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What criteria are you basing your vote on?

Are you choosing your candidate based on their party affiliation, the issues, their race, the past president, or other criteria. My mom tells me to vote for McCain because he is "the lesser of two evils", but instead I'm voting for Ralph Nader because I want him to be the next president. People tell me I'm throwing away my vote, but I'm voting for the person I want to be president. If you aren't doing that, you're throwing away your vote in my opinion. Party politics is a cancer on America anyways.

So why are you voting for who you are voting for(don't have to give their name, just your reasoning)

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't vote for Liberals. They don't understand the Constitution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see good and bad in all candidates and parties. You can't trust what any of them say anway - so with that said, I am basing my vote solely on where they stand with supporting our National Parks. I know it sounds silly to most - but no promises we hear on the hot-button topics are going to come true from any candidate anyway, so may as well base my vote on something personal I care about.

    What I would love to see (but it won't happen) is a candidate that will work a miracle and end frivilous law suits and put us back on a more selfless track. I don't believe we can blame the current mess on any political party - it's our own fault for wanting more than we need, spending more than we make, driving cars we can't afford and buying houses that are 4-5 times our annual salary. Bunch of greedy folks we have become, and are now looking to blame anyone but ourselves and asking for a handout so we can maintain a lifestyle we never should have had in the first place.

    That's my soapbox rant.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess you'd call me a platform voter.

    I'm pro-gay marriage (I AM gay, so that's an important issue), pro-choice, pro-gun control, and pro-separation of church and state. I believe the way to fix our country is to care for the neediest and provide our children with the best education we can, regardless of their parent's race or income. I believe women should receive equal pay for equal work and I support stem cell research as well as medical marijuana. So, an all around 'evil' liberal.

    I have voted Democrat in every election. I say 'platform' voter, rather than 'issues' voter, because the platforms have not changed much in recent years and, though I love Obama, the candidate is not all that important. He'll appoint judges and cabinet members from his own party so that's what I vote for.

    I respect McCain's war record and though he is a fairly moderate Republican, if he needs to appoint a Supreme Court justice he's going to pick a Republican who may not be as moderate. I certainly do not want that. So, until the Republican party changes (and it may be a LONG time) I will continue to vote a straight Democratic ticket.

    RDwain: you know what we call that, right? Justification for bigotry. You are most certainly a racist, but not the string 'em up and beat 'em kind. You're the kind that tries to intellectually justify their hatred, a more subtle and more dangerous form of bigotry. Don't go patting yourself on the back for your 'tolerance'. You're no different than the many other bigots who rationalized their hatred. Mentioning his name smacks of sensationalism, but Hitler comes to mind. Don't fool yourself.

  • Purple
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I choose based on which candidate I agree with on issues that are important to me. I know I will never find a candidate that I will agree with 100% of the time but I try to find someone who has the most similar views as I do.

    People voting for someone based on gender, religion, age, race, etc., is completely stupid!

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  • Ed B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I listen to what they say and figure out what they are not saying. Obama said he voted against the surge in Iraq and when hammered he doesn't elaborate. What he should of said is that ,"Yes I voted against the surge ,but with the information I had at present had me to believe it wouldn't work., I am proud of our military for pulling of a hard campaign . If I were in the same seat again I would have voted the same.". McCain should speak to the media to have the vote reflect on his choices and not what Palin's ideas are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Taxes Energy Foreign Policy

  • 1 decade ago

    I am voting for my candidate based on honor, integrity and intelligence, something that has been abstance in our government for the last eight years, therefore I'm voting for Obama. I am a former Republican and now I am an independent. I would much prefer an independent like Ralph Nader, but Nader gave us George W Bush in 2000 and the downfall of America. There is no way mathematically that Nader could win, and yes I am voting for the lessor of two evils, but I can't chance the evil that was instoled on our country for the last eight years for four more years. Our country can't take another four years of Republican control, we won't have a country left.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not voting for Obama because he is black and I do not consider myself a racist. My reasoning is this: I do not know of one single country past or present with a black head of state that was not in poverty.For some reason many blacks can not govern or manage.. If anyone disagrees with me.. please name me one or two countries with black heads of state that have provided its citizens with a democracy and a life style anywhere near the one we in this country have enjoyed.. I can think of a single country with a black head of state that has flourished.. past or present.. if im wrong please give me an example or two..Rhodesia is a good example of what Im speaking of.. it was a wonderful country a few years ago, the blacks took over the government and look at it now.. only a few years later a total and complete disaster.. ruined. I will vote for mccain.. he is the only choice.. a vote for the any of the a wasted vote.. they cant win.. Ron Paul was probably the best candidate.. but people wont elect him..

  • 1 decade ago

    -His position on the major issues I care about like the economy, the war and security.

    -His overall real perspective on where this country needs to go and how we need to work together to get it there. In other words I like the fact that he is progressive and lives in the Now as opposed to the Past.

    -His strong sense of family values as evident by his past and how he is with his family.

    -His ability to not forget where he came from now that he's made it ( I can really respect this about him, because this is the point when people start to change who they are and what they believe) and his commitment to the community.

    -The lack of success we've been having the last 8 years and the obvious need for a turn around.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are definitely wasting your vote. Nadar won't get in no matter what how much you want him to. He's not even on all the ballots. You should vote for the lesser of two evils. I'm Independent and I prioritize national defense and I am so thankful that my government has kept me safe from terrorists. I'm voting for the military man.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    confident, and that they do this. it extremely is why we've secret ballots. "Your opinion, are there valid and invalid motives to base a vote?" you could vote for everybody you desire to. it truly is not no person's organization yet your guy or woman why you vote the way you do.

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