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Is the division of left/right artificial?

It's my opinion that the whole right/left divide that we are now experiencing is artificial. Those on the left, and those on the right, we all want basically the same things. We all want a decent quality of life for ourselves and our families. We all want a decent job where we can earn a good living. We all want reasonable (apportioned) taxes with appropriate government services in return. We all want a government that is responsive to and representative of the needs and desires of the citizenry. We all want a decent education for our children, a safe healthy environment and quality food on our tables. So why the divide? Where's the difference?

The only real difference, in my opinion, comes from social issues like abortion or gay marriage. Frankly, those are hot-button issues our political masters exploit in order to further their divide and conquer strategy. God forbid that people from all over the political spectrum come together against what is now obviously a corrupt and fascist government. The political masters use these hot-button social issues to convince people to vote against their own best interests, and boy do we ever! I've seen people vote for a candidate that strictly has corporate interests in mind, completely detrimental to working-class families, but the candidate opposes same-sex marriage.

I think the time has come to refuse to allow these political masters to use these emotional issues to divide the people against each other. We are all people after all. So how about it people? Let's stop listening to the hate mongers on the tv and radio that say all the problems are the fault of the dirty libs... stop listening to the wacky left that say the right-wing nutjobs are responsible for everything that's wrong... the reality is that the ruling class has caused ALL of this. Break free from the chains of slavery and restore government by and for the people!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Evie, you are absolutely correct. We all want the same things. But we come from different perspectives. Almost everyone wants to live in freedom. They want to be able to earn a decent living, and support their families. They want to be reasonably safe from crime and criminal attacks.

    What our criminal class has done is to divide us over how these things are to be realized. Those on my side (Conservative) believe in limited government. We want just enough government to protect our rights. We do not want government providing for people. We as individuals, have an obligation to make sure that those in need are taken care of.

    The people on the other side feel that if government doesn't take care of those in need, they will starve. This is how we end up with the give-away, social programs. What this accomplishes for our politicians is control. They control us, by taxing us. They control the recipients by the hand outs.

    Now let's consider the Second Amendment. People like me realize that firearms exist, and are not going away. At the same time, we realize that firearms are the most effective way to defend yourself. We don't want our Criminal Class "controlling" firearms. We want them to control crime. The people on the other side see how firearms are misused, and feel that the solution is to have government "control" or even ban the purchase, or possession of firearms. They believe that this will somehow prevent the street criminals from obtaining firearms.

    We are all opposed to terrorism. People like me believe that terrorism does not suddenly manifest itself for no reason. People are not willing to kill themselves in suicide bombings without a reason. Always trying to understand the other person's perspective, I try to see why they are attacking us.

    The CIA has told us why. Osama bin Laden has told us why. It is because of our involvement in the affairs of other nations. It is our interventionist foreign policy. Rewarding foreign governments with "foreign aid", or punishing them by bombing or invading them, has not made us any friends. It has made us a great many enemies. And our continued presence enables the terrorists to recruit more cannon fodder for suicide attacks on us. My answer is to follow the advice of our first president: "Beware of foreign entanglements".

    The people on the other side believe that we must defeat the terrorists by waging war against them (undeclared, of course). This we are told, is going to force them to accept our continued presence in their country, and our control of their government, and THEIR RESOURCES.

    And so, we are being divided. The advocates of our interventionist policies, and our military action against the terrorists, are willing to sacrifice their freedoms. They agree with the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Terrorism, and all the rest of this nonesense, just as the Germans did seventy years ago.

    I value my freedoms more that I value occupying foreign lands, running their governments, and stealing their oil. I don't have much use for the terrorists, or our politicians who are destroying the Bill of Rights. We all need to understand that freedom is more important than the security of slavery. And we need to understand that terrorism starts at home. Terrorism is being cultivated, to get Americans to willingly give up their freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you are to the letter correct. Both parties end up governing fundamentally the same way. When we finally broke the 40 year grip of a Democrat controlled Federal Legislature, I expected deficit spending, and the constant threats to our freedoms by bureaucrats, to end. Not only did it not end, but both the deficit spending and threats to our personal freedoms, intensified. If you desire prosperity, security, and freedom in your life; neither of the major Parties is an option.

    To be just downright frank with you, the One World Government, is now convened under the name of a G7 conference, planning the "world's new economic structure." Obama, or McCain, whichever puppet is elected, will go along with whatever the rulers direct.

    Americans are intellectually lazy. We have allowed this to happen. All Democrats, and all Republicans, save for a few patriots like Ron Paul, should be stripped of their power.

    When they took the 4th Amendment away

    I was quiet because I didn't deal in drugs...

    When they took the 6th Amendment away

    I was quiet because I had never been arrested...

    When they took the 2nd Amendment away

    I was quiet because I didn't own a gun...

    Now they have taken the 1st Amendment away

    and all I can do is be quiet...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, as you state most people are separated by a few small issues (abortion, and gay mariage). Most people would be surprised to find that overall they sit in the middle between liberal and conservative. They have just been brainwashed by the media of their choice to hate one or the other. Very few people are 90% liberal or conservative let alone 100%, most people reside in the 60% margin of either side.

  • thao
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, yet I have man made pumpkins made up of velour & felt. One looks woman which includes her exceptionally eyelashes painted on her button eyes, & the different looks male. there is an orange stress ball with a cheerful face painted on, basically the right length to be their newborn. so a strategies, i am going to't undergo to placed the pumpkin kinfolk away in a container. perchance they're going to stay of their sparkling plastic bag on a closet shelf. i am going to likely haven't from now on some thing for a Christmas tree or different fake tree. regularly, the word, " What is going up could come down" prevents me from desirous to attempt this style of adorning. as well that, if a man made tree or man made potted plant were spectacular round my living room, that they had be taking on area & could likely desire dusting as well. ignore that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Lady, I have been on your network for 1 year. I have told you over 100 times I am Jesus returned. The devil is trying tom steal your life. If you dont fight him he will win. I have told you to look at what i write which proves me. nobody does nobody seems to be able. what does that mean? you are going to hell by your own choice. If you doubt me dean mcknly at yahoo . con ( i wrote tthiswrong so they wont bbolivarsin me.

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