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Kris W
Lv 6
Kris W asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

How does rule by Elite men justify discrimination against all men?

If you open any history book it is very easy to see all humans, both male and female have been oppressed since the dawn of civilization by the wealthy and powerful. Doesn't matter if the powerful person was male or female. Looking at our own modern history and it is even easier to see that the rights of women emerged almost immediately after average men secured rights. Not a thousand years later but in a manner of decades. In fact women got the right to vote before young men(who are often drafted to fight for wars they couldn't vote for(example Kennedy,Johnson and Nixon won mainly because of the female vote, yet thousands upon thousands of young men died for a war they didn't or couldn't vote against and the war ended only when young men where given the right to vote).

But women still maintained class privileges even after receiving the same rights as the average man.

Remember, men had to pay for our rights with blood; while women where given their rights out of basic morality and reason.

So how does that justify the current oppression average men face, since average men it can be said had it worse off than average women for the last 6,000 years?


As always way off the mark. The whole blood thing meant literally blood. Men had to die to secure their rights.

Men's labor rights activist's : how many died before labor law's became a reality?

During the last Depression when unarmed men peacefully protested for government action(Bonus Army), how did the government respond? With bullets.

The right to vote, how many young British men died in the first world war before they got the right to vote?(Consequently men faced huge peer pressure from women during the first world war to go to the front lines and die, by which millions of British men did).

If it appears I treat women as a different class, it is because I am. In the context of bio-gender feminist's are quick to treat men as a different class in regards to the past, and since they are the main instigators in the current oppresion men face, and society is built around the way they think, the only way to beat a system is from within it.

Update 2:

Also, since women are the dominant electoral voting block in the US, no politician really get's elected without their support.

And about "well if men fought to vote doesn't that inherit down to there daughters" mindset would be true, but we live in a feminist society that actively prosecutes boy's because supposedly all there female ancestors since the begining of time where oppressed.

Simply put everyone is held to the same standard, or should be. If feminist's want to justify the oppresion and discrimination boy's and young men face by the supposed fact that women once upon a time were discriminated against, but yet dissmiss the struggles and tribulations men have always faced, is truly telling. Demonize men when it is to your benefit, and yet quick to deny a difference when it is equally to your(feminist) benefit.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Last 6,000 years? What the hell have you been smoking, eh?

  • 1 decade ago

    LoL, you weren't speaking Feminese, and look at the answers you got.

    You forgot that the young men who were forced to fight in the Cold War battles also couldn't legally drink alcohol either. That's why the drinking age was lowered to 18 for awhile.

    Also men have and still have it worse when it comes to a country being overrun and conquered, many millions of boy and men have been murdered when only thousands of women get raped/murdered. It's called gendercide and happens almost exclusively to men and boys.

    Men have probably had it bad from the beginning of the human race, not only the past 6000 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's what bigots do.. Feminism paints all men in the same broad brush and then trash them. Feminists look at the small number of men in power (completely ignore that there are also some women) and then promote the idea (lie) that all men were/are privileged - hence "the patriarchy" myth. They also try to justify discrimination against men base on the lies that they made up, and use their political power to make it possible. This is why it is extremely dangerous to allow any sexist/harmful ideologies (feminism) to have influence on the system.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you're wrong. Women have been oppressed by men since they had to stay in the hut/cave/village raising the babies since that's what men socially constructed them to do. When God took adams rib and turned it into a woman, men (when god had his back turned) put a womb inside eve causing the thousands of years of horror that women have had to face by having this natural ability to creat life. Now, they've been given the choice for an even better type of creation since they can go to work in the rat race and simply flush away any pesky fetus that happens since their right to orgasm trumps the rights of the unborn. I don't appreciate these kind of mysoginistic questions. When you question a woman, you're actually being hateful.

    So sayeth the feminists, so sayeth the goddess.

    Elf just totally confirmed the true mindset of feminists with her last sentence. If you wait long enough, the truth always comes out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's because these pathetic feminist losers think of male oppression as a payback for what their ancestors suffered 6,000 years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Could you back up your statements with facts? I did live through the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon era and remember the burning of the draft and the protests very clearly. There was a tremendous anti-war feeling, by both men and women. I've never heard the theory though that the Vietnam war took place because the US presidents who were instrumental in going into that war (and the Korean war) did so because they were voted in by women.

    And as a matter of interest, you talk about "our rights with blood" as though women are a different race or species. Do you not acknowledge that women were discriminated against and that that is wrong?

    It's called progress and conscience and doing what is right.

    And if you are entitled to have rights because of your male ancestors blood, then their mother and their sister and their aunt and their daughter, is too.

    Edit: so no facts, then, just rant. Sigh.

    Just for the record: you seem to blame women for voting for men who took men into war.

    you seem to think that the men who took other men into war aren't to blame.

    you seem to think that shedding blood gives someone the right to vote.

    you seem to think that your ancestors blood being shed gives you the right to vote, but not your women folk.

    you seem somehow to blame women for not giving young men the vote, rather than the men who were in government.

    And somehow you tie this in with boys being prosecuted (do you mean "persecuted"?) today.

    Do you fully understand the meaning of the word "persecuted"?

    And you accuse me of being off track.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rule by elite does not justify discrimination an any level.

    But I'm not buying your whine-fest about men having it worse than women, either.

    I could argue that women paid for rights in blood as well - since about one third of women died in childbirth until money and time started being directed to improving medical care for women.

    Arguing that one gender has suffered more is tantamount to arguing that one gender is superior. An equalist wouldn't go there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Noes, noes, noes, noes!

    Only womyn was oppressied. And only menz was lived like kings. Throughout all of histories. My womyns studies professor tolded me.

    We am HUMAN! You must be a womyn haterz to even thinks menz wasn't lived like kings in past.

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