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Lv 4
Erin asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do the terrorists hate us becuase we have shopping malls, wear capris and drink starbucks?


usleyag - I don't give people thumbs down unless they say something mean. That was someone else gave it to you.

Can you please prove what you said in your answer? Because they say they attack us becuase we show favoritism towards Israel and becuase we are on their holy land.

Bin Laden said he wanted to bankrupt America.

The Ayatollah tried to get people to kill themselves in the 80's over "freedom" and it did not work. Did you notice the more presence we have over there the more the anti-American groups recruit members? We have been fighting "the war on terror" for 20 years before 9/11 happened and back then they said the same thing "fight them there so we don't have to fight them here"

Did not work, the more we fought them the larger they grew.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is a link to the letter OBL sent the American people after the 9/11 attacks.

    Mostly it is concerned about What we do in the Middle East and not what we do here at home. Things like supporting the theft of the land Palestinians lived on, Overthrowing governments and replacing them with people friendly to the US and sell their resources to us cheaply...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you will have to define the word for me.

    In Iraq we have been using the 'terrorist' label on anyone who stands up against us.

    Our military is so much more advanced than theirs(nonexistant now) that they can't fight us on the level...They all know they will just be killed. They have over a million dead since the war began to prove this very fact. They have no choice but to fight us dirty.

    In the Revolutonary War, we invented guerilla warfare, when the Brit's wanted us to fight like gentlemen, stand in ranks 100 yards apart, and play shooting gallery to the last man. I am sure that to them we were considered terrorists for shooting them from behind cover, but in our history books we were patriots(as it should be).

    What I'm saying is that these people who we are calling terrorists are on their soil which we invaded, defending it from us best they can.

    If Russia invaded us, my hope is that Americans would have this same will to take a stand. I would.

    I know that terrorism goes on, but this word is so over used, and misused that it has lost it's meaning.

    I think that 9/11 was at a minimum known about, and very preventable by our government. I think that they needed a 'Pearl Harbor' to start this mission of global conquest(New World Order).

    We have had no terror attacks on US soil since 9/11...after we declared war?! This has no logic, and doesn't make sense to me...or does it?

    If there is any one reason that the 'terrorists' hate us, it has to be for our forcing our Western Imperialism down their throats, and taking their culture away from them. I think that would be reason enough.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure, there are some real 'terrorists' out there, but let's be honest. These individuals hate America because globalists, with no allegience to the US, have sent OUR armies into THEIR countries. It's simple 'divide and conquer.'

    Listen, I am a conservative, all for US interests and strong defense. But you all MUST UNDERSTAND that -globalists- (a.k.a. international financial interests) have hijacked our foreign policy, mainly through the Council on Foreign Relations, and used their leverage to 'advise' our gov't to support revolutions and assassinations and coups and dictators and foreign wars all across the globe for the last 50+ years.

    Not to mention all the economic warfare going on. And also, remember that the CIA created the Taliban in the 80's.

    Look, globalists and unthinkably huge international corporations run our government. BOTH PARTIES. They don't CARE if it hurts America's image. They are USING us for our military. America has been called "The great sword of the NWO." I find this to be an apt analogy.

    The 'terrorists' (whatever that means and however many of them there really are) are a scattered and desperate minority of suicidal maniacs who have nothing to lose, probably because their entire families were killed by weapons supplied by the US, or by a US-supported dictator, or by a plane with a f*cking american flag on it!

    But please understand, people, it is not America that did this, it was the GLOBALISTS who control our government! That's why I hate the thought of it. Our country is being abused by these monied vultures, and our soldiers are dying for an inherently ANTI-AMERICAN cause.

    The "War on Terror" is an excuse to dismantle the Constitution and legislate away our god given rights, little by little by little.

    The "War on Terror" is a way to siphon away the wealth of the American middle class, explain away the Fed's inflationary practices, and justify the robbery of the population at the gas pump, all while funnelling vast amounts of wealth into the coffers of GLOBALIST CFR-MEMBERS such as DICK CHENEY, so they can move to DUBAI and dump all their greenbacks into euros.

    The "War on Terror" is even worse than the "War on Drugs"... it is a new and improved method for keeping America enslaved, and firmly on her knees.

    Source(s): CFR.ORG
  • 1 decade ago

    No they hate the west for things like operation Ajex 1953 and the west interest in controlling the land and resources!

    The list of reasons is in fact very long and justifiable, that is if you were in their shoes you would feel justified!

