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Whats so good about having kids?

I am 27 and have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am in a committed relationship and we both really enjoy being child free. I like having disposable income, no responsibility and having a tidy, quiet home. As much as this suits me and I think I would like to remain child free, I wonder if I would regret it later in life? I don't particuarly like kids but I don't hate them either. How do I know if it the right thing for me?

11 Answers

  • Dolyn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, many people choose to remain childfree, and the statistics show that very few of them ever regret it.

    Most people's main concern seems to be "who will take care of you when you get older?" but I think that is a terrible question. 1. You would have kids just to take care of you? That's pretty selfish. 2. Money you aren't spending on kids can go to a fantastic retirement plan (my husband and I are on track to have $3 million saved by the time we want to retire at 60). 3. Having kids is no guarantee they will ever take care of you. They can easily just shove you in a nursing home, or cut you off all together. I know I don't talk to my Dad, so he's on his own.

    I think, mostly, it's a case of "you don't know what you're missing." Yes, if you had a child, I'm sure you'd love the kid. But, if you don't have a child, I'm sure you'd like that life just as much. Maybe you'll change your mind later, and adopt if you can't get pregnant. Maybe you'll find another outlet for love?

    Personally, I'm a Biologist and I work with animals (no mean testing, promise). I love my animals. and I take good care of them. I give them plenty of love, and they give it back. So, I don't feel like I'm lacking anything at all (and I don't like kids much either). So, my hubby and I chose to be childfree. I had my tubes tied last year, and we are very happy:)

    Whatever you do, DON'T let anyone call you selfish for not wanting kids. The definition of selfish is: being overly concerned with yourself to the detriment of others. However, you not having kids does not hurt ANYONE. It's much worse to have them and not want them (like my Dad did).

    Source(s): 25, happily married almost 5 years, happily childfree:)
  • 1 decade ago

    you're only 27, you've still got a few good child bearing years left, so there's no harm in waiting to think it over some more.

    I think most ppl who get pregnant on purpose will agree that there is no real logical explanation for why we want to have a baby. You just do. I want a baby because i just do.

    If you're really really not sure, you could have some eggs and sperm frozen, just in case. If you can see yourself being 50, with no kids, and being happy, then you probably will be fine with no kids.

    Have you thought about what you want out of life? Will you be happy if your legacy to this world is a bit of dosh in the bank, and a tidy home?

    Here lies......., her home was really neat. Net worth $190,000.


    Here lies......, beloved mother and cherished grandmother.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally have one 4 year old and a baby on the way and I like it! I feel like its gives my life a little more meaning. I've done a lot of cool things and I still got other cool things planned, I don't see having kids as the end of the world but rahter a blessing in disguise. With my son I have done things that I think I would never have been driven to do while childless. He has brung out the best in me and challenged me in many ways. But I completley respect those who don't want kids...hey at least they're honest! Maybe try watching a nephew or doing a little baby sitting on the side to see if its for you..but in a way its never really the same as having your own (or adopting one that you choose to make your own) When their yours its like a little piece of you lives on forever in generations to come. There are millions of ways to look at this situation.

  • Andi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I feel the exact same way...and there's nothing wrong with saying that. I used to think people HAD to have kids, but you aren't wrong for saying that you don't want to be a parent right now. It's better than having a kid because you think you should try it. I'm 30 and don't have any kids- it surprises people sometimes. Kids start breeding in high school these It's nuts. Also, you have plenty of time to change your mind of the right time comes along. You'll know you want to have kids when you feel it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it's a personal choice that people make (couples). I don't agree with the third answer. I think from reading alot and observing and from friends, family and people online, most end up NOT regretting having children.

    They are part of you. Half you and have the other person that loves you.

    that's the way I see it.

    Source(s): :-)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are not ready...if you have to ask yourself and other ppl...then you arent ready for a huge change in your life. you said you like your quiet home and your dont have a kid. im 19 weeks pregnant and 21 yrs old. i didnt want kids until i was like 36. but it happened i got pregnant. i was so mad cause i had so much going for myself. but my boyfriend and i have been together for over 2 yrs. and its only til know that i am excepting the baby. and now i cant wait to meet this little being inside of me. so if you have the choice to not have kids now and have them when you are ready...then do that...good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if that is what you like, then that is what you like. There is nothing wrong with not having children, though most people decide to have children - it is just not for some people.

    I am glad I am having children, though I must say I am scared about the responsibility that is coming.

  • 1 decade ago

    Trust me you dont want kids, you will resent them. Its not right for you. I was just like you and now although I love my baby I wish I had my old life back. Just borrow your nephew for a weekend if you're feeling in a mommy mood.

  • 1 decade ago

    you will feel a special vibe in yourself and u will talk about kids with your partner and see what he says but if you dont particualy dont like kids then i would not bother having any kids as they need a lot of love and attention and they are also very noisy espacially in their early years.

  • 1 decade ago

    You still have 10 years to make up your mind really.

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