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Lv 4
Renee asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Joe the Plumber, still think he is real?

How can you people on the right even have the guts to bring up Joe the plumber after he has been proven to be such a liar?

First, his name is NOT Joe.

Secondly, he doesn't even have a plumbers license

Third, he makes only $40,000 a year, so it's highly unlikely he will be able to buy himself a business that will immediately earn over $250,000 a year.

Fourth, Obama did NOT go to his house. He was at a function Obama was at.

And Fifth, the man doesn't even pay the taxes he owes, why would he be worried about the tax system anyway since he is an evader?

You people grab hold of fresh meat and refuse to let go.

Admit it for once in your life...

You were dooped


V. excellent video. Especially considering it was on FAUX news

Update 2:

Bluesgrock you aren't from the United States? A spiraling depression? LOL.. guess you haven't read about the bailouts thanks to george w's leading the country. Maybe you should research how much money this country now owes other countries. The destruction of the dollar, lost homes and jobs.

Out of control healthcare. Don't think it is me who is uninformed enough not to vote.. Have a mirror?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's a clown, he's not even registered as a plumber nor does he have a license as one. And for sure how does a plumber pull in over a quarter million a bullshit....funny McCain uses it as an actual point

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, is he a figment of collective consciousness? He sure looked like a person to me. But anyway, so what he goes by his middle name. And it depends on the county where his boss performs the work, but yeah he may not be required to carry a license to work under someone else's license. One county may require a journeyman's license; the next county over may not, just depends on where the work is performed. Next, you are right, the business may not immediately make $250K right off the bat, but it isn't that big of a stretch to see a plumbing company with that kind off of revenue. I personally know a plumber with a helper, two person company, made close to that amount 8-10 years ago, I saw the numbers, back then. Add another truck and hire another helper, and he could easily be over $300K. And by the way, that is what Sen Obama said. REVENUE. Not profit. Maybe he misspoke. But watch video again.

    Now granted Joe may have exaggerated a bit. To buy the business, he will need to get licensed, bonded, insurance, get a FID number so he hire some folks, etc, come up with the capital to buy his old boss out. There are a bunch of hurdles to jump.

    As far as Joe's taxes. Wow, $1200 in a tax lien. Oh dear lord. Could be back property taxes on a property he sold, could be money owed on income that he underestimated. I don't know. Point is it isn't a ton of money.

    Anyway, assume the worst about Joe, if you must. But the real issue is Sen Obama's response. Increased taxes on small business, with revenue over $250K. In construction, that isn't really that much. For an industry that is hardly limping along and already tight margins that is a big deal. Joe wants to buy a business and make it grow, meaning he will to need hire more people. Sen Obama, wants to "spread the wealth around", his words, so that Joe has to pay more in taxes and it will go from Joe to government and from government to special interests. Which is the more productive way to spread the wealth around?

    Source(s): my construction experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like every other liberal you fail to see the point! His middle name is Joe and if you work for a plumbing contracter no license is required. Still not the point! The point you fail to see(even if Joe ain`t real)is the question he ask and the answer Nobama gave him and like a true liberal idiot you have chosen to crucify the man who ask the question instead of question the man who gave the answer! Let me break this down for all you children: I work as a plumber(not licensed) for a plumbing company(licensed) that WILL lay people off under your Fuher`s so-called tax plan. This will happen all over the country, thus spiraling it into a major depression! Go play with your Leggo`s and don`t vote if you don`t know what the hell you`re blabbing about!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you wrestle around with a pig you are going to get dirty . Forget lipstick for a moment and focus on the real facts . McCain will cut taxes on those making 80 thousand and above more then Obama and yet Obama will still cut taxes on those making less then 250,000 and lower taxes on those under 80,000 more then McCain .

    The simple truth is if we cut taxes then we must cut programs and spending .

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Aw don't be jealous now, Joe The Plumber, he's a real honey!

    Yes we get the odd telegraph on horseback, here in outback Down Under.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MCCAIN is getting old an 4getfull,he call his old freind kenton joe the plumber answered the phone @ the nazi compound on kenton street,he gave joe a raise,now that joes is getting more plumbing work, cleaning up the turds that fall out PALINS mouth,

    Source(s): endorse by,joe the turd man he is full of bull
  • 1 decade ago

    He never said his name was joe. Did you do as much studying about Obama as you did on this guy who isn't running for office. Did you even hear what obama said to him? Do you think if you work really hard and make $250.000 a year that someone should tax the hell out of it to give to someone who sleeps all day? How fair is that?

  • 1 decade ago

    so now you get to determine if people are "real" you Obama nuts are scary. Sorry he is a real person who had a real concern and dared to get an honest answer from the great one.

  • 1 decade ago

    I run a small business, and I have the same concerns.

    Why do you people on the left have to try and discredit, or destroy everyone who disagrees with your agenda?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even if it was made up. It reveled to the public that Obama is a socialist who wants to Distribute the wealth.

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