    Just to comment on Hermes' answer.

    Interesting Clip, and yes she does deserve respect.

    But, the thing which I find hard to understand is the fact that if she states that Bin Laden was murdered, and then she was herself killed for having stated this, then who would have a greater interest in keeping this quite?

    Just maybe those you are using the search for Bin Laden as an excuses to continue the war on terror!

    Maybe you should look again at who it is really that is a the root of the Hate!!!!

    EDIT; I will change that to WE should look again, And I would give BA to Hermes for the link ;-))

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  • 1 decade ago

    The main reason why terrorists hate the US is the anti-America propaganda. In fact hate propaganda goes both ways. There’s an anti-Islam propaganda in the west & anti-western propaganda in the Muslim world. The US is largely targeted by that propaganda.

    One should also realize that the US in particular is hated all over the world. Anybody can easily gain popularity simply by standing against the US. This would make him looks like a brave David standing against the American Goliath. This is how people like Sherak, Chavez, Milosevic, Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden gained their popularity.

    In many 3rd world countries (Not only the Muslim ones) there’s a lot of conspiracy theories that blame America for all problems & all sufferings. They blame America for being greedy to dominate the world in order for it to get wealthier & powerful, while others get poorer & weaker. Many people blame America for the dictators who rule their own countries. In fact they view America as the global dictator who rules the world just as those puppet dictators rule those small countries.

    Now speaking for Al-Qaeda & Bin Laden in particular, he’s a byproduct of Saddam Hussein’s propaganda. When Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, Saudi Arabia recognized the threat & allowed the US to station its troops on Saudi soil to prevent another invasion & if necessary to liberate Kuwait. The top Muslim scholars of Saudi Arabia didn’t have a problem with that decision, but people like Bin Laden did because they’ve been influenced by Saddam Hussein’s propaganda. Saddam suggested that those American troops have a hidden agenda, & their real goal is to invade the region, steal its oil, & strip its people of their Islamic values & cultural identities. So many terrorists believe they are fighting for those causes.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they hate us because we want THEM to adopt our customs and practices. Foreign policy begins (and ends) with mutual respect for other peoples and their language, religion, traditions, and values. The US has consistently shown an inability to do this, preferring instead to aim our "cultural imperialism" toward everyone else. The main reason for this is that capitalism requires new markets to keep expanding, and we see them as potential customers, rather than people who deserve respect for who they are. Why do we think that our clothes are more fashionable than theirs? Why do we think Starbucks (and other chain businesses) are better than a quaint little coffee shop on a back alley? Because we make up for our lack of a rich cultural tradition with gross comparisons - an ugly competitive side of capitalism that says we have to be "better," not just as good. Until we learn how rude that is, and change our ways, we will continue making enemies around the world. And as long as we keep allowing backward hicks and corporate toadies to run our country, the problem will persist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Imagine if oh, say, Russia and China, for the last 80 years had been meddling in our politics, manipulating our relationships with oh, say Mexico, Cuba, and Canada (in short, all of our closest neighbors), had naval ships patrolling up and down in the Gulfs of Mexico and California, and generally were constantly being all up in our face trying to get their hands on one of our vital natural resources, like, oh say, coal.

    Imagine living with that for 80 years. I wonder if Americans would be sitting around for it. I bet a few Texans wouldn't, nor some of the more spirited folks in Montana and the southern hill country. (Just being symbolic here.)

    Now — in the above fairy tale, substitute the middle east for us, substitute the USA and UK for Russia and China, and substitute oil for coal. It's not too hard to fathom why the energetic among them feel such animosity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LMAO you must have never been to the Middle east Dubia would put a lot of American cities to shame. They have everything you have and some better

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the more you dig, the more you'll find these so called 'terrorists' are spooks, false flaggers, infiltraters, psyops... and/or lackeys recruited by spooks and feds. Even the real Anti-American Radical Muslim movement was largely funded by .....(drum roll)....... our tax dollars! Google "Tim Osman."

    Source(s): Kerosene won't melt steel. Ever. The anthrax terrorists and the 9/11 terrorists still walk free. hmm I could go for a caramel frap.
  • rich k
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's more likely they hate us because in their view we've invaded their countries, oppressed their people, insulted their religion and culture, and robbed them of their natural resources non stop since WW1. Whether they are right so to think is a matter of viewpoint, but as long as they do they will consider us the enemy.

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