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Charles & Willa

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  • Anyone used an online service to make pcb boards?

    I found a copy of a pcb board on  I would like to have copies made, but haven't figured out how to get the image from the edit page to where I can order copies. I have opened an account.

  • Acetabular hip fracture?

    My wife suffered a hip fracture as well as other injuries in a car accident. The other injuries have healed up well, but the hip gives her a lotta pain esp at night.She is 79 yrs. She uses a walker since the accident and walks around the house, and in and out of reataurants.She is weak on the affected side. She was taking PT ,but her Dr took her off of it as it was causing too much pain. Does anyone have any exp with this , and can give us some idea of when she can loose the walker, and maybe use a cane , or walk independently. All her Drs in the beginning said she would, but would give no timetable. Maybe some excercises she could o at home?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • when is the obamacare website going to be working/?

    When is the freakin Obamacare website going to work? I have been trying to get onto it since Oct1 .All I get is error messages, or Sorry, you can not create an account at this time, or some such nonsense. I need health insurance, and am sure I qualify for the subsidy, without which I cannot afford the insurance. I do not qualify for Medicaid, especially since our idiot governor has refused to cooperate with the Medicaid extension.

    If I was a conspiracy freak, I would think the website is being sabotaged.

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Inguinal hernia pain?

    I have been diagnosed with inguinal hernia (left side) and also IBS. The hernia is reduceable,and I offf and on have the traditional aching and referred pain usually associatwed with it. The GP said it was one to watch but didn't necessarily need surgery, now. I also have IBS symptoms , episodic pain, cramps, gnawing etc ,change in bowell frequency but no diarrhea or constipation. They are especially bad at night 3-7 aM . In between episodes , I am feeling normal , or having only minor discomfort. . Can A reduceable hernia cause these IBS symptoms. THere is often no pain at the hernia site, even when the other symptoms are present. I wear a truss all day for the hernia,and take it off at night.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Can fibrocystic breast turn into cancer?

    I have had fibrocystic breast disease for years. I am now after menopause (age 77) Is this a risk factor 4 breast cancer?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • hysterectomy advice needed?

    A month ago, I was bleeding and had a D& C,and two different biopsies. The 1st biopsy said no cancer. When they did the D&C, they found adenocarcinoma stage 0 to 1. There has been no more bleeding. I would like to know what is the time limit after diagnosis, before getting a hysterectomy. How long can I wait?.......Medical professionals please answer.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • endometriosis / cancer?

    I am 77 years old. I went to the dr with bleeding.. The biopsy was negative. They did a D&C, and said they found atypical cells and a few well differentiated adenocarcinoma cells. Is a hysterectomy the only treatment, and how long can you wait before you have to get it. They also said it was stage 0.

    -1. Plz answer or med professional preferred.

    2 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • fibroid tumors bleeding?

    i am postmenopausal. A few weeks ago ,I had heavy bleeding. I have not had a period for years. Something I believe was a fibroid passed. The bleeding stopped. My dr wants to do a hysterectomy. I need to know what natural treatments can be used for fibroids.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • post menopausal vaginal bleeding?

    I am 77 yrs old. I have had a sudden episode of vaginal bleeding. It stopped when I passed some small tissue pieces. I saw a gyn and he did a D&C. He said he found atypical cells that could become cancer. He called it "stage 0". The bleeding has completely stopped.Should I get the operation, or wait for a recurrence of bleeding. I have only medicare and no more resources, and I don't relish being cut on unless absolutely necessary.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • internet windows too wide?

    I picked up a computer at a yard sale . It is a Dell running XP. IT seems to work PK except the web pages are too wide. I can access the whole page ,but I have to continually scroll left to right to read the page. IT is not the monitor or other settings because the scroll bars on the side and bottom are there. Just the contents of the window are too large to fit.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Is this the swine flu?

    For 3 days I have had moderate muscle and joint pains, relieved somewhat by 2 ibuprophen every 6 hrs. Started with headache and fatigue, and slight nausea. he headache and nausea are gone now ,but the muscle aches and aching,burning sensations on the skin continue. I have a low grade fever (99.2) that comes and goes . When the fever breaks I sweat profusely. We are also in a heat wave and the AC is broke.IN the beginning my pulse was elevated, but is normal now. My BP is normal. There is little or no respiratory involvement, except a little sinus and post nasal mucus. It gets better and worse with no regard to whether I rest or not.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Which LCD TV has a big on-screen channel display?

    My wife has limited vision and needs at least a 4" number on the screen to tell which channel its on. Our old analog set had 4" numbers,but with the digital converter, the display is less than 2" and she cant read it. What brand / models have a big display?

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago