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how to feel better inside?

I have serious problems at work, i did some horrible mistakes and i'm afraid that i'm unable to find thh right solution..

my family doesn't help at all, but they make me mad more and more..they are living in another city and mom and brothers came to visit me yesterday, and my house was like a mess because i was very busy with my work to organize the house

mom made a Drama about this, she called dad and she started crying (the hosue was pretty good for me, but she is an "order freak"!!)

she doesn't talk to me now, she even said that she regrets that we were born because since she became a mom she doesn't have rest at all

I feel terrible, i feel that i'm a dump loser, i wish if I can die, or go somewhere, veeery far away, and to start a new life with new people

what can I do to feel better inside because i feel that i'm falling down!! my head will explose!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    take it easy.. i felt the same way too; leaving everything and going to have a new start, but that does not happen and eventually the things that you think are very horrible will become less catastrophic if you focus and deal with them rationally. you can start by focusing on clearing that work issue, don't let the family bug you so much, think it over rationally and try to solve it, because after you do you will have the time to deal, also rationally with your mom/family.

    hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    I recently broke-up with my boyfriend of 2 and 1/2 years. He was the love of my life and i thought we were going to be together forever. Well, a year ago we decided we wanted to move in together and my parents strongly opposed the idea. I turned my back and basically cut all ties with my family to be with him and like i said, we broke up... It was messy, heartwrenchingng, and like you i felt lost, depressed, and life looked really dismal and unbareable.

    I think one of the worst things you could do is move away and cut ties with your family. I re-established ties with my family and have been very grateful to have them as a support system throughout this whole mess. They are your family and whether you love them all the time or not, they are the only people you can count on to be there. You also need upbeat friends who will make you leave your house and get out and socialize. If you move away especially feeling the way you are feeling now, you are more likely to become reclusive and anti-social and sitting around and stewing is not a healthy way to go.

    Exercise Exercise Exercise! If you find yourself stressed b/c of work or are feeling bad about your life or your personal image, exercising is the way to go. It releases endorphins, it' tones your body, and when you feel good about yourself on the outside, you'll start to feel good on the inside as well.

    As far as the cleaning thing? Having a clean home means more to some people than others. If you are the type that isn't bothered by some clutter and your mother is the type that is and she comes to visit often, maybe keep the rooms that she will be visiting in clean. The bathroom, the kitchen, and the living room. Close the door to your bedroom, study etc. places that are your personal space, you shouldn't have to clean your private rooms for your mother.

    Try making a list of 5 things that you are thankful for everyday. Sounds lame, but it really helps you concentrate on the positive side of life and not all the things you do wrong. If you continue to have thoughts of suicide or your depression doesn't get better, visit the doctors. There is nothing to be ashamed of by asking for help.

    Good luck! Everything will work out for the better :)

  • 1 decade ago


    1. list all problems on a piece of paper, make a hierarchy such that the top most of lists are the major priorities and the bottom lists are least priority


    2. analyze each problem and write a solution beside it


    3. execute your solution starting tomorrow. You can either start on youre major priority or the least.


    4. After each problem is solved, celebrate and pat your self on the back for a job well done.


    5. Look back and think back. Learn from youre past experiences. Always do your work immediately.

    Source(s): See-Discern-Act-Celebrate-Evaluate
  • 1 decade ago

    I Know You Feel Like Commiting Suicide .

    but i have been there and i know how u feel maybe not exactly but yes..

    my moms like that.

    do not ever move away from the people u love because it all gets better and u no that inside.

    thats why u came here and didnt do it.

    please think everything through its OK.

    i write it all down and read it over and over till i dont feel sorry 4 me anymore and i can c their side of it.

    it seems very hard but u can do it.

    dont give up on yourself! because they always have a sensible reason if u can think hard enough about it.

    hope this is any help.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Stay away from your mother! She is the dump loser here! Who does that to someone?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take a breath!

    Take things one thing at a time.

    Find a friend on here... and discuss this rationally.

    Nothing can't be fixed.

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