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Why must Obamabots bash this 90% voting record into the ground?

We all know McCain voted with President Bush 90% of the time. It's not a hidden fact. Why don't you talk about how Obama voted present on 40% of the time?

McCain supports the average working family. We all know you Democrats in Congress like to add on top of bills a nice little pay raise for yourselves or some other benefit and McCain won't pass that garbage. Then we he downs it you go on a rant about how he voted against tax cuts but you forget to mention the pay raise in the bill that was never mentioned. Can you explain this to me?


Middle School Students for Obama-

1. Good thing you can't vote and you opinion means nothing :)

2. Prove I'm a liar.

Update 2:

Middle School Students for Obama- I said he was a terrorist/socialist. Do your homework.

Update 3:

Diva- I got the right Penn. team. Just beat the Giants this weekend for me alright? Thanks.

Oh, by the way, who gave the Steelers their only loss? Did it start with an E.. wait no.. it was a.. Can you help?

Update 4:

Middle School Students for Obama: I'm getting tired of typing your loss *** name. I meant that as a question. " I said Obama was a Terrorist/socialist?" I forgot the question mark. You, kid, are the liar for saying I keep saying the same things over and over. Obama isn't a terrorist. He just is very close with them. See the difference? Ah who am I kidding, I'm trying to influence someone who's opinion doesn't matter.

Update 5:

Megsabel, we're not in war for oil. Proof of the first drop of oil brought back? If we're getting all this great Oil from this war, how come when I go to fill up my car I drop 3$ a gallon?

Update 6:

Middle School Students for Obama: I quoted this from you "you a liar like most mcCain souporters

and why do you say the same things over and over again to

hes a terrorist socailist un american"

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    dude, you're preaching to the choir... and don't bother arguing with a middle schooler who doesnt pay taxes and understand the real world. if they were smart they'd want to vote McCain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why must McCainiacs bash this Muslim thing into the ground.

    We all know Obama is a Christian. It's not a hidden fact. Why don't you talk about how McCain knows nothing about the American economy?

    Obama supports the average working family. We all know you Republican's in Congress like to add on top bills a nice little pay raise for yourself or some other benefit and Obama won't pass that garbage. But when he says he's LOWERING taxes on the middle class you go on a rant about how he's lowering your taxes. Can you explain this to me?

    Source(s): You're a D-a-m-n fool. =) Go ahead, report me.
  • 1 decade ago

    Why do so many McCain supporters use that term "Obamabot"that was created by hate-mongering liars to be used by hate-mongering morons?

    I don't often cite the 90% myself. 90% is a huge proportion, almost all.

    40% is less than half. People who have more than one functioning brain cell realize that there's a huge difference between almost all, and less than half.

    There are lots of reasons to vote "present" -- none of which do the severe damage tothe country that Bush, with the willing uspport of McCain, have done.

    McCain supports the ultra-rich, not the middle class. He will raise taxes on those of the middle class lucky enough to have health care from their employers, and further slash taxes paid by those who already have almost all of the money.

    You should listen to the debates. I though Obama made an excellent point. The Earmarks McCain goes on and on about are a TINY proportion of the budget. The war he supports is massive in comparison, as are the tax cuts he supports and wants to increase.

    BTW, if you think Republicans never give themselves raises, you must never have lived on Earth.

    In every way, McCain would be a continuation of the nightmare we've experienced under Bush: Rich don't pay taxes; poor and middle class do; deregulate industry and business so they can steal everyone else's money; war, more war, and yet more war (he wants to murder everyone in Iran, for instance, as though we hadn't done enough damage); supports oil NOT dirlling in ANY of the places they're authorized to drill, but ONLY in places where they'll do the most damage; increased concentration of wealth in the fewest hands; corruption; and lies, constant lies.

    No, Obama is NOT "close with terrorists" -- although you may not be lying but merely deluded, you are believing everything that liars say. That is a lie. 100% lie. (though how this got inserted into your question I don't get).

