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(Speaking of abortion) Isnt it ironic that...?!?

the people who's children who are more likely to have an abortion, are children of the people most against abortion?

I say this because, the people who are against abortion are usually against sex before marriage in the first place, so if a teenage girl with Christian parents gets pregnant, she will be (more or less) forced to have an abortion in secret, because she would be to scared/ashamed to tell her parents she had sex...Also peeps against abortion are usually against proper sex education in school! so that just causes MORE unwanted pregnacies!

do you agree with me on this? if not tell me why!


Jimbo...Lighten up a bit eh? Im hurut my shatners basoon, thinking of this question!

I know i have no figures to back up my claims, but i couldnt get nay becaus eimt laking about abotions kids hav ewithout parents knowledge, so these abotion are on the sly...

and no one can disagree with chris morris!!! NO ONE!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many people kill secretly. Only few are willing to take the ramifications

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree. You're stereotyping all pro-lifers as religious fundamentalists, which isn't true at all. I don't understand it myself when I hear that a pro-lifer is against welfare support for children or against giving teenagers accurate information about sex, but the people who hold those beliefs are in the minority.

    I'm pro-life (not for religious reasons; I'm agnostic) and I have no problem with sex before marriage. There's some debate about what kind of sex education works best; in the UK, we have birth control education and yet still have the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe. There are other factors involved, but probably a combination of accurate information on both birth control and abstinence would be more effective.

    If my (future!) daughter ever became pregnant as a teen, I would be there to support her. It isn't an ideal situation, but I would make sure she had all the love and help she needed. I'd like my children to feel able to talk to me about issues like this, and know that they won't be judged.

    I'm not a fan of Palin's politics, but she's stood by her pregnant daughter and promised to support her, and I admire that. No forced abortion or cover up there.

    I'm sure there are people with hypocritical attitudes to abortion, but we're not all the same. :)

  • Now, now- Dr Gonzo

    I must intercede here. I do not agree. I have two teenage daughters. One is 17 and one, 19. One is very active sexually and the other is not.

    I can only warn them of the possible consequences and pray they will use their heads and their actions with forethought and consideration. They must learn to live and be responsible for their own actions. We have always tried to be a good example for them to follow. But kids are going to do what they want, when they want, especially as teenagers.

    I know that if either one of them were to be in a family way, they would confide this to us straight away. I would want them to keep the child, warn them about all the hidden aspects of abortion, from experience,but in the end it is their decision and they would have to live with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Another ironic thing I've noticed is that I rarely see people against abortion adopting children that need homes. Also, I don't see them doing much to help the lives that already exist and are suffering in this world -- they're too focused on unborn clumps of cells that could someday become a child to notice the children in pain.

    Sex happens.

    You can't stop it.

    I know that's blunt, but it's true.

    If you don't want your child to get pregnant, you need to tell them about safe sex, or enroll them in a school that teaches it.

    Enough said.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree there are many cases like this!

    Abortion should be safe and rare!!! no matter what you feel is right or wrong...making it illegal will just make it dangerous!!! I am going to be teaching my kids about safe sex and to be open about are too scared to talk to their parents these days about it because too many parents want abstinence and don't even bother telling them the facts.....its ok to actually know about safe sex, doesn't mean they will actually do it!!! i know a lot about heroin and many other drugs but i am not going to go out and do them all because i know about them!!!

    Source(s): Aussie atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    A recent study here in California found that HIspanics are GREATLY supporting the Proposition that requires parental notification of abortion. A recent study of abortion stats found that Hispanics are the ones in the state of California who receive the greatest number of abortions!! Hispanics are traditionally devout Catholics - who are against sex education and abortion.

    Go figure.

  • I agree with you 100%

    and btw

    I am for abortion in certain conditions

    like in a case of rape

    or if it will do harm for the person carrying the baby to have a baby

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree! Many people that are against abortion, are OK when they see their sons off on a suicidal mission in the name of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are even more valid arguments for abortion. However, it is always a mortal sin anyway regardless of the reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that you question is based on a assumption, but I do find it ironic that lack of sex education has been linked to causing more abortions.

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