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curious girl

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  • how to seduce this kind of guys?

    ok, he is 28, handsome, quite, very smart, he doesn't talk a lot, but when he talks he is funny but not loud, elegant but not very sophisticated.

    He has just moved to this city, actually we are both not from the city, and we both hate this place, we are here for work.

    I don't know if he has someone in his city, i mean a gf, but he talks a lot on the phone.

    ok, now, that's the complicated thing: he is my superior at work, not the big boss, but yes, he is my boss!

    Im crazy about him, please take it seriously and tell me how to show him that i am interested but on the same time, i don't wanna be ridiculous, and if he has someone in his life, i don't want to look silly if he discover that i like him

    what should I do????

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to seduce him? pls answer me today!!!?

    A new supervisor came to our company like few days ago, he is very professional and so i am, but in deed, i like him a lot, he has that charisma, an incredible character!! but he is distant, i mean, he only talks about work, he asks sometimes about the weather and people habits in our city...

    question is obvious, but pls do ur best, what should i do to get him?

    PS:all girls of the company wants him, and show it to him, but i don't wanna do this, i want him to ask me first u know...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How much does a small studio for 2 people cost in Dubai?

    I applied for a job in Dubai, and in case i'll get it, i would like to know how much does a studio rental will cost me/month

    any informations about the life cost there would be useful, tnx!

    2 AnswersUnited Arab Emirates1 decade ago
  • how to feel better inside?

    I have serious problems at work, i did some horrible mistakes and i'm afraid that i'm unable to find thh right solution..

    my family doesn't help at all, but they make me mad more and more..they are living in another city and mom and brothers came to visit me yesterday, and my house was like a mess because i was very busy with my work to organize the house

    mom made a Drama about this, she called dad and she started crying (the hosue was pretty good for me, but she is an "order freak"!!)

    she doesn't talk to me now, she even said that she regrets that we were born because since she became a mom she doesn't have rest at all

    I feel terrible, i feel that i'm a dump loser, i wish if I can die, or go somewhere, veeery far away, and to start a new life with new people

    what can I do to feel better inside because i feel that i'm falling down!! my head will explose!!

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • life in Australia?

    I'm planning to immigrate to Australia, and wondering if it would be a good idea

    i mean, how is life there? is the weather good?is it easy to find good jobs?

    any information or suggestion would be great!


    12 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • should I talk to him?

    I think that our relationship is not normal anymore!

    We haven't seen each others since last February! yes he calls me all the time, but if he wanted to see me he would find a solution (he lives in another city 300km far from mine)

    he has never said that he loves me, and it hurts me!

    when we are together, and he look at me, i feel taht eh has soem feelings for me,

    I'm sure that i love him, but I don't want to be involved in a such relationship, i mean I want to be loved and feel that love!

    I don't know, should I talk to him? may be he is a romantic guy or he doesn't express him feelings?

    I need to know where i'm going, is it serious between us or not, am I important to him? but I don't want to be the girl who want to make him loves me!

    u see?

    plsss, help?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I want to have a life without him?

    ok he is a great guy! I loved him so much and I'm still in love with him, but he is a very bad lover, and we are not in the same city (about 300km between us)

    we are together since last September, we even traveled together, but he has never said that he loves me, never!

    When I say that I missed him, sometimes he says "I miss u too", and sometimes he says "ok, good!" and it drives me crazy!

    If he was in love with me as I am, he would feel that pain I'm feeling now because we don't see each others, and he would come to see me!I think that I deserve a better love life, it's not healthy, yesterday I spent teh whoe; night crying and he didn't even called me the whole week end, even if he found my calls and text message.I know what the stress at work means, but even when I had a lot of pression at work I keeped calling him ans thinking of him.I know that he will call me today to say that he was feeling bad because of work problems. I'm fed up!

    I hate my life without him, what can i do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Troubles at work?

    Ok I'm having a lot of pressure and stress at work, I'm 24, travel agent, I work from 8:30am to 8:30pm with 1 hour break, i work every week end months ago, because of that high season taht will never end, I receive calls all the time when I'm home, and problems never stop

    I started doing mistakes at work, I'm not as performant as I was, and this is making me sick

    I don't fidn time for my self anymore, and even when I find it, I don't feel good, I always think of problems that could happen because of me, airline bookings come to my mind everytime i want to sleep!! I have nightmare many times related to my job

    I'm feeling terrible, I don't feel the peace inside me anymore!

    I know that I won't find another job easily in my country, it's very complicated, and I need money right now

    just wanted to share this with u because I'm going to be crazy!


    how to overcome this stress and how to avoid mistakes at works, how to stop blaming my self for doing mistakes?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • When is he going to talk about it?

    okey we've been seing each others for 7 months, but we don't live in the same city so we don't see each others all the time u know...

    we speak on the phone daily, we know all about each others, all what we do, family problems, work troubles......

    well, Im very satisfied in my relationship because he is a great person

    the problem is that he never talks about feelings, romance, love, i mean, yes, sometimes he says that he missed me and wanna be with me ect, but never said that he has feelings for me..

