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Lee K
Lv 5
Lee K asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

If McCain is such a lousy choice as a Republican, why isn't Obama kicking his butt in the polls? ?

McCain has got to be the worst option the Republican Party has ever put forth. What's the problem with Obama not beating him hands down?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The ignorant, "Deliverance" half of our country.

  • 1 decade ago

    He isn't a dissappointment that is why Obama is so bothered by him. He was a prisoner of war and has nothing that will cause him or the republican party embarrassment. I truly think that he will be the next president, it may seem like Obama has it but most voters dont vote in the preliminaries and every republican will come out of the woodwork to make sure we beat Obama. Obama is a big bag of wind all talk no action!!!

  • Karan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Most of the answers provided touch a raw nerve, which unfortunately ring true, but also remember that Americans were uneasy about the Russian invasion of Georgia. Visions of another cold war were too close to home for comfort, so if milintary action is required, well the Repubicans feel quite at home there, whereas Obama has no experience with this.

    Just remember how one terrorist attack in Spain changed the course of elections. We might just be facing a similar situation.

  • paa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    regrettably we've not got a powerful candidate on the two part. whether, McCain is extra recognizable then Obama. As for there approval score it is not important. maximum human beings do in contrast to Bush and blame him for each little thing. What human beings don't comprehend is that Bush is only the president. it is the Presidency that determines what happens to this u . s .. Congress, that's broadly speaking Democrat, are those that make the familiar decision for this u . s .. The President is only the guy that catches each and all the blame whilst issues circulate incorrect. (Scapegoat)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Open your eyes, it's getting closer to election time, people are making up there minds, and feel that McCain will do a much better job, he has the experience to lead our country. He is the best for the job. Obama is a racist, hates America, so does his wife. They want gun control, which will only hurt our country futher. People love to hunt and he wants to take away that right and our other rights as well. Not good.

  • Alan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    many Americans still buy into Bush's rhetoric of fear and see McCain as someone that will get a "win" in Iraq although God only knows what Winning in Iraq could possibly mean. With many still in the haze of Bushaganda and now being spoon fed more BS about McCain's rival, he's got a base of support from the mentally obtuse.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I think McCain is the best option for the Republicans. If the Republicans had run a more conservative, right-wing politician (like Huckabee), most moderate and independent voters would have easily gone to Obama.

    So, if you combine "moderate" policy positions with the Karl Rove-slime machine...then bam! you get the current polls. Also, I'm sure the media is manipulating polls to increase viewership and increase revenue.

  • Lee J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your question should be, "If McCain was anything more than a half-assed, lame excuse for a Republican, why wouldn't he be trouncing the no-experience, no-account, uber-liberal Jr. Senator from Illinois"?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we live in a racist America.

    And rather than vote for a brilliant man of color, many "Americans" would rather have 4 more years of W policies heaped upon them.

    And I say, so be it. Because you always get what you deserve. And I have no doubt that some of those same folks who go in and vote for McCain to "teach Obama a lesson," they will suffer the most.

    That's just how the universe is. It's called karma. It's called reaping what you sow.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama will lose this election and it will not have a thing to do with what color he is, it will be his suspicious associates, his lack of honesty, his nonstop taxes he wants to impose, his inability to stand behind his own views without flip flopping, his wanting to take peoples guns away, his perceived lack of patriotism, and his weakness on defense and I'm sure theres several reasons I didn't list but color won't be one of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    ah my friend and thats when "race" comes to an issue.

    Most americans believe Obama is Muslim and that he only cares about Black People. So people may not like Mccain but will still vote for him as he is White, a true American War Hero and Filthy Rich.

    Whereas people dont care about Obama's Harvard Law Degree. They want to know whether hes muslim or not.

    Sad But True.

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