    No, we didn't go into Iraq so WE would get oil We went because Bush wanted to be considered "Great" for taking out SH, because Rumsfled wanted permanent bases in the area, and because Cheney wanted Haliburton to make huge piles of money rebuilding and pumping oil.

    No one ever expected the citizens of the US to benefit in any way. The reason there hasn't been oil is becuase all the things they told us about how Iraq would LOVE our murdering and torturing their citizens, and giving their country to thieves were LIES.

    McCain favors the rich, including oil company execs. He yearns for war; he supported torture (after promising he never would); he lies; he's corrupt; he wants all wealth concentrated in few hands, the rest of us impoverished.

    He has lousy judgment and a horrible temperment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you a liar like most mcCain souporters

    and why do you say the same things over and over again to

    hes a terrorist socailist un american

    even though they are all lies

    aww i see that you upset

    and where did you mention socalist or terrorist

    well theres one proff that you a liar

    mcCain dose not souport the average family

    tax breaks for rich and big buissness

    oh and thats bush your talking about adding top bills


    im waiting for my insult

    well im glad to see that you like insulting children

    i still dont understand the Queston


    well bye mr. X

    oh and i never said that you called obama a terrorist

    i said that most mcCain people called him a terrorist

    sorry bad reading

    We all know you Democrats in Congress like to add on top of bills a nice little pay raise for yourselves or some other benefit and McCain won't pass that garbage. Then we he downs it you go on a rant about how he voted against tax cuts but you forget to mention the pay raise in the bill that was never mentioned. Can you explain this to me?

    that part is a lie


    im sorry if i showed

    disrespect to you

    lets end it there

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its the only real solid thing McCain has said. You can't get a straight answer out of the McCain. Ask McCain how much support he has given to the average factory worker, while he is lounging in one of his 7 no 9 homes that house 10 no 13 cars? McCain is part of the problem we are experiencing now. This is a republican creation. Yes, the Dem's are in congress, but whose at the helm? McCain's buddies. Remember that every time the Dem's have been in power we as a country have done well, when the repubs are in power we seem to always be in debt. Which puzzles me about theDem'ss tax and spend reputation. Seems to me the Republicans do plenty of spending which causes us to have to pay higher taxes. Is that too simple of a theory?

  • 5 years ago

    adventure one million. the worldwide is Ours adventure 2: Undisputed Jericho adventure 3: Bio-threat adventure 4: 101percentStrauts Faction adventure 5: Psycho Dude ninety 9 adventure 6: The Beasts considerable adventure: commencement undergo Promo: while Wave of the destiny wins the Tag team call this evening from Stewie and Obama we are going to commence dominating YWWA.

  • 1 decade ago

    These are the same people that complained when the republican house members voted against the president and McCain for the bailout. There is no winning with them. They have to do something since Obama can't run on his record, because he doesn't have one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a distraction to keep people from focusing on the 98% of times Obama voted with a democrat controlled congress that has the lowest approval rating in history.

  • 1 decade ago

    40% is very different from 90%. Very different. And to even have the audacity to say that Democrats are the ones trying to pocket money is just ludacris. What backwards planet do you live on? Why are we in a war?-FOR OIL--and why? Not because we care about liberating supposed struggling countries but because there are some oil-hungry Republicans that make a nice little profit off of being where we aren't needed. Don't try to pose an intelligible debate-it doesn't suit you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider it relevant if a candidate for the presidency voted in lockstep with the worst president in american history 90% of the time, and I think it's something the Obama campaign has the right to highlight. McCain certainly repeats the falsehoods and distortions he thinks help him ad nauseum.

    As for earmarks and voting, we all know McCain likes to mention them, and yes, earmarks should be cut down, but they comprise such a small percentage of the budget, it's like complaining of leaky pipes in your room, on the sinking Titanic - there are MUCH larger problems which McCain seems to be unwilling or unable to face, it's all part of the picture of how out of touch he really is with what is important to the country.

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