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What can a child drink that is allergic to milk?

My nephew is allergic to milk. With the concern of soy not being good for children what can he drink? He is almost two years old.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Okay, I dealt with this as a child and still do in adulthood.

    Try a product called Rice Dream. It's usually by the bread products in the stores I go to. My mother used to give me Ensure as well as Soy (before it was concerns). But I have always preferred Rice Dream as far as taste and texture.

    For a milk sub I drink Rice Dream. To get nutrients lost from milk I drink OJ and Ensure and take vitamin tabs.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was born, I too had an allergy to milk. What I was given to replace regular milk was goat's milk. That is what kept me alive for the first two years of my life. I'm not sure if your sister can get goats milk in her area. Later I found out (much later, I was in my 20's) that I was allergic to the bacteria found in the pasteurization process. I was able to drink regular cow's milk if it was boiled instead of the normal pasteurization.

    There are a lot of alternative means today, that I didn't have thirty some years ago. I would suggest that your family member go to the pediatrician and talk with them. I'm sure they could also recommend a good healthy alternative.

    I will keep your nephew in my prayers.

    God bless

    Source(s): my life
  • 5 years ago

    My son is the same way - he currently drinks Nutramagin. It's really expensive, but we spoke with a paediatric dietitian and she said he will need it until he's at least two years old. At that point, he can switch to rice milk (rice milk doesn't have enough fat or calories for the growing/developing mind prior to two years of age, which is why he has to stay on Nutramagin until then). Many kids who are allergic to dairy milk are also allergic to goats' milk, so check with your child's allergist, first. I would also caution you on the almond milk suggestion, in case she ends up allergic to nuts as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I strongly suggest you try giving your nephew RAW MILK and RAW dairy products. The allergies he is experiencing is most likely due to what kind of milk he is drinking. Go to: and read about their milk.

    The best thing, if he can't tolerate whole raw milk either is to give your nephew fermented milks, like kefir, raw cheese that has been aged over 90 days, home made dairy is the very best. I make kefir from raw milk and drink it everyday. It is very good for you and contains no lactose due to the fermentation process. It contains lots of good bacteria that boost your immune system and is loaded with proteins, good fatty acids, etc.

    DO NOT GIVE HIM SOY MILK OR any soy products, unless they are fermented like that in soy sauce, miso, natto, etc.

    good luck to you

    Source(s): CNT, B.A. biology & chemistry advanced nutritional research
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  • 1 decade ago

    I use to baby sit a 7 month old girl who was allergic to milk. her parent had to buy he rice milk to drink. with is another kind of organic milk. but you should really go with a doctor order.

  • 1 decade ago

    Soy milk and what I found to be tasty is Almond milk. Soy milk and Almond milk is found at the healthfood section of the supermarket or a healthfood store. It is not refridgerated until after you open it. He can try it with hot chocolate. Delicious.

  • 1 decade ago

    Soy milk is fine for children... My daughter drank soy from birth and has a strong healthy immune system!!! I would say SOY all the way

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Check out some goat's milk with your pediatrician as it worked for my brother! All the above suggestions are great too!

    Good luck and GOD bless!

  • caz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    hi there.

    My sister little girl she 5months cannot drink namal milk so my sister went to the Doctors and now she drink some other kind of milk she also on sold food now and she health little baby.

    go to a health food shop they maybe able to help you and try your doctors as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    well a child allergic to milk can have juice, water, and soda i guess.

    Source(s): knowledge
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