also like .

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What life's lesson have you learned from a trial or challenge you have gone through?

    Everyone has experienced problems and challenges in life. I was just wondering, what lessons have you learned about a trial or challenge that you have gone through that might help others? Did you recover completely? If you care to share, what was it - and how did you overcome? What would you recommend to the next person as a way to help them? Do you think it is important to offer your help when you see others dealing with issues, or do you think they have to handle it on their own? I have experienced many disappointments and challenges in my life, but I believe as a teacher, I can offer my assistance to my young students even when they don't "see" their way out on the other side. I always try to see the positive side in spite of the challenge. My motto - "The rain cannot last always, the sun has to come out and when it does...I'll be there waiting."

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What's for dinner?

    Since school is out for summer, and I have about one more week before summer school starts, I decided that I was going to spend some time making some of my best meals and dishing up plates for the homeless. If you were going to cook for someone else, what would you be preparing? My menu today is: Baked garlic chicken and dressing with gravy, pork cutlets in cream soup, fresh turnip greens with green onions, tomatoes and pickeled beets, candied apples with cinnamon, fried sweet corn, corn bread, homemade lemon ice tea, hand churned vanilla/toffee ice cream with homemade chunky chocolate chip cookies (the size of your hand!)

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago