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Lv 4
JoAnn asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

When did you start lactating? ?

So I am 36 weeks and last night had a little milk come out. I know this is normal, but just wondered how many other moms or moms to be have had this happen before delivery.

Do you think this is an indication that delivery will happen before 4 weeks? (I can only wish)


You ladies are great! We all want to deliver ASAP, don't we? I guess we have to have that excitment and uncomforatableness to actually look foward to delivery. I would like to be one week early for Halloween! Congrats and thanks to all!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All pregnant women begin to produce colostrum, usually sometime in the second trimester. For some women and some pregnancies, this colostrum will leak out before the birth. It is not actually lactation as that doesn't begin until after the baby is born. Colostrum is the nutrient rich pre-milk that your baby will drink before breast milk comes in around 3 days after the birth. It is actually the expelling of the placenta that triggers the hormonal signal for your body to begin switching from producing colostrum to producing breast milk. Whether colostrum leaks when you are pregnant or doesn't leak has no bearing on when labor will start nor how successful breast feeding will be. I am mom to 4 who were all breast fed as babies, the youngest 2 until they self-weaned. I did not leak colostrum with any of my pregnancies. I know some women who had colostrum leakage with some of their pregnancies but not all. Some women leak with every pregnancy and some, like me, don't leak at all. You can't tell when your baby will make his/her appearance into the world based on when or if you have colostrum leakage.

  • huezo
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Lactating At 24 Weeks

  • 1 decade ago

    I am 24w6d and I have been leaking colostrum for a few weeks now. I don't think it is any indication that you will go into labour before your 40 weeks (sorry). Just remember that you can go anytime within two weeks before your due date and 2 weeks after!

    The liquid that you are likely leaking is colostrum (a clear sticky fluid). The actual breast milk does not come in until a few days after delivery.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    You may or may not experience leaking of the breasts while pregnant. With 2 of my children I started to leak colostrum around 28 weeks pregnant. With the other 2 I never leaked any and still have went on to breastfeed. As another person above stated your real milk usually doesn't come in until around the 3rd day after the baby is born

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  • 1 decade ago

    I started leaking at 36 weeks, also. I was a little scared, but then I read that it's normal to start producing colostrum around then. I am 38 weeks now and counting. Hope you don't go too long! Congratulations and good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I started at 17 weeks. My doctor said some women start as soon as they get a positive pregnancy test. Sorry, but it doesn't mean labor is near. My baby is 5 months old and I'm still leaking (I'm not breast feeding). Every women is different. Being that you are 36 weeks, it will be soon. Soon is a relative term when you're waiting for your precious baby. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry mama keep wishing some start 4 week before the baby comes like you or at 22 weeks. I started lactating at 24 weeks and my baby boy didn't come till 41 w 6 days

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I leaked a little colostrum one night at about 36 weeks. But that's all...full colostrum and then milk didn't come in until after my daughter was born. I don't think your experience has any bearing on when you will give birth.

  • well its normal and has known to happen, i'm afraid this doesnt mean that delivery will any earlier :) baby will come when its ready which could be before or after four weeks but has no connection with the incident you had, good luck hun! only a few more weeks!! get ready mama!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is normal to start lactating around the 3rd trimester. Sorry but it isn't a sign of labor.

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