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Do you consider childfree people to be selfish?

And if so, why?


I ask because as a childfree person, I have often been accused of being selfish for my choice and was wondering why that is.

Also, to limit the confusion childfree people NEVER want children. They have made the concious decision to not have any. A person who wants them later in life is called childless, not childfree.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not at all. People who have children and do not care about them are selfish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm childfree and I totally consider myself selfish! I don't care what others think, I KNOW I did the right thing in not having children!

    I know my limitations. While toddlers and grade school kids are cute, I have no patience for rotten teenagers like the ones I see around here. I know that I like the ability to come and go as I please and spend my money the way I want to. My husband and I have two Miniature Schnauzers that we love to pieces and spoil rotten, and both have their diplomas from obedience class. (No need to worry about saving for Yale or Harvard.)

    I feel I am truly the blessed one - I don't have to suffer any children, and no children have to suffer me!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I consider those with children who have no control over them worse. I can't nbear being on a train, bus in a restaurant and unruly kids are running around. Why can't parents control them and consider others. i know not all kids are like that and not all parents are either.

    WHY would childless people be selfish anyway??????

  • Aslan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    not necessarily - it doesn't help to generalise with people

    some child free people are not in a stable relationship or they want to get some financial security up behind them before going down the family route

    others want kids but find whatever they try that falling pregnant doesn't happen for them

    others know that they wouldn't make good parents and therefore UNSELFISHLY decide not to inflict that on children

    on the other hand - some people have children for very selfish reasons - to hang onto a particular man, to get housing and get it paid for, to meet a need of some kind - these are all somewhat selfish too aren't they?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    quite the opposite,

    the world is headed for overpopulation and extinction, children are dying of poverty...still most people are so determined to have their own kids just because they want to be parents. most are not even satisfied with one, they would have as many as they can afford without considering anything but their selfish desires.

    childfree people may seem superficial and spoil themselves with dinners and designer clothing but those material things are nothing compared to the amount of resources required to bring up a family of four.

    its really sad how people with children think others are selfish!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, in a world of 6 billion and rising I think they're showing wisdom and intelligence. If they don't want kids why the hell should they have them, it's not like it's a special thing to do, any cretin on the street can usually manage it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course not, with the country being so overpopulated at the moment you could say it is selfish to keep adding to the population (I wouldn't say that though, I still want kids of my own). I don't think its anyones business really if you don't want children.

  • Pam
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely not. Some people believe life is meant to be lived. I am one of them and I am tired of people criticizing me for not spending the next 18 years of my life chained to a kid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I think they are intelligent. Do you know how much babies cost un til they are 18, and going of to work. And if they carry on to university than you can double that figure. And the first 2 years the baby takes all your time, patience, and sleep. If girls knew how bad it can be, they would leave the sex alone until 26 (years old)


    Source(s): Had 2 sisters and 3 kids.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am 37 never had kids and don't want them, no I'm not selfish, I am smart. I hate kids so why would I want them

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