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Lv 6
Takfam asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Does McCain's divorce not bother anyone?

The man adopts his wife's children and they have one of their own. She waits for him throughout his captivity while working actively in the POW/MIA movement. She works to mother the children even after a terrible car accident that landed her in a wheelchair while keeping the information from her husband to put up a strong front.

And he repays her by leaving her for a rich trophy wife.

That doesn't bother anyone? Why hasn't this been covered more in the media? It seems to me that if the media WERE really left-biased, that they'd be jackhammering this point to kill McCain's religious base support.


Okay, so far we have "I hate Obama." "You're an atheist" "Other people have had divorces" and the ever popular Republican standby excuse: "B-b-but Clinton!"

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's sort of shows the way he truly feels about women. Only looking for a good-looking rich trophy not a true soulmate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you have a point in regards to his personal convictions. But were you this upset at Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the oval office ? Did you not jump on the bandwagon of 'KILL BILL" but somehow that that a sitting president, cheating on his wife in "the people's office" trying to excuse his bad behaviour and lying about it under oath is good ?

    The democrats have had many problems with corruption that actually effected the people of this country, what John did...even if seen as mean or reprehensible...only effected his own life....and hers. NOT the people's.

    You want proof though of a leftist biased media ?

    What about Foley texting pages in the white house ? Or Larry Craig supposedly solicitying sex in a mens room ? BTW can you tell me what was wrong with that ? These are just 2 republican's sent through the grill of the leftist press, meanwhile have they talked much about the demo legislator that ran a protitution ring out of his home ? Have they made a big deal about Mahony who just payed off his mistress with $121,000 ?

    How about Hurricane Katrina...oh everyone remembers the Bush hate fest and how everyone pointed the finger at FEMA. FEMA is not the first line of defence my friend. Where's the call for accountability from the city mayor ? the state governor ? Where did all that levi money go to ? Why were the levi's not fixed ? Just one more perfect showing of why the left is wrong. This is what happened to New Orleans after 30+ years of democrat liberal rule. Mississippi got hit just as bad.... but we didn't have the whining at FEMA and crying about how they're city was in devestation. They got off their butts and did for themselves. The difference ? they were largely republican conservatives.

    The examples of the disparity of how bad liberalism and democrats is out there my friend, you just don't choose to see it.

    How about the mortgage melt down ? Bill Clinton brought back the Community Reinvestment Act, it forced lenders to make high risk loans, Fannie used it as an affirmative action program for houseing. No need for paperwork, no need for even the ability to pay it back. 5 million mortgages went out to illegal immigrants. This whole mess was caused by democrats, there's not a republican fingerprint on it. Yet you claim there's no bias ? The facts are against you. Just because they do'nt bring up one or 2 points to grill the right on doesn't mean they haven't done so elsewhere.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Doesn't bother me. Were you aware that half the marriages in this country end in divorce? Really, 50% of marriages fail. Does that mean that because someone is divorced that we automatically discard them as a person? We don't know the circumstances of McCains marriage. Was it going bad before? Did they both change while he was a prisoner? Who really knows but the two of them. You don't see his ex wife out there bashing him, now or 30 years ago. Obviously his divorce was mutually agreed upon. Everything that people are saying about it now is just speculation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you imagine what the rights would do if Obama had the same story. McCain's past just adds to his character, the media and the Dem's have be very respectful to him; something he and his mate have proven they don't know how to be.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it reflect who he is, but how does that reflect his ability to run the country.

    but we don't know all the details in his life.

    His ex wife could be crazy or the relationship wasn't working way before that happened.

    bill clinton cheated on his wife, they still stayed together for politica reasons. do u think they love each other?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I'm more bothered by the fact that Obama and his wife Michelle have used Affirmative Action to become poster children of showing you can use race to get whatever you want even if you're not qualified for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is this the best you got?

    McCain got a divorce -- Obama pals around with terrorist

    Yeah we need to get rid of McCain

    Try again but this time come up with a real issue. OK

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesnt bother me as much as Bill Clinton having an affair , excuse me, MANY affairs, and then lying under oath about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope divorce is an unfortunate way of life in America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yea but he asked forgiveness. and his wife forgave him. so should you. you Athiest. I forgot, you dont understand forgiveness.

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