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Lv 615,376 points

Kris W

Favorite Answers9%

"All you see is an illusion within an illusion behind a shadowed veil"

  • "Horizon in The Middle of Nowhere" What does "judge" mean?

    I was watching Horizon in The Middle of Nowhere online, and in the anime they keep using the word "judge". I am at a partial loss of what it means. I kind of think the word is used as a mechanism to modify or give added emphasis to a statement. Similar to adding "serious" or "word/absolute truth or intent"(or perhaps a combination of those sentiments) to a statement.

    Either way it is perplexing, and without knowing the proper context it is used, sounds kind of stupid/makes me feel stupid for not knowing what it means.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • When should you take a kitten to the vet for the first time?

    And how much does that stuff usually cost?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why do feminist's ignore the past?

    Why do they ignore the fact that before the mid 1900's husbands where responsible for their wives in totality? Meaning if their wife ran up a debt he was stuck paying, if his wife committed a crime he was the one going to jail? And also why do feminist's ignore the fact that men are routinely stuck with their ex's debt(student loan's, car loan's) after divorce to this day?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Are women denied hormonal treatment if they need it as they age?

    By insurance companies and medicare?

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Are people here stupid?

    Read the ToS, naming names is strictly against it. All you will do is create a negative balance that will bring your account one step closer to ban-ville.

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do feminist's blame men for the choices of their great grand mothers?

    If the question doesn't make sense to you Google Mothers of the Republic and the Women's rights movements of the 1800's that fought for the right to stay home and raise their children(was tied into the child labor movement), and they actively made it hard for single women to gain employment.

    So why are feminist's blaming men for the choices of women in the past?

    13 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Should the majority of Breast cancer awareness focus on male breast cancer?

    Even though women are number one victims of breast cancer some men die from it as well. Since society views this a woman only disease shouldn't they focus more effort on educating and helping men's breast cancer awareness?

    7 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Is this the pattern to the trolls here?

    People complain all the time about mass conspiracies of hit job's to questions on here from time to time. It is never a constant occurrence really. Only the really bad questions and obvious trolls get deleted(as they should).

    But what happens when someone with a high rep reports someone's question just because they don't like it? It goes down.

    But what happens to a person's rep when they report a bad question or a troll?

    It goes up.

    So I dare to postulate that it could be possible for these trolls to be nothing more than alternative accounts for one or more regular(or semi-regular) member here to raise their reputation on so they can silence questions they disagree with or find to them offensive(when they are not).

    Or it is also equally possible that someone who hovers around a different sections is using this section as a dumping ground? The old saying "don't squat where you eat" does hold some truth.

    My question is: Which hypothesis is more likely or possible? And what can yahoo do to close this potential breach and abuse of the yahoo report system?

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do people confuse monogamy with celibacy......?

    Within marriage in terms of long term sexuality?

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Do feminist's guide their ideology or does their ideology guide them?

    The question is in the title, thoughtful answers please.

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • If child support was ever outlawed?

    Would people who received any amount of child support be forced to pay it back(if child support was found to be a form of slavery and illegal)?

    And could that also explain the gender divide?

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • legal/moral question.?

    Ok, I have a car(my first car), it is pretty much sitting(because I have a newer car now). Well one of my sister and brother in law's friends wants to buy it. I don't really care, or rather didn't really care one way or another about it. The problem is I reached a moral epiphany and came to a solid(was always unsure, whole social good thing) conclusion that child support/alimony= slavery, and that slavery=evil and immoral. I didn't make any verbal promises(it was mostly my sister that negotiated a price(only get 150$ at the scrap yard so 350ish) while I held the position that I could back out) and she has been blowing her money as soon as she gets it so on her end was dragging her feet.

    I just feel in my heart that I would rather not sell her the car. My ancestors fought in the civil war(Union Army) and it just feels like I would be betraying them by selling a car to someone I perceive to be a slave owner.

    Anyone have any ideas on how to tactfully back out?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Should troll's here be sued?

    Under many international, national(US) and various state law's their is room for harassment and slander lawsuits(we all know many of the feminist's and other trolls that harass those who oppose female supremacy often lie through their teeth and commit gross slander against those who dare speak up).

    Since yahoo refuses to machine and IP ban these stalkers, is legal action through the courts the only way forward?

    And who would commit to such an endeavor if actions where taken in earnest?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why does the whole SAHM debate ignore what the man may or may not want?

    Just wondering why the debate is so narcissistic..

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does feminism adhere to the Universal Law?

    The universal law: Everyone should be held to the same standard,Including you and me.(I believe it is a deontology principle) example: You believe in the draft so you yourself must be able to be drafted and OK with being drafted. You believe in the death penalty even though innocent people can be executed so you yourself must be able to be OK with the fact if you where wrongfully prosecuted and sentenced to death.

    Do feminist judges and feminist elected officials and feminism in general even remotely subscribe to this?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • What does advertisements say about our society?

    I don't know if anyone noticed but advertisements targeting men are usually pretty positive all around, while advertisement targeting women is usually either emotionally abusive or physically abusive towards males(from grown men to little boy's). What exactly does this mean about society? When one class responds well to positive messages and another class responds well to hateful ignorant messages?

    2 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How does rule by Elite men justify discrimination against all men?

    If you open any history book it is very easy to see all humans, both male and female have been oppressed since the dawn of civilization by the wealthy and powerful. Doesn't matter if the powerful person was male or female. Looking at our own modern history and it is even easier to see that the rights of women emerged almost immediately after average men secured rights. Not a thousand years later but in a manner of decades. In fact women got the right to vote before young men(who are often drafted to fight for wars they couldn't vote for(example Kennedy,Johnson and Nixon won mainly because of the female vote, yet thousands upon thousands of young men died for a war they didn't or couldn't vote against and the war ended only when young men where given the right to vote).

    But women still maintained class privileges even after receiving the same rights as the average man.

    Remember, men had to pay for our rights with blood; while women where given their rights out of basic morality and reason.

    So how does that justify the current oppression average men face, since average men it can be said had it worse off than average women for the last 6,000 years?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Should men even care anymore?

    After the last couple of years why should men care about women's issues in western civilization?

    When you add up Duke, Winkler, 07 9th circuit court ruling on "equality", war on boy's, unequal health research, blatant discrimination in men's college sports, and now feminists and liberals trying to rewrite IX to make sure discrimination against male athletes and male students is legally entrenched in law, and almost half a century later no male birth control pill, Why should we care about those who not only ignore our issue's but go out of their way to discriminate against us?

    Feminists started and maintained their little revolution with phony lies, while we have legitimate gripes, so why should we care anymore?

    12 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago