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Can You Help Me? (Anime/Manga Related Question)?

I want to buy a blank black t-shirt.I want to find some good stickers that will stay on,or some iron on letters.Would I get suspended for wearing an 'I Love Yaoi' or an 'I Love Shonen-Ai' t-shirt?Also,if you have any good yaoi titles that aren't too explicit,please tell me the title so I can buy it


Also,teachers might ask me what yaoi is

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Um.. the "I Love Shonen-Ai" shouldn't, but if you're asked about the yaoi one, then yeah... you would be... friend did the same thing...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I think that the teachers and such won't know what Yaoi or Shounen-ai is. So it'd be fine. Also, if they did, I'd consider it to not be inappropriate. So you shouldn't get suspended for it.

    Junjou Romantica is a great Yaoi. ^^

  • 1 decade ago

    Those dumb teachers wont know! Go for it girl


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