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Why is it so important for you to be "right" and others "wrong"?

One thing that I've noticed from this that people seem desperate to be "right" about G-d or the lack thereof. Why is it so important to you that other people agree with or affirm your beliefs, and so annoying that other people don't?

I understand with things like politics and where to go for dinner, since you have a stake in what happens. But if someone else has a different take on religion than you, why is it so troublesome? You're not the one who is going to be in trouble with a deity, or wasting your time, or whatever consequence you think the "wrong" person will face.

Just curious.


Wow, lots of comments! I'm neither an atheist nor a religious person. I don't get into "arguments" with people about their faith or lack thereof, unless they're disrespectful or judgmental. The "you" was supposed to be a general designation. :-)

I'm just really curious about the arguments I see about whether or not there's a G-d, which G-d is the true one, blah blah blah. I just don't understand why there are arguments over what I would consider to be a more private matter. I feel that people aren't going to change their minds, so there really isn't much of a point in disrespecting or arguing with their beliefs.

I guess I'm just surprised that a topic that I would think might generate enriching and interesting responses sometimes seems to denigrate into a "You're wrong" or "You're immoral" or "You're a fool" kinds of messages.

Update 2:

Tough Love: I don't think that religion doesn't affect people other than those who practice it. I certainly didn't mean to imply that it did. What I am wondering is why a person's private relationship with G-d matters to you? I don't mean what they do with it, I mean the fact that they believe in G-d in the first place.

It obviously is a big deal if a person in power uses religion or lack thereof to impose their morals, etc on others. But just belief? People aren't saying, "I don't think religious convictions should have a role in the way a country is governed." They're saying, "There is no G-d."

I feel that it's aimed wrong. :-)

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wrong on two counts that it would be really easy for you to find on your own (so I think you are up to something but don't know what) :

    From Ezekiel

    "When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that wicked man will die for [a] his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood. 9 But if you do warn the wicked man to turn from his ways and he does not do so, he will die for his sin, but you will have saved yourself."

    But the other thing is -- at least for me -- it matters not a speck about right and wrong, but only that when someone says "God is a big red bunny from Russia" and someone else says "God is NOT a big red bunny from Russia" that someone (YOU ?) say, Well, they both can't be right.

    I am a person of good scientific training, High IQ, and a convert (a Catholic). That stuff offends me -- as a thinking person.

    You seem to think -- What the heck, maybe they are both right !

    But then how is the world ever to advance when we deny the most basic things of logic and rationality ?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really care what others choose to do with their lives.I choose to be Pagan but I figure hey everybody is entitled to their own opinion and how to live their lives. See that's what I find funny lots of other religions that people follow the followers try to push their religious choice onto those who don't believe the same as them, but I don't see Pagans trying to convert people. Most of us just let people exercise their free will. I don't think there really is only one right religion there's just a religion or lack thereof that's right for every individual.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only an arrogant fool let's the "need to be right" be his drive in discussing philosophy and religion.

    Truth is something that no one has a monopoly on. We can all learn from each other. Our brains are very puny and underdeveloped to understand the universe and even our planet and own race.

    To pretend to one's self that one KNOWS FOR SURE any question of of beyond-our-universe questions like GOD, is foolish.

    We should all keep and open mind that changes with new information and grows with deeper understanding of the world around us.

    Like the scientists that are always finding new ways to look at the universe to Humanity's benefit (medicine, technology, etc.)...

    we should be willing to "be wrong" and enjoy the pleasure and wisdom that comes from looking at something in a new light.

  • 1 decade ago

    How naive to think religion doesn't effect me.

    Why does it matter to me what someone else believes?

    Because when religion purports to offer a complete answer to problems of purpose, morality, origins or science, it often discourages exploration of those areas by suppressing curiosity, denies its followers a broader perspective, and can prevent social, moral and scientific progress.

    Because of the phenomenon of religious war as one of the more destructive consequences of religious belief. These conflicts are among the most difficult to resolve, particularly where both sides believe that God is on their side and has endorsed the moral righteousness of their claims.

    Because many people believe they have a religious duty to take "control of a sinful secular society", either by putting fundamentalists in office, or by forcing "holy" law into the secular sphere.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not desperate of what someone else believes in, But I do know one thing, that no one will change my beliefs, Because in my 38 yrs as a Christain, I know when I answer a question it is because I know the truth about that question, will my answer be what people want to hear, probably not, But that don't change it from being true. In my 38 yrs as a Christain, I have not just been sitting around twirling my thumbs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In terms of a simple discussion it has no real importance at all.

    Where the existence of god and other religious matters do become important is when religionists impose their deluded beliefs on others, for example in the fields of education, birth control and sexuality. Then it becomes extremely important that non-religious people are protected from raging ignorant fundementalist religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not important that others are wrong. As a Christian I try my hardest to do what God thinks is right for me. I don't want others to be wrong, in fact I try to help them the best I can. It isn't annoying to me when others don't believe in God, but I do think it is sad. Because my life is now so much better with God in it I would like others to have the same great experiences and wonderful feeling that I have.

    I am very curious and love to find out about others opinions, religions and beliefs. But ultimately I think that God wants to know all of us and I am partly responsible for encouraging others and sharing my views. I don't like people who shove religion down others throats. That is wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    deep down all here actually seem to like each other otherwise they would not communicate at all - if someone was genuinely offended they would sign out not argue their point. The banter is semi heated at times but obviously never so hot it can't be touched upon.(report button for that) - people love being right or at least thinking they are, it reinforces them if they win the debate. All are okay regardless of belief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure it is the importance of being "right". Its more the important for the atheist to live in a world less affected and influenced by ridiculous ****. We're constantly subjected to religious based wars or conversation, heck to get elected as president/prime minister of most countries you have to go with the religion that has the majority of the people.

    For religious people it is their life, so they have to prove they're right. More so because their own insecurity of being wrong about god.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because this is the one thing I know that I can bet my life with that I am right. And it is my obligation to share it to as much people as I could - whether they believe me or not! The conversion belongs to the person, and the changing of heart to God Almighty!

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