    Is it normal? is there a way to make him speak?!!

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • a song to say i miss you?


    I need a cute song to say I miss you, but not a very strong one, something cute and soft....

    any advices?!

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Condoms producers in Malaysia?

    hi everybody,

    I need good references of Condoms producers in Malaysia, who export their products to many countries.

    please advice , if you have phone/fax numbers it would be so kind

    Thank you,

    4 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • who else is felling very stressed today?

    I'm feeling terrible today, troubles at work, things are so complicated!! I hate this Job!!

    I wish If I could run away, to an island where I won't hear any phones, and see any clients!!!!

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Do you cry easily?

    I don't! someties I really want to cry in some situations, when everybody cries except me!! very embarassing, lol

    I remember that my aunt died and I didn't cry, but I was deeply sad, but no tears, till the 3rd day of the lost, I was alone going to sleep and then....

    and sometimes I just cry for veery stupid reasons, sometimes wit no reasons, and with romance movies, break ups scenes and stuffs like that

    I'm weird I know,lool

    13 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • has something changed or am I just imagining things?

    ok we are together since last september, I know it's not much, but I love him, he has all what I wanted, I 've never been happier with a man, I just feel so happy when i'm with him!

    the probem is that we are not in the same city, but It has never been a big deal for us, as he used to call me everynight, and we traveled to each others a lot

    now I feel that something has changed since we met the last time, 3 weeks ago, He doesn't call me at night anymore, he just call me when he find my missed calls or my text messages...

    he has never said that he loves me, and I've never said that either, because I want to be sure of his feelings first, and also I think it's early to talk about that, isn't it?

    I don't have a specific question, but what is your comment?

    don't say that we should break up because of the distance stuff, i can't break up with him, and I'm sure he doosn't want to!

    he also has troubles at work, so may be this is bothering him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • un cadeau d'anniversaire pour mon copain?


    Mon copain va fêter ses 30ans dans quelques semaines, je sais pas koi lui offrir, je veux sortir un peu des trucs classiques comme les parfums ect...

    Il aime les oiseaux, je sais pas si un couple d'oiseaux serait une bonne idée? sinon, si vous avez des idées speciales n'hésitez pas

    NB: on peut pas voyager car nous sommes très occupés, la soirée romantique chez moi n'est pas poss non plus, voilà, à vous!

    Je veux un truc ki va lui rappeler de moi à chaque fois k'il l'utilise ou qu'il le vois....vs voyez ce ke je veux dire?

    c le 1er anniversaire qu'on va fêter ensemble pr info!

    Merci bcp

    10 AnswersCélibat et rencontre1 decade ago
  • a birthday present for my bf?

    we'll celebrate his 30' next month! It's very special, also It's the 1st birthday we'll celebrate together as a couple...

    He likes birds a lot, guitars, spring field clothes...

    I don't want to buy a parfum or a watch, I just want to offer him something special, that he will always remember, I want him to think of me whenever he see it or use it whetever it is,

    pls HEEELLLLP!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when a man says to his GF....?

    What does it mean when a man say to his GF: "I want to do something very special with you, because I don't want our relationship to be ordinary, but I want to remember very good memories about us, if someday something will happen....we don't know what the life is hiding as surprises!"

    I don't know if this means that he is not taking this relationship in serious and that he wants to break up soon, or if it's the opposite!

    what do you think guys?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Places to visit in Barcelona?

    Hey, i'm going to Barcelona in 2 weeks!!!

    what are the nice places to visit? i'm 23 years old, i love shopping (if the prices are good!), live music (blues, jazz, spanish guitare), and football

    i'd like to know if u know some good fast foods and restaurants(not expensive ones!!)

    i'll stay in a hotel located in las Ramblas

    4 AnswersOther - Spain1 decade ago
  • adoption question?

    02 years ago, my parents adopted a one year old baby, because he has no family, so we wanted to od this for a human objective.

    now, he is just like our brother, we love him so much, but we don't really know when should we tell him the truth, what is the right age to talk about this?

    and how should we explain to him? we don't want him to be chocked!

    pls notice that we are living in a society that still reject children which are not the result of a legal mariage, this is still considered as a shame...and this is the case of this child

    Thank you in advance,

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • jobs in canada or US?

    I'm a travel agent and my friend is a graphic designer, we both would like to move and work in Canada or US, we are Moroccan, and speak english fluently.

    please advice a way to apply to companies there, or to get a job interview?a website? an address?

    thank you in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago