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Exactly what does "share the wealth" mean ?

I may be wrong, but to me me it means taking away from me, a middle class worker, and giving it to a liberal leech.

Am I wrong?????

12 Answers

  • Kris W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No your not. The democratic party has a proven track record of taxing the middle class. Remember it was the Democrats who came up with "income tax withholding". And remember how Clinton promised middle class tax cuts and ended up raising tax's?

    Obama isn't going to sign a bill into law that would increase tax's, no he is going the cowards route. He is planning on letting the Bush tax cut expire, automatically increasing our tax's.

    And those tax cuts he is "promising" is only a maybe. Like Maybe if the economy improves a bit. Liberals are pathological liars. When have they ever told the truth or the whole story? Never.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a perfect example, really. Taking the extra tax money that was earned when you taxed big oil companies and then giving that tax money to the citizens of the state. You know, exactly like what Palin did up in Alaska.

    Here is another example. The earned income tax credit. Many of those making under a certain amount get back $4K - $5K on their IRS return when they only had about $500.00 total taken out for income taxes. The earned income tax credit was created in the Reagan (Republican) administration.

  • Frank
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you are wrong.

    It's a progressive tax system which we have had in the US for a century.

    as a middle class worker, you will be keeping your money, and getting more back if Obama is elected.

    Since you don't make over $250k a year, you have NOTHING to worry about.

  • Boss H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No you are not wrong...completely.

    what you are wrong about, is thinking of currency as wealth, when wealth is actually the real goods that you own. Nobody is suggesting your home, your car, or any of your property being taken away and given to other people.

    Currency is nothing more than a tangible representation of labor +time = real goods and services

    means the labor that you do for a certain unit of time to acquire real goods and services

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  • rod
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You're wrong. He proposes tax CUTS for middle class (under 250k annual salary)

    Read the full statement when he was talking to 'Joe' and you see he was saying he wants a strong economy so everyone can prosper--so we can all 'share in the wealth'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means what it exactly says it means.....sharing the wealth is his plan of taxing the people who go to college, graduate, and get good jobs after and giving it to people who don't do anything......

    Source(s): an in debt college student who believes hard work will pay off in the future, which obama does not believe in
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means the middle class will get some of those sweet tax breaks only being enjoyed by the very very wealthy right now. About time.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are absolutely right. I think it is time that Obama put his money where his smooth talking, snake oil sales mans mouth is and take some of the $400,000,000. he has spent on his empty hollow campaign and redistribute that instead of taking our money to support people who are taking advantage of the system.

  • 1 decade ago

    It means the Republicans have nothing better to do than lie, make up lines about Obama instead of talking about the issue. How does "Lyin Keating 5 McCain" sound.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are right on the money honey...

    watch a radio released an interview where he admitted socialism in his plan...after it was explained by an anaylzer it was scary..the man said this is a serious thing....There is small businees owners out there right now that are scaried ...if he is elected it will take their 2 weeks of reserch on Obama led me to lack of sleep at night this man is out to destroy the United will be turned into what he wants it to become....Changing the constition is one of his first intentions.......he is dangerous

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