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Lv 6
Granny asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why do people think Obama has won, when voting day is still several hours away?

Polls are not votes!

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are like kids before Xmas. They are expecting everything they want, but will be sorely disappointed when Santa doesnt deliver

  • 1 decade ago

    Here it is about an hour before the polls open, and there are many in line fussing and fighting already.

    To listen to the talk, one would think that there are nothing but a bunch of kids arguing over who's dad is better. Most are so uninformed that they sound like idiots and that is both sides. One just said, Obama said this or that, when in reality it was something Sara Palin said. People with this type of mentality should not be let free in public, let alone allowed to vote.

    Many are saying, 'you might as well not vote because "?" has already won' and as I said the polls open in an hour.

    People must have this hopeful conjecture, I suppose, to keep what is left of their sanity.

    As for me, I am standing here, keeping a cool exterior, and hoping to see a miracle happen. I'm hoping that someday we have a candidate that will run for president on the "Honesty ticket" who will stand in front of the crowd and tell only the truth and not even a half lie.

    I know this is asking for the impossible because the two words politician and liar are synonymous.

    AMERICA, first and foremost!

  • 1 decade ago

    Polls can be unreliable, true, but the more polls that are taken, the more you can average them and get a reasonable idea of the truth.

    In this election, the sheer number of different polls taken by dozens of different organizations for months now has given everyone a pretty fair idea of what the numbers are/have been. Simply put, one poll could be wrong, but 12 independent polls that show closely matching results are highly unlikely to be wrong. And not all the polls out there are undertaken by the so-called "liberal media".

    If ALL the polls somehow turn out to be "wrong", be prepared for some ugliness on Nov. 5, because it will be a sure sign of fraud (frankly, though, I don't expect this to happen).

    These polls take hundreds of factors into account to be as accurate as possible... including voters who refuse to deal with pollsters, lest anyone think that some kind of "silent uprising" (2-3 million voters who slipped through the pollsters' cracks) will close the gap on Election Day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's what they do, to discourage the Republicans into not voting. Your right polls are not votes, and they are only good at that time. It has been proven mostly democrats are asked to answer those polls. There is no way they are fair and accurate.

    Let us all remember what happened with Jimmy Carter, the polls showed him ahead, then Reagan won by a landslide!.

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  • 1 decade ago

    True polls are not votes, but they give the general public they idea of what most likely will occur. There is not much of a chance the voting will change, but there is a chance something will "go wrong," like Bush and Florida.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media is trying to sway america away from voting think that they will stay at home because Obama has it in the bag.

    Got News for ya - WRONG

    If they'd part the wool out of the way in their eyes, they'd see that the true Americans actually have jobs and they will be out today to make their vote count and I can promise you it wont be for Obama.

    America - keep doing the right thing for your country and voting for:

    MCCAIN & PALIN "08"


  • 1 decade ago

    Because that is what our left wing liberal bias media is telling them. The pollsters are talking with younger voters and weighting the polls to favor Obama. They may get a surprise tonight!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they know the electoral process has been tainted by PAC's such as ACORN.

    This election has truly been rigged.

    Obama spent millions to buy this election and the public will pay dearly in the end due to his poor leadership. He does not deserve to hold a high office.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are stupid enough to believe the polls. State polls are notoriously wrong.

    Here's something about poles. obama has always been polled to get more than he actually does get. Every time in the primaries. Don't believe me, check it yourself.

    With obama freedom will be destroyed anyway...

  • 1 decade ago

    The pundits live to analyze all of this.

    They are analyzing the polls and think the probability is high, but that it's possible there could be an upset.

    Obama supporters are cautiously optimistic.

  • Diana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Other people are trying to do this mind control crap, if you think you've lost the race maybe you'll be stupid enough to throw in the towel.

    I think not, it's not over till the fat lady sings.

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