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Lv 5
Jon asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Obama Says we need to reduce our dependence..?

His plan is to reduce our dependency by 10-20% over the next 20 years.

First off if this is the plan, what are we going to do in the mean time, if not drill.

The other question, what in the "natural progression" of fuel economy of cars built today.

Cars in the 60's got about 5-8 MPG, card now get 20-45. Isn't this better that the reduction call for by Obama.


M2.. THe 10 years you quote. Is that a fact or just lib spouting, My brother in law is in the oil biz, he says between months to 2 years.

Update 2:


I I invented a power source today. what would we do with the 300 million cars on the road today.

Require people to buy new cars, or just provide government hand outs to people to buy them.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He has actually adopted the Boone Pickens plan. It is all of the above.

    He will drill a lot for gas because we have plenty and that is where most of the power will come from.

    He will build wind power.

    He will drill for oil- Just responsibly, but that will require all of the rigs we can make.

    To be fair he originally wanted to keep us from drilling closer to shore, but he said if Republicans will support the other things he will compromise on that issue.

    He will fund research for fuel cells.

    He willl fund research on batteries.

    He will increase fuel efficiency standards.

    He will provide incentives to buy alternative fuel vehicles.

    For now he is backing Ethanol but he said we will have to follow the science as to whether or not that really helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    We consume 25% of the oil in the world, but have less than 3% of the reserves. We have doubled the rate of drilling over the last eight years, but domestic production continues to go down by 2-3 % a year. Pickens is right, we can't drill our way out of this. That doesn't mean don't drill, but how can we count on that as a solution? That's like bailing with a spoon.

    Besides drilling, we should fuel our cars with CNG. The retooling and redesign would be minimal. There are already thousands of these cars and trucks on the street, mostly taxi cabs. We have gas distribution, we just need to compress the gas to liquid, so enough of it could be stored in a tank the same size as a gas tank. Get a small gas compressor, and you could fuel up at home.

    Oh, BTW, you would able to fuel up for the equivalent of $ 2.50 or less per gallon.

    Why haven't we done this? Big oil.

    Whose in bed with big oil? The guys who want to give them another $ 4,000,000,000 in tax breaks.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem can't be solved with just one quick solution, much as it would make a nice sound byte for TV. But we can and must start immediately to conserve and find alternatives to oil. Even the oil producing countries are conserving to they can make $$ from us! If gas is cheap, the car makers make gas guzzlers. Gas prices are very high in other countries and should be here. Then we'll improve mass transit, move closer to work, stop building McMansions that cost a ton to heat. There are hundreds of examples of ways to conserve.

    Then we must reward innovation. Watch the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car, and you'll see how we allow big business to take the easy way and also to be swayed by other big business' interests (car manufacturers and gas companies working together to keep demand for their current products). Wind, solar, nuclear --all must be employed. There's an ad on TV for natural gas and they proudly say there's enough for 60 years...that's not that long!!! What happens after that???

  • 1 decade ago

    In the 50s and 60s when there was more car makers, there was a small plant in Idaho that made a car that went 40+ miles to the gallon (only about 100 or so were sold). One of those cars sits in a museum in Boise. Ford makes a 65 MPG car for Europe, but because it runs on diesel it's not allowed to be sold in the U.S. It's the Democrats and their environmental concerns that are preventing such vehicles from being sold in the U.S.

  • 1 decade ago

    Drilling may very well be a good short term answer but it doesn't really

    pinpoint the real problem- GREED! Ever notice how many of our top

    elected officials directly profit from oil revenues? This problem didn't just

    come about yesterday; we experienced our first "energy crisis" in the

    '70's but virtually nothing was done to meet the problem head-on. To the

    contrary, in the 90's, it was considered "cool" to own an SUV.Hybrids and

    other alternatively fueled cars should have been on our roads long before


  • M@
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If we drill, we won't see an impact for 10 years. Cars are becoming more fuel efficient over time. My car is 3 years old and the new model with the same engine gets 5-8 mpg better than mine, and that's not a hybrid.

  • I'm not sure he has adopted the Pickens plan. But CNG of American is on board with Pickens to fuel cars. The problem with the Pickens plan is the wacko environmentalist groups who are noe claiming that a certain kind of bat will be in danger. That the wind turbines apparently collapse their little lungs...Not to mention that the wind farm effort will utilize just about all the steel in America. Then there's the problem of getting that wind energy out to where it can be distributed. It apparently is a land issue.

    What gets me about Obama is we all agree we need to be energy independent but on the other side, he wants to make every American more dependent on the Government by expanding it. More government = less rights. Juyst my 2 cents.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First they on the prompt are literally not puppets. they're element of the gadget lower than which we stay. like it or not, they could't continuously income what they promise. Nixon tried a criminal fee fixing gadget and it failed. i'm uncertain if Ford ever enacted any coverage. And Obama desires the oil agencies to fail, so we are in a position to be compelled to locate and backbone ability source. that couldn't strong both. Our economic gadget received't enable an expensive ability source. In February of this three hundred and sixty 5 days, he reported we would want to continuously not be in accordance with overseas places oil. yet 2 days contained in the previous his secretary of interior cancelled all new oil exploration in this united states. The gulf of Mexico has better oil than the middle east. there is lot of oil interior the artic and the Pacific coastal section. we on the prompt are literally not allowed to drill there, to boot the glaring undeniable actuality that, Mexico and Cuba and Russia are drilling in those elements. So wager who we are in a position to be determining to purchase our next provide from?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Drilling aint the answer because

    1) we wont see any real relief from drilling for at least annother 5-10 years, and by then we woulda had awholenother election by then.

    2) It will only postpone the inevitable. oil WILL run out eventually, its a finite resource. Quite frankly, its much better that we convert 300 million people to hybrids and sustainable energy TODAY, rather than wait till 2050 when their aint no more oil and our population is twice as large.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not to mention as we prosper and grow well even need more...

    EDIT - Boone Pickens plan requires the price of oil to stay at $120.00 a barrel to work...

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