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Do you regard these verses as infallible guidelines important to the U.S. in order to insure its survival?

The Bible verses maligned in the "West Wing" Thing in context as seen below, do you regard them as infallible guidelines that should be considered important by the people of this nation?

Leviticus 18:20-24

20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her.

21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. (Molech was a false god worshiped in the land that Israel moved into, bringing the law given by God through Moses. To worship Molech the people of that land would take their babies (seed) and place them in the arms of a red hot idol to perish there in agony.)

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.

24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:



pirate. An honest historical look at the downfall of empires has been marked by the acceptance of evil as good. The promotion of ungodly lifestyles is basic to the destroyers agenda, promoted by the devil and, today, those who would sabotage a country in trying to weaken it in order to take it over. The nations that God drove out from before Israel were steeped in these sins among others. Palestine, another name for the Philistine inhabited area had a giant named Goliath, birth distortions common there such as 3 ears because of all the incest.

God's blessing has been on this country because of the inhabitants seeking to serve God. When the laws of the land incorporate evil as law, they ask for their own demise as a nation.

Update 2:

t a m i - God Word believed produces a sound mind.

Update 3:

Charles & - It is good to read the Word of God, but I suggest the King James Version to get a better understanding of the scripture that you are referring to. It is specifically wool and linen. Do Not eat swine, nor lobster, nor shrimp, nor cats. God's eating laws are always for your good. That which is done or not done with an honest heart to honor Yahweh promotes the well being of this nation.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question.

    I was thinking about this idea this morning.

    The relationships that mankind have with one another

    including the sexual ones (as a parable or type)

    reflect or mirror the relationship that society and individuals

    have with God!

    Same sex sexual relationships are actually

    a mirror image of how mankind is worshiping itself and its

    own intellect and "morality" instead of worshiping God!

    Sex outside marriage reflects how our priorities and

    allegiances are so mixed up and inconsistent.

    Sex with animals shows how we worship the creation

    instead of the creator (very shallow and incorrect)!

    It is a mirror image and this describes roots of problems

    as well!

    In marriage, the man represents God yet he is to put

    his wife in priority and even give his life for her if needed and

    women represents the Bride of Christ (all believers) and is

    responsible to respect her husband.

    They both have a huge responsibility and the man

    of the house actually has more responsibility in ways.

    It is not that the man is to boss the woman around

    or that the woman is to do housework while the man

    drinks beer and watches sports. It is totally different

    than that.

    They are both to seek the Lord first on

    everything and are to help one another and be loving

    towards one another as the first priority.

    One is not more important than the other,

    yet the husband is to be leader, protector,

    and provider while the wife is to be in support and

    add in what she does best as they agree

    to do. Both are to listen to God first. They are

    a part of one another. They Are equal parts

    though the husband is to be the leader,

    different roles only- not that one is greater or more

    important than the other - before God they

    Are the same and all other situations or

    any inequality (real or preceived inequality)

    or any injustice done by mankind will be

    ammended in the heavenly kingdom!

    The part about sacrificing babies to false gods

    certainly also applies. It mirrors how we disrespect

    God altogether since we were made in the image of

    God. It is probably the worst of all of them.

    Notice how all of this has to do with the central family

    unit and its demise.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's lots more ,for example:

    Leviticus 11:7 You shall not eat of the swine.

    19:19 You shall not wear clothing made of two kinds of material

    Here's a good one: Lev 15:1 At the end of seven years, you must cancel all debts.

    What does that have to do with anyone's survival? Excewpt maybe the last one

  • 1 decade ago

    The earth itself vomited out its inhabitants.

    The worst of these sins was passing children through the fire to molech devils.

    This made earth itself sick.

    So when US doesn't allow this type of sin, then we will be blessed. Abortion is a curse on a nation. In the OT it is written that when the people had got too adulterous... their children were brought forth to the butchers.

    We have national laws against most of these, but not for abortions. In WA we have laws about abusing animals sexually or sexually abusing children.

    Another thing to consider is the promise that when we bless Israel, we bless ourselves. And when we curse Israel, we curse ourselves.

    So when we the US pressure Israel to give up more land (that they gained in self defense) or the control over Jerusalem (cursing them), then we receive a curse that makes us more vulnerable to terrorists also. And the curse comes in natural disasters.

    The US pressured Israel to withdraw from Gaza & now all hell has broke loose & Christians were martyred. And then we lost same amount of land by Hurricane Katrina. Now US has pressured Israel to turn control of Jerusalem over to others (even terrorists). And Hurricane Ike came around again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think Biblical verses can save our country. The Bible has been around much longer than the United States. It hasn't stopped us from avoiding the point we are currently at. The only way our country can be saved is if people come to their senses and realize we are living far beyond our means. Also, the golden rule should be the most important rule for us to live by.

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  • 5 years ago

    He is the son of God but also the son of man. By being the son of God and being birthed from Mary. Born into a world of sinners so that he may save them and offer then eternity in heaven. And he also saved those who had died prior to that. Before Christ, people got rid of their sins through animal sacrifices but Jesus came to be the ultimate sacrifice. He died as the perfect sacrifice so we can be eternally blessed by God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting that you left out the rest of that stanza, where it prohibits the eating of shellfish. Guess you get to pick and choose which bronze-age laws you think apply, and which do not, right?

    I say go ahead and have your lobster and sleep with whoever you want (as long as they're consenting adults). I don't think I need any law to tell me not to screw animals or throw my children (or my seed, which ain't exactly the same thing) into a fire.

    Thanks just the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, none of these things are remotely relate to any of the US' current problems. However, if you can establish and objective and compelling casual relationship between these and anything that the US' survival is dependent on, I'll be happy to consider it.

  • pab
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The United States IS NOT and will never be a Christian nation.

    Therefore your buybull has no relevence to its laws or survival.

    The Roman Empire was doing pretty well until Christianity started catching on.

    Not to mention all the great Asian empires that had never heard of Christianity. Some of these great empires were Pagen, some secular. Christianity isn't the only way.

  • J E M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I believe there is a difference between the words "insure" and "ensure" and that you should look them up.

    I like how we're in some of the worst economic times in US history and people are concerned with whether or not guys sleep with other guys. You are the poster child for what the government wants: Complete ignorance.


  • 1 decade ago

    the TRUTH will lead you to God naturally, The lies will BLIND them from seeing the TRUTH.

    the context in the BIBLE & the QURAN are the TRUTH God guild BUT the religion, places of worship, church or mosque are ONLY Names.

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