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when will I feel better?

I am separating from my wife after 12 years. This is her decision. I don't think there is anything I can do to change her mind. I will admit that I have not been perfect but I have never cheated or done anything bad. I struggled with drug addiction for years but I have quit and I am getting counseling for it. I just cant stop thinking about her and how I totally blew it. Even though I am making real changes, she says its too late to save the marriage. I feel like I'll never be able to love someone again. I also feel that I will never have the kind of connection we shared. I guess I am depressed. Please don't tell me to get professional help, I am in counseling but it doesn't seem to be helping me. I feel so hopeless. will this ever change?


Thanks for all of your support. For all of you to respond to my problem gives me some hope. I am trying to stay positive but its hard... And just to clarify about my drug issues. I was a functional drug addict. I maintained a job, never stole and most people in my life didnt realize I had a problem. While it was destructive to me, I didnt "do" anything to my wife. It caused me to be moody which over time tooks its toll. I never intentionally or malicously hurt my wife.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all I just want to say I admire your courage to share your problem with all of us here.I think it's wonderful of you that you have been working on your addiction,that takes a lot of strength.Unfortunately it was too late for your wife and even though you are changing now,she has moved on.I can imagine this is very hard on you and I know from my own experience how you feel.

    There is only one thing I can tell you:even this will get better,eventually.

    Maybe this will help,I know it has helped me get through:

    Start writing in a diary.Every time you feel like your head is so full with negative thoughts it will explode,start writing.It will clear your head.(hopefully)

    I wish you all the best..hope you feel better soon!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes definitely ! have more confidence in yourself and give yourself a chance to lead a new life.

    life is full of ups and downs. i cant say i have a perfect relationship in my life either. in a relationship, both parties will definitely make sacrifices. but it is very important not to compare. like example, "i have done this or that because of you, isnt that enough?" sacrifices cannot be calculator since it's a willing kinda of thing. i understand the torment you're going through. but like what your ex wife have said, it's impossible to get back together. so why dont you want to move on with life? noone is gonna sympathise you. sad to hear? ya, this is reality. you gotta pick yourself up, be strong and face the world as a whole new person.

    love is something which noone can explain, it's a very weird thing. it comes and goes without noone noticing. love can be really beautiful, but also can be really awful and painful.

    but one kind of love will never go wrong. love yourself.

    whatever i've said might not be of any help. but i seriously hope it'll at least set you thinking for awhile.

    getting professional will not work if you, yourself doesnt open up for others to help you. to be honest, when i undergo counselling session, i shut myself up completely. i am so immune to every little things that is happening.

    trust yourself. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it is hard.. You need to believe in yourself to be able to move forward. no one else. you are the only person to believe in yourself. Some times it is better to hit bottom before get better. In the future, the lesson you learn from this will help you to become a better person for it. Here on this site is not excatly support group, they may give you wrong advices or tip. Since you are already in counseling, please keep using the advices from your own counselor than the people on this site. Because they dont know you well and so I do too. You may end up more hurt from this site. May God take care of you in what ever you do. Hang on in there, be brave.

  • 1 decade ago

    sad now but it doese get better, youll probly hate me but. I left my husband I was pregnant and he wouldnt quit doing meth. it was the meth or are daughter, he chose the meth and I chose are daughter over him. he said he loved me kept calling, I thought he would never go away, I really loved him he was everything till are daughter came she was an innocent. He kept saying he would quite the drugs but he never could kick it for long, he was hard to believe. we married at 17 and were together 2 years before that. we were married for 3 years till we sepperated then he started seeing other people soon so did I even though we were still in love there were just things we couldnt get over in are marriag. I am happy now even though he is gone and it was a rough road and he had some what gotten over me as well. but we would have always been best friends if he hadnt died. You will find someone to love even if your not in love. sorry for yor misfortune

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dear friend,

    i never expected u to b so soft hearted.u know what i mean, but any way let me get into the point. I think u can have a talk with ur wife or if it doesn't work just try to make her belive that u really love her and how much she means to u.My friend i am so sorry this is all i can tell, b'cos i am just 18 and dont have much experience.i feel really sad for u. i really wish i could help u, but i can't.And please do send me the status @ Let meask some of my elder friends and see wheather they can help me help u.

    urs sincerely


  • 1 decade ago

    Hey dude. I went through exactly the same thing about 5 years ago. It really ripped me apart. You are doing the right thing by going to counseling but it all takes time. One thing I did learn is to stop blaming myself for everything. I spent way too much time beating myself up and trying to figure out why I screwed everything up. I have now come to terms with things and I know we were both to blame. The pain will get better over time. Good luck. Things will get better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will get better. Time heals all wounds. You just need time to come to terms with what happened. It seems you know how you contributed to your marriage ending, but nothing in life is a one way street. I'm sure she made her contributions as well. Maybe you should give her some time and then you can talk to her about it later on and see if you can make some kind of amends.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it will. Keep up the good work. You will find some one. It's never to late to change. I think you can teach kids a life lesson. Have you thought about being a speaker. What I mean is you can go to different schools and talk to kids about what happens when you get in to drugs and what happens to your loved ones. Show them what it could be like for them if they get in to deep. GOOD LUCK!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really think that you should try talking to her. I mean she stayed with u for 12 years she had to of loved you. So try talking to her and let her know how you feel. I mean she may not care but it's better than nothing.

    My mom and step dad just went through a divorce and he was controling and she told him the same thing that she told you.

    So...i don't know of anything else to tell you.

    I am sorry. But try talking to her and try to hang with close friends to get your mind off things. cause depression sucks.

    good luck<3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think that is messed up if you r getting ur self straight she should give you a chance. people give up on marraige now a days like they never promised or mayed the vow to the spouse or to GOD!!. but again how much Fu*kin up did you do cause if you pushed her over the edge then shes dead and she cant come back . so pray and i pray for you too

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