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Is this a good reason why "can God create a rock he can't lift?" is an illogical question?

First of all the question assumes that a rock is heavy because of its mass. Science tells us that an object's weight is determined by the gravitational field it is subject to.

Thus a 600 pound rock on earth, weighs 60 pounds on the moon, and zero pounds in the great emptiness of outer-space. If there was rock that weighted a trillion pounds on earth, even I could move it in outer-space!

The truth to the matter is that in our universe there can never be a rock too heavy to move, thus to even propose it in a question is illogical.

"What do you say to that Mr. Spock?"



Now, now fellows... you are not allowed to abuse science, nor the scientific method.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    So if there can be no mass too heavy to lift anywhere, then God can't create a mass too heavy to lift, and is therefore not all powerful. If he is not subject to the law you have just described and *can* create a rock that he can't lift, there is still something he can't do. The argument works just fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    You couldn't move a trillion pound rock even if it was in outer space. It may be close to weightless but it still has mass and therefore still has inertia. That's 1 trillion pounds that wants to stay exactly where it is. All you'd wind up doing is pushing yourself off of it much in the same way you're unable to move the Earth by simply doing a push up. That is unless you are somehow braced on an object that also weighs a hell of a lot in which case the gravitational pull of each object would crush you between them like a grape.

    So in a sense you're right because God can't create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it. If he's omnipotent then he should be able to do anything but the only way to create something he couldn't lift is to impose a limit on him. So either he's limited in what he can do, or he's not omnipotent.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't know the difference between "mass" and "weight" I'm afraid I can't help you here.

    Regardless, you miss the point of the statement. It pretty much puts God into a lose-lose situation.

    Can God create a rock so massive that even he cannot lift it?

    If yes, then because he cannot lift it, he is not omnipotent.

    If no, then because he can't create it, he is not omnipotent.

    So, I'll give you a very brief scientific explanation:

    mass =/= weight

    Just because it may weigh nothing because of the lack of gravitational field affecting it, its mass is COMPLETELY UNAFFECTED by gravity. You'd still have to move the mass, even if its weight is zero.

    "What do you say to that Mr. Spock?"


  • Jake
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    An All-Virtuous Being Cannot Exist

    1. God is (by definition) a being than which no greater being can be thought.

    1. Greatness includes the greatness of virtue.

    1. Therefore, God is a being than which no being could be more virtuous.

    1. But virtue involves overcoming pains and danger.

    1. Indeed, a being, can only be properly said to be virtuous if it can suffer pain or be destroyed.

    1. A God that can suffer pain or is destructible is not one than which no greater being can be thought.

    1. For you can think of a greater being, one that is nonsuffering and indestructible.

    1. Therefore, God does not exist.

    The Paradox of Omnipotence

    1. Either God can create a stone that he cannot lift, or he cannot create a stone that he cannot lift.

    1. If God can create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.

    1. If God cannot create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.

    1. Therefore god is not omnipotent.

    A Perfect Creator Cannot Exist

    1. If God exists, then he is perfect.

    1. If God exists, then he is the creator of the universe.

    1. If a being is perfect, then whatever he creates must be perfect.

    1. But the universe is not perfect.

    1. Therefore, it is impossible for a perfect being to be the creator of the universe.

    1. Hence, it is impossible for God to exist

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If God can't create a rock that is too heavy too lift then he isn't all powerful that's the argument

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just think that at some point the Mind that created my mind and that I know to be all-powerful must be given the courtesy of my thinking that I dont get something because I am me, a fallible bounded error-ridden dude.

    At some point...

  • I think that the quote just illustrates the fallacy of omnipotence. It shoudn't be taken as a "real" rock that he has to lift. It's just worded into lifting of the rock so its easier to grasp.

  • 1 decade ago

    We may attribute miracles to God but not nonsense.

    There is no such thing as the logical possibility of a rock that is too heavy for God to lift.

    It is just a meaningless combination of words.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Is this a good reason why "can God create a rock he can't lift?" is an illogical question?"

    No, you missed the point, it's a paradox.

  • 1 decade ago

    As Muslims we answer this question in this way.

    First of all. God is not in his creation, God is NOt in the universe, and if he wants to do something, he doesn't come down, but he says "Be" and Its....that means if he wants to move a rock, he will say "Move" and it will move by his order or he will send it to angels to move it...


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