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Politically, do you believe in socialism and redistribution of your income?

Watch and give me your opinion.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I don't believe in socialism as the basic economic system of the country. Taxes, of one sort or another, have been redistributing income since the beginning of the country. I am voting for Obama because that redistribution should at least provide some benefit for ordinary Americans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a hard time taking this seriously since he was speaking in terms of a small community and it's local school system. People act like they've never heard the term 'redistribution of wealth' but the government has been redistributing your wealth for years now. Think about how much of your tax dollars go to fund the Iraq war and the corporations who help make that possible. Is that not a 'redistribution of wealth'?

    You pay local income tax that goes towards supporting your library, parks, schools, roads ect. Is that not a redistribution of wealth?

  • 1 decade ago

    - First, the audio in that clip is very, very cut up and edited. If you listen to the whole discussion, Obama says that it isn't the courts place to make rulings on redistribution of wealth in a society. The tragedy, according to Obama, is that poor people focused on the courts instead of working from a grass-roots level to improve things.

    Second, no, I don't believe in socialist 'redistribution of wealth.'

    I do, however, believe taxes are necessary, since I use government services (roads, schools, police, fire, public health, etc). I don't think getting rid of tax cuts for the wealthy and giving tax cuts to the middle class (Obama's position) is any more socialist that giving tax cuts only to the wealthy and spending money you don't have (Bush and McCain's position).

  • 1 decade ago

    Human nature-

    Someone who works hard likes to be able to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

    Someone who doesn't work hard feels short-changed when he sees the hard worker enjoying the fruits, without having seen the hard work that earned it.

    Granted, I probably fall into the category of not having much, but I sure don't expect to be handed everything. (redistributing the rich people's wealth to me)

    I like the answer that said that wealth should be distributed by the same mechanism that creates it, and that Uncle Sam doesn't create wealth so Uncle Sam shouldn't be redistributing it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your wealth is ALWAYS redistributed. I pay taxes, I pay for the military, social security, police and fire coverage, public schools which my children do not attend, I pay retirement benefits (which are EXCELLENT) to retired postal workers, retired military and even retired senators.

    I would rather have my tax go to help 95% of this country rather than just bank managers who made bad decisions.

    BTW, wasnt John McCain in favor of higher tax for higher income earners at one time?

  • 1 decade ago

    NO what then is the incentive to strive to be the best and get ahead to achieve "the American dream"i believe we already give entirely too much !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The countries in Europe that have socialist systems like Sweden and Denmark are in pretty good shape. What's wrong with people all working for the common good?

  • Alan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    why is Obama's plan to eliminate tax loopholes for the wealthy so that they pay the tax that was intended viewed as socialism? His plan doesn't create or increase taxes on the over 250,000 crowd it just demands that they pay what they owe without being able to exploit the system with practices that hurt our economy all so they can pay a lower percentage of tax than the average worker.

  • 1 decade ago

    I accomplish Redistribution of my Income without the government's help.

    I pay some of it in Rent, and some for Insurance, and some for gasoline, and some for utilities, and some for food.

    That's how I already "spread the wealth around" without government assistance. If the "poor" want to be part of my scheme, they just need to offer me something I want.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe wealth should be distributed by the same mechanism that creates it, which is the free market.

    The State creates no wealth so why should it get to redistribute it?

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