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Is Sarah Palin and her husband Todd above the law?

How many ordinary Americans wish they could refuse a subpoena and get away with it?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    educate yourself on what is really going on... The Alaskan AG herself said the subpoenas were BS. She is the one who would have the job of enforcing them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, they are not above the law. Don't we have equal justice and our laws does not equally applies to all individuals in this country or law and justice does not apply to Republicans? Like criminal Bush broke numerous US and international laws and committed serious crimes included, but not limited to crimes against humanity. Just imagine that an average Joe was subpoenaed to traffic court for red light violation and he did not show up. Police and/or sheriff will brake the front door of his residence at 3AM and will drag this poor guy out and will trow him in jail.

  • Bubba
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The subpoena had no legs to begin with.

    The person re-assigned was a political appointee who served at the will of the governor - all governors have these positions to hand out to people they like, usually a massive way of rewarding party supporters after they get elected. “Bad color ties” would have been sufficient cause to fire him.

    In other words- she didn’t even need a reason except “buh buy”

    The fact that she offered him ANOTHER JOB in lieu of resigning makes her more than fair, and this whole thing even more transparently a NON ISSUE.

    This is OLD News and the so called scandal has been shot down and buried .

    Just a guess, but if ABC, or the MSM on the whole, would apply at least 50% of the effort in scrutinizing 0bama as they do in Governor Palin, 0bama would be 10% behind McCain in even the most heavily Democrat sampled poll.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I saw her, I heard her, and instinctively got taken aback---there is something about this woman that strikes me as totally unsafe. I haven't the foggiest why, but I trust my instinct. She strikes me as a fake. Even McCain, whom I dislike greatly, did not strike my instrincts like that---so whatever she has been doing in Alaska, I sure hope that it will end up to their disadvantage. McCain is hoping to win female votes with her---and maybe I would have fallen for it too was it not for my instrinct....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That depends on how many subpoena's are politically motivated. There are a lot of politically motivated enemy's of Palin in Alaska who would do anything to embarrass her for the wrath she brought down on them for corruption.

    They are simply being prudent as to what and who they respond to. It takes courage and commitment to take on the establishment as she did, and they understand the payback portion of this scenario, too !

  • 1 decade ago

    yes.. why not.. bush is..

    but you k now what traitor put bush above the law?

    what traitor said impeachment was off the table..

    what traitor single hadidly denied the poeple their only recourse to a rogue dangerous criminal president?

    nancy pelosi

    perhaps the biggest traitor this country has ever know.. she's personally responsible for the bush damage.. she protected him.. she gives him a blank check..

    i have never been so disgusted by a politician in my life.. never.. not even bush is as slimy and abhorrant as pelosi is..

    gd what she has done to this country..

    worst traitor in history..

  • 1 decade ago

    No one give harsh answers like this when the Clinton's were on the carpet.Even with vedio tapes and sworn statements they were above the law and still are.

  • 1 decade ago

    **** refuse a subpeona, hell I would just ask to be let out of speeding tickets every now and then. But hey, what would you expect out of people who have aligned themselves with this Rove-Bush-Cheney mentality

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sure many Americans wish they were like that. If the ordinary American refuses to cooperate, he/she would have been thrown to jail. No question asked.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What kind of a dufus would believe that this investigation is not a political stunt?

    Sarah is the one who initiated the investigation, and Alaskans are now saying that lower 48 dems are involved. They're demanding she appear at committee NOW because they don't want her campaigning.

    Investigations can wait 45 days when they involve the firing of a man who was clearly insubordinate, refused direct orders and sought to undermine the office of Governor. Palin doesn't need to be there.

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