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What are the "benefits" of a MAC computer vs Dell Computer?

I have been told that a MAC computer provides more than a DELL. If I want to program music - MAC, they say, is the way to go. If I want to prevent computer errors and freezes, MAC is the way to go. I have no idea which computer is better than the next. I am searching and researching information to compare both these systems.

I've had my DELL for about 7 years. There are two of us who share it. I've had so many problems lately that have become very discouraging to me. I've had the computer cleaned twice, and still, I cannot listen to music, and most of the time, cannot see videos (all I see is the "x" in the left hand corner of the box). It's frustrating.! I get messages all the time indicating '"Visual C++ Runtime Library; out of memory line 56; line 9. WHAT ARE THESE???

Would purchasing a new computer be the answer? Should I get my DELL cleaned out again? I'd appreciate any information, direction and advice. I am a teacher. I need my computer to incorporate lesson plans, research information, etc. at home - and then transfer same at my school (DELL) computer.

Why won't my home computer work like my school's computer? It never freezes, I can access quickly - less than a minute. Why can't home computers act the same? PLEASE HELP.

I know I have asked a lot of questions here, but I really need someone who can respond to them all.


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Right thing number one that you should ALWAYS remember

    No matter what ,make model, operating system etc there is no guarantee that t=you wont have any trouble with your new purchase,. FOR the dell not playing video -which web browser are you using -use firefox (just google download firefox or google crome-way better than IE7/8).

    you need a flash plugin to play video. We cant choose for you but MAC's arent great either.

    macs DO crash, (rarer), they cost a lot more for same hardware and things like blu ray isnt availible for mac. on the ohter hand their software for music/vid editing is better but you can find good alternatives on a windows (DEll e.g.) machine (sony vegas for example).

    to ipmprove the speed of your computer

    1-delete all the junk you dont need (all those essays/reports form 15 years ago etc etc.). chances are if it is 7 years old it may be easier to reinstall windows on another new harddrive-less hastle.

    for that make sure you have backups of your improtant files/programs.

    you can take the laptop to a repair shop and tell them you want to reinstall windows on a new hdd-but that will cost you.

    hope this helped

    p.s. do research-dont simply go for a mac/dell/sony etc because someone else likes it-their needs arent the same as yours.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, if it is a 7 year old computer, then I am surprised it is working at all! It is completely ancient as far as computers go.

    You computer at school is a Dell which is a PC not a MAC and if you get a MAC you may have issues transferring file to a PC.

    I would play safe and get a new PC. You will get more bang for your buck with a desktop PC over a laptop or MAC also.

    Try a "best you can afford" HP as they are well made. Dell has been messing up of late and is losing market share fast.

    Personally, I prefer a custom built PC from someone like as I can pick and choose components though you do need an above average understanding to choose the right components. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi, i've got a Mac...and a PC (laptop)/

    I understand your dilemma. I think that you should just buy a New Dell computer. Seeing as the new macs have a lot in getting use to, also if you've got the money to buy a whole set of programs and cables for your mac. I only brought mine because i have the time and money to do so. But its true what they say about media. Mac was built to have artists in mind.

    I your used to it (Dell) for 7 years, then use that. Buy a new computer. Computers were made to last for that long anyway.

    Macs dont crash a lot, also less virus online. Macs dont prevent crashes and errors ALL the time. Computers are made to reboot at least once every year or better 6 months. Have you been doing that?

    My home computers work faster than the schools, that only depends on what you've got on it, the Ram it taken up, memory and processor.

    I dont know anything about your error messages. Sorry

    hope i've helped...

    The verdict:

    Dell if you want to keep doing what your doing

    Mac if you want to go on a new adventure.

    Source(s): iMac owner of only 4 days. PC user for more than 10
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, you can't compare the two.

    A "Mac" uses an operating system by Apple. A "Dell" computer is sold by Dell, but it can have any operating system on it. There is no difference between any given "Dell" computer and any given "Mac" except the outside look.

    What you want to know is the difference between Apple's operating systems and the different versions of the Windows operating system, made by Microsoft. If you merely want to do things like text editing, watching videos, or listening to music, then there's no difference between them in capability. The only difference would be which you find to be more user-friendly, which is a personal preference.

    Many applications (such as video games) either have a separate Mac version or don't work on the Mac. Although applications which provide a function (e.g. text editing) are sure to have a Mac counterpart, unique applications (like games) may not. Hence, if you don't have a compelling reason to buy a Mac, I would buy a computer with the Windows operating system, because it is compatible with more applications.

    Things like freezing or crashing are often related more to your hardware than your software. This means that if you buy a newer computer with better hardware, it will perform better, regardless of whether it uses an Apple or Microsoft operating system.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Compare Mac Computers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Macintosh: Pros: They look really nice; can run Windows if you also purchase a copy of Windows. Cons: More expensive, virtually no games available for Macintosh, can only use hardware that is approved by Apple. By purchasing a Mac you are supporting "the man" (Steve Jobs). PC: Pros: Much cheaper-- you can pay half the price and get the same computer. With the exception of some really expensive video editing programs, almost all software exists in PC format. Most likely to be the interface that you're accustomed to, so you will be more productive while using it. Almost all hardware will work with a PC. Cons: They don't look as pretty, and wont let you think that you are better than the dirty proletariat that uses PC's (hah). By purchasing a PC you are supporting "the man" (Bill Gates). All in all, Mac's are still far too overpriced to really be worth it. The shiny surfaces do nothing to make up for the lack of gaming functionality. Overall, I think PC's are a better value for your money, but they wont let you talk in a 'holier-than-thou' tone as most Mac users do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) ANY PC or Mac that's 7 years old is seriously out of date and will run very slowly by today's standards. It's time for a new computer.

    #2) If you haven't computer shopped for 7 years, you'll be very happy with the current prices. $1,000 gets you an excellent computer (or even a MacBook).

    Your school PCs are probably significantly newer than your Dell, and have been set up by an expert. They should work better.

    Macs come with better integrated software than PCs. They also come with much higher pricetags for equivalent hardware. You get what you pay for.

  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    your dell is 7 years old.

    if a computer is about 9 months old with current advances in technology it is an old computer

    that gives you a rough idea of why yours computer is freezing up etc.

    get a brand new dell with a i7 core a 6 gigs of triple chanel ram or say a alienware aurora case package and increase ram to 6 gigs you will neveer ever ever have these problems

  • 1 decade ago

    chances are the school computers are well maintained. mac computers cannot be upgraded, you cant play games on them and they are just barley getting compatible with microsoft software as of late the benefits are its real hard to get viruses. my opinion stick with a pc and get away from dell .

  • 1 decade ago

    Mac's come with fries,a drink and maybe a tasty desert, dell comes with only a pickle.

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