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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

What is it with athiests and non-Christians...?

First of all, allow me to articulate my concern:

I am what many would consider to be atheist. I do not nor cannot have faith in any religion on this troubled planet. I do not believe man was made from clay nor do I believe the earth is only 6000 years old. I do believe there are vastly superior intellects within our universe that would appear god-like from our perspective. As big as the universe is (and it is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine). Yet I believe most of the religions of this world possess a great wisdom for how we as humans should live our lives, respecting one another despite our differences, and provide a good moral guideline to all to follow, regardless of your personal belief system. In general, I have great respect for those faiths and the people who practice in them, even though I may disagree with many of the perceptions of our world they may have. I harbor absolutely no amount of animosity or disdain for religious people. What troubles me is the large volume of atheists who make it their business to be insulting to those of faith and oftentimes display sheer animosity towards them. I see many examples of this behavior not only on the internet but with personal encounters as well. Here is just one example among many that elaborate on my point:

And now my question:

Why do so many atheists display such arrogance, cruelty, and downright hatred to those of faith? I am, by definition, an athiest but I never felt compelled to be condescending to others of faith. If you are athiest and have these compulsions, what exactly is your problem? I truly do not understand.


And if it's just because you think they are stupid and/or wrong why do you care what others believe and why be so intolorant of others? What makes you think you know it all?

Update 2:

phoenix - Can you please elaborate? I think the problems of this world are manifested by both sides of the spiritual spectrum.

Update 3:

THE UNLIZARD - You're right. I only bring this up because I see the vast majority of animosity (aside from Islam) seems to come from non-religious persons.

Update 4:

Patriot - You dolt. Why would I lie? It's what I see so I devulge it. Maybe it's different where you are but it's the truth. And from what is being displayed by many of the responses on this question alone it's only further reinforcing what I mean. Don't get angry with me simply because I call it like it is, and then accuse me of lying. If you don't like what I have to say you can kiss you know what.

Update 5:

Joe Bloe - "If other (more polite) Christians get caught in the crossfire...Well they can always leave R&S (or their religion)."

That's a miserably ignorant attitude to have. You are no better than the Christians and other religious persons you claim to be "ignorant thugs" and you give us athiests a bad name.

Update 6:

numbnuts - "because it's amusing"

You certainly live up to your name.

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anger these people have. A closed mind, the dark side will seduce.

    If believe in their faith you do not, respect you must still show.

  • Hodaya
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for the great post.

    I am an agnostic , I suppose , and two days ago I addressed a question at the atheists. The question was polite, asking their opinion on something. The answers I got from atheists were very offensive , calling me stupid and ignorant, etc etc. I couldn't believe how rude and impolite those people are. That's why I've made the decision not to call myself an atheist , because they're always so rude and offensive , and seem to be on YA just to offend religious people and laugh at them.

    Although I know that a few of them are nice, kind, polite people , like you! :-)

    Thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the Internet and the Internet is a place where society's lowliest cretins can make a nuisance out of themselves.

    Hate comes easy when someone is hiding behind a computer screen and doesn't have to worry about consequences.

    Just as there are intolerant atheist who like to hate on others, there are also intolerant religious people who also hate on others.

    Politics and religion, two subjects that can bring out the worst in people.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i have never displayed "such arrogance, cruelty and downright hatred to those of faith" in my life

    nor do i "think that they are stupid "...

    (i do think they are wrong in claiming their beleifs are truth)

    nor am i "so intolerant of others"

    i do not "think i know it all"

    in fact i KNOW i do not

    the problem, for those that do treat them this way, i imagine, is they are sick and tired of certain people doing the exact same thing to them

    i work on a you get what you give basis

    if you give nice to me

    you get nice

    if you give intolerance and offense

    well, you know

    as you mention non christians i will remind you that christanity has its own reasons for being treated the way it is and looked upon the way it is

    that is no ones fault but those who made it so

    and yes, i do have no respect for the religion, its practices, teachings or its actions and view on others

    however, i am fine with christians, as long as they are of the decent, tolerant, nice, kind and accepting kind

    the kind who are the example, the others are the ones that dont deserve my respect

    and so they do not get it

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  • Abi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm an atheist, and for the most part I feel the same way you do, I would not want to insult or hurt the feelings of anyone.

    There has to be room for debate and disagreement, it's interesting and informative from whichever perspective your coming from, but there do seem to be some people, (just as many Christians and general theists in my experience) who are unable to articulate themselves in a discussion, or too mean spirited to do so, and who resort to petty insults and childish attempts at bullying. This attitude is not confined to atheists, or theists, it's just part of some people's nature and being an atheist or a theist hasn't helped them to overcome it.

  • I definitely don't hate christians. In fact, most of the people I love and care about are christians.

    It's religion I don't care for. As Marx said, it is the 'opiate of the masses.'

    I think that it is something people hold on to not understanding that they don't need it any more. Nothing more than a blankie or pacifier. I'll still love the person if they believe in god (or carry a blankie) but I can always try and help them see they can do with out it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry, many people are like you and don't believe in any organized religion like Christianity, but believe in a superior being. (Me too)

    Those atheists extremist are ppl who can't say anything expect diss on other religion and all they can say about what they believe is that there is no such thing as God.

    I mean I also have nothing against people's beliefs, but I think people are just tempted in think that which ever belief has the most believers is right, so they try to force what they believe when ever the opportunity arises.

    Apparently in my school, its cool to be atheists extremist!! And its apparently cool to be able to diss as many people as they possible can.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "If you are athiest [it is spelled a.t.h.e.i.s.t.] and have these compulsions, what exactly is your problem? I truly do not understand."

    Bottom line is that even the most moderate invisible sky critter believer is an enabler of crazies.

    Whilst ever I acknowledge you (or anyone) have some sorta divine right to believe in your 'harmless' delusions then I am giving permission to the crazy to take it one step further and one step further and one step further and one step further and one step further and one step further ... until we give them the right to do their crazy crap on our innocents or is that our innocence.

    THAT is why I point and laugh at crazy people.

    There is NO evidence to support the belief in any of the THOUSANDS of invisible sky critters that have been invented by men over the eons.

    [sorry - /rant]

    Stephen F. Roberts: I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.


  • 1 decade ago

    I am with you, I am a christian but there is no reason whatsoever to put someone down, we are all human beings and it makes no sense for us to not get a christian i wish everyone knew GODS love and I pray that for all, but it doesnt make me a very good exaple to fire back at someone now does it??? I have asked several times for prayer on here and plenty of times an atheis ahs answered with a very caring response~they may not beleive what I do BUT we can respect eachother. GOD BLESS!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a great opportunity to tell them for a change what's what about the whole business of religion without the zealots and hypocrites shouting it down behind the derision that they so deftly apply when confronted with facts and logic. If, in the unlikely event anything they believe is fact, most of them are going to burn in the hell they imagine to be so because of their abysmal behaviour towards anyone who refuses their nonsense. So there!

  • 1 decade ago

    well it goes both ways!!!

    I do try to be respectful to everyone, but I have found on here that the only people that have been really rude are Christians!!!

    I have been sent emails with so much hate and some very disgusting words simply because I have told them i dont believe in "god"!!!

    These people are not true Christians....I have every right to stick up for myself!!!

    I dont hate Christians but i dont like their religion!!! look at what it has done to our wonderful planet!!!

    I am happy to be friends with anyone that is respectful of me and being atheist....Here in Australia we are all buddies...its just on Y!A it get crazy!!! and in the States people are weird about being friends with atheists.....whatever I have friends of all different religions and I am happy religion is not so full on here!!!

    Source(s): Aussie Atheist
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