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Kris W
Lv 6
Kris W asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Why do feminist's blame men for the choices of their great grand mothers?

If the question doesn't make sense to you Google Mothers of the Republic and the Women's rights movements of the 1800's that fought for the right to stay home and raise their children(was tied into the child labor movement), and they actively made it hard for single women to gain employment.

So why are feminist's blaming men for the choices of women in the past?


actually great-great-grand mothers-

Update 2:

Great-great-grandfathers where guilty of what? Listening to their wives and daughters?

Update 3:

My question is why do feminist's totally ignore the women's right's movement of the 1800's?

Update 4:

So men are blamed for following a social structure created by the women's right's movement of the 1800's? So according to that "logic", boy's and men fifty to a hundred years from now will be blamed for what the feminist women's right's movement is doing today if women of the era find they don't like society?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From my perspective, I say forget about the 1800's and remember learning about a time way back in history when men hit women over the heads and dragged them back to their cave. Women have come a long way in evolution. If men are to be blamed for everything, then they need to start at the beginning and explain Adam and Eve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'blaming men' is the underpinning rule of the feminist movement.

    Feminists are obliged to only point out how men did xyz in relation to abc, and under no circumstances must a feminist mention - unless forced to do so (at which whoever forces it is classed as an abuser) - female or feminist involvement in xyz.

    This mentality allows feminism to lie through omission and it contributes to people assuming more than facts. For example when talking to British feminists, they will say "women couldn't vote until early 1900s" - the will not mention that women got the vote only ten (10) years after men. Most people assume men could vote since cave-men times and purposely stopped women from voting at every opportunity.

    They didn't directly lie - they just intentionally omitted parts of the facts in order to skew the portrayal of historical fact.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm a feminist. that does no longer mean that I hate adult males, or any of the different issues that are implied whilst some human beings, regrettably women between them, use the observe as a clincher in a controversy they sense they might't win, in basic terms like "communist" grow to be/is utilized in different factors of political discourse. It in basic terms ability I refuse to conform with the widely held concept that "male" is the default state of being human. this is no longer, nor are women human beings a minority, even with the undeniable fact that they agreed for an prolonged time to being on condition that status in society. this is plenty an identical simply by fact the way some white human beings cry "racist" whilst a black guy or woman dares show their resentment against the regularly occurring public team. To me it sounds like the present outcry with the help of a few adult males that there must be something incorrect with the coaching gadget, simply by fact that statistically ladies do greater effective in it that boys. whilst it grow to be any incorrect way around simply by fact women have been meant to shelter siblings and help with the homestead projects from a youthful age - their loss of fulfillment in the tutorial gadget grow to be, of direction, simply by their vulnerable lady brains. In a challenge the place it is discovered that ladies human beings can no longer get nutrition for themselves and their toddlers simply by fact the bodily greater effective adult males will use that capability to deprive them of get right of entry to to nutrition - to me it seems a completely smart decision to examine women human beings in uncomplicated terms factors of distribution.

  • 1 decade ago

    I blame women for pushing society to the point where it's often necessary for both the husband and wife to work. My ancestors (wives) all stayed home with the children and were homemakers. I praise the choices they made and wish I had the ability to make that same choice. But I do not. I have to work.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't blame men. In fact, I'd say things were slightly better in that aspect for our great-grandmothers than their daughters, who faced intense societal pressure not to work. Now that we've picked up on how that works, it's much less of a problem.

  • Women don't like to take responsibility for their actions.

    Even when faced with cold hard facts, they get emotional and blame men.

    They are irrational and irresponsible and need to start asking themselves why they are unhappy and they answer is women make women unhappy and men unhappy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont, my great grand mother was a feminist and a suffragist got photos and a journal to prove it.

    After googling I've come to conclusion you dont know what your bloody talking about.

    They talk about voting rights, equal education, some recommend staying single so the woman didnt become property, about wills and owning property,

    "there is no sex to the soul"

  • 1 decade ago

    Because blaming men and the patriarchy (for everything) have been the cornerstone of the feminist movement for decades now - and will always remain so Feminists hate the concept of personal responsibilities. They feel that men are and should be responsible for women own choices.

    Feminists want women to be treated and pamper like children.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they aren't blaming guys for that. They're blaming guys for thinking that the feminists are blaming them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because blaming themselves would underwrite everything feminism stands for. It would be letting men "win" in a sense.

    Source(s): My friend's a feminist.
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