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What is "Christian brainwashing" to you?

What kind of brainwashing do you think are done that's why Christians believe what they believe?


doublequinella: So those are what YOU call "brainwashing".

Discipleship programs are like a course on missionary work (or vocational school, if you will).

Christians pray for people's souls to be saved because they'd prefer to see them with them.

5-hour Bible study sessions should only be for the Bible nerds.

Door-to-door IS annoying, but they're just doing their part of making people aware of the faith.

Church leadership? THERE SHOULDNT BE ANY >.<

Spiritual parents are for abused children.

Whatever happened to a couple of prayers, a nice sermon, passing out the holy wafers, and going home to watch the Dodger game? <<==Good point.

Update 2:

Donna: Is there "coercion" if their children dont have any standard (like they're still "clean slate"?)?

Update 3:

nuttin better: In what specific denomination/church did you get that?

Update 4:

Grecian Girl: Things they arent allowed to think? How about something specific?

Update 5:

Happy Human: What about Creationism?

So you dislike the idea that they say you're going to hell?

The Bible isnt 100% literally true; some of it are in symbols.

Pagans are believed to be devil worshipers because nature is not considered having spirit of its own.

Yes, some of those who seclude may be annoying, and they're also not serving the purpose of witnessing with that. ~.~

Update 6:

kenny p: LOL

I'm not brainwashed; I read the Bible on my own. At first, it started as a craze on Flying House and Superbook (them old Bible anime), and mom told Bible stories instead of fairy tales every night (before). But after that, she stopped, she gave me a Bible, and she let me on my own with it.

Update 7:

rathisrathna: I like that flow of thought. Although, I want the answers to come from the non-Christians. Im a Christian too ^^;;

Update 8:

anna: I do that too.

Update 9:

Ah-Ohm: Damnation is the tendency if there's no salvation. It's still not proven if reincarnation is true.

There IS such a thing as "saving faith".

Why would people want to believe that they're what they're not?

World peace? Let's just admit that each of us has agenda; THAT ALSO GOES FOR THE PRO-WORLD PEACE.

Christianity is not for torture and murder. It's totally against them.

War is only for the protection of the nation, but other than that, it's just power-play. Now, THAT's cruel.

Capital punishment? How will the citizens understand that some things shouldnt be done, if there's no capital punishment?

People are given chance to change their evil ways. (Change and never go back there, that is.)

The church IS based on Jesus-Christ's teachings. IDK who "cosmic Christ" is.

The Bible IS God's Word. Of course, paper gets brittle, so you'll have to rewrite the whole thing before the manuscripts break to pieces.

Church was created to TEACH.

Update 10:

kitteh in the hat: Something DOES sound wrong in that. Actually, salvation is not in any specific church; it's from Jesus.

Update 11:

marchello14: Im just glad that the church I belong to doesnt do that o.0

The Jesus Camp believe in Jesus just like I do, but I still get ticked off by fundies of my kind.

Update 12:

freetothink: So do you believe that EVERYTHING CAN ABSOLUTELY BE UNDERSTOOD? Check out my profile. Im a librarian, and I admit that no one library can satisfy my curiosities

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • misma
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Believing in damnation, not reincarnation. Thinking all you have to do is go, "I believe" and your saved. Fighting against gays and abortion instead of world peace. Being Pro-Life, yet for war, torture, murder, capitol punishment. Believing Bush has anything to do the Teachings of Christ. Being a politician and knowing all you have to do is be against gays and abortions and most every Christian in America will think your a "good Christian" no matter what crimes you commit against mankind or how many lies you tell. Thinking the church is based upon the Teachings of Christ, when it clearly isn't and has clearly been a bad tree since it's inception. Thinking the Bible is God's Word, or God's Inspired Word when clearly very little of the authors original words remain, the various books of the Bible were changed time and time again as was the Bible itself. Not being able to see that the church was created to control, not to Enlighten.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK. The thing is that you need to define "Christian" - there are people that THINK they're Christian and there are true Christians.

    99.9% of America is deluded and ARE NOT Christians. Christians do not brainwash, they follow Jesus.

    Read the Bible and if you can see any thing in there about Jesus, Paul or anyone else using deciet or anything besides LOVE and COMPASSION to spread the truth, then let me know. These people in the churches are LIARS and NOT people of God.

    2Tim 3:13: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. which means: But evil people and phony preachers will go from bad to worse as they mislead people and are themselves misled. (another version).

    Jesus said they would come and they would FAR outnumber the "remnant" of true Christians. But they are not in the apostate churches, the true Christians are out doing missions or WORKING for the word of God.

  • Cults.

    Examples include most "discipleship" programs, elongated prayers about "saving souls", five-hour bible study sessions, demands to door-to-door promote the church, a church leadership that demands conformity to a "chain of command", "spiritual parents" who act as if they have more authority over a child than the real parents.

    Whatever happened to a couple of prayers, a nice sermon, passing out the holy wafers, and going home to watch the Dodger game?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • anna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am a Christian myself. I also am a thinking human being. However I have seen cases of people who were what you might call "brainwashed". That's when people step away from their own ideas and thoughts and accept whatever Pastor X tells them, without weighing his words against the Word of God. For some people it's easier to just coast than to think for themselves. I do think for myself. I also read the Bible in depth. My faith is in Christ, not some church or pastor. And it's up to me to know what I believe and what it means.

    It is also up to me to live the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    History based Christianity never tell lies. If you want to taste the Lord, come. We simply inform the community that "Jesus is Lord". For example, if you want to taste a sugar, can you write it in paper and taste it. YOu have to get it physically and taste it then only the taste will be known to you. Also it will not known to you if a person inform that sugar is sweet taste. Get some sugar and taste it. YOu can feel the difference.

    God loves you too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christian brainwashing :

    Creationism , You are going to heaven while the other are going to hell (sick ) , the bible is 100% literally true , Pagans are "devil worshipers" , Don't talk to an Atheist or non-Christians etc..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in any religion, forcing relgion onto someone. Not allowing them to think for themseleves, christians trying to ban the teaching of evolution in schools, not letting your kids read things like harry potter.

    Its controlling them and brainwashing them into one way of thinking!

    Its disgusting

  • 1 decade ago

    Along your line of thinking.....Should we talk about how the world has brainwashed people such as yourself to believe what you believe?

    Source(s): I stand corrected. I'm glad that you are reading it :-)
  • 1 decade ago

    The one that pisses me off most is that science is an evil atheist conspiracy.Such stifling of knowledge at a tender age is child abuse.We owe our children better

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Brainwashing one to believe lies until they become *only* reality

    as skydad

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