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Why is it that 97% of the Military voted for McCain?

They are the ones fighting overseas so kids like you can go to school without the threat of a terrorist bombing our country.

You can sleep soundly at night because a U.S. soldier shed his blood for you to preserve our freedom.

And yet, these votes were not counted! The elections board did not get them out in time, therefore, the votes were not sent back in time.

How ironic that the very heros who are fighting for you to have your opinion, could not voice their own....

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here is a link to help the statements.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most people in the military are generally conservative people who often from from Republican families, not all, but many.

    Most always vote Republican because they put national security and defense first and generally, Republicans support a large defense budget. The majority of the military has always voted for a Republican, this year is no different.

    I have a great friend who has served in the USMC, she voted for Obama, so not all voted for McCain, 97% is clearly a made up on the spot statistic. There are many of our soldiers serving in Iraq who want that war to end just as much as many people here at home do. That aside, I know that the majority of people in our military will respect America's decision, and support the president.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me preface this by saying that it's not my intent to belittle the job our troops are doing in the Middle East but the reality is that it is just that: A job.

    There was no draft. No one held a gun to their head and told them to enlist. They made a, presumably, informed choice to enter the military for financial and educational considerations.

    It amazes me that our troops today are deified while troops returning from Viet Nam were vilified. Viet Nam war veterans, fo the most part, had no choice, You either served your country or were tried as a traitor.

    Our troops today have a choice and most have chosen the military as a career or a way to improve their lot in life. It's unfortunate that they are asked to risk their lives in a senseless war but they knew the risk before signing up.

    So to answer your question, perhaps the military favored McCain in this election because with him they knew they'd have job security.

    Again, I appreciate the job that they do just as I appreciate the work done by police officers, firefighters, paramedics and everyone else who protects and cares for the public. But they're all in these careers by choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cite your source because I think your numbers are way off! I'm active duty right now and I think it was closer to 50/50. The minorities in the military tend to vote Democrat, the same as American society.

    I'm currently deployed and had to vote absentee as I have done for many elections. Our votes are never counted unless they would be the possible decider in an election. In this one, they would not have mattered.

    Thank you for your kind words, but we feel good about the results and the process.

    I voted for McCain, but I think Obama will do fine. We have nowhere to go but up even if Pee Wee Herman were President.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let us Guess .... You heard that on The FoxZionistPropaganda Network, Barfed out by Bill o'LIElly, Reich Limpbaugh, or Sean Hannfaggity ... OR You misheard the Facts, which are MORE LIKELY To Be, that RON PAUL Received a High % of the Votes ...

  • 1 decade ago

    I voted for McCain, I am a veteran...but I have to question the 97% figure that you state.

    No doubt that the military voted in overwhelming favor of McCain, but I would be surprised if the final tally was 97%.

    The one issue that I see is a certain voting bloc within the military that would break ranks and vote for Obama for some other 'Bloc' reason...that alone would drop the Military vote down.

    However to get to your real point, the Military understands the importance of Duty, Honor, Country and thus they voted for McCain. Now they will have to listen to some incompotent fool as the top guy.

    Let's see if Obama does as much damage to our Military and National Defense as Clinton did.

    I served under Reagan, Bush Sr. and then Clinton...I got out because of Clinton and I would not be surprised to see others getting out because of Obama. We have to trust our leaders, and I have -0- trust in Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    The people in the military know that we have this war won and are trying to help Iraq get back on it's feet. Pulling our military out before our work is finished is wrong! Get ready for another 911 and all Obama will do is make friends with the Terrorists! We are totally doomed!

  • mety
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They were ordered to by their commander-in-chief! ;)

    I'm not surprised, we tend to think of supporting our troops as waving the flag.

    These brave Americans need more than a pat on the back.

    They are badly mistreated - many are losing their homes, we provide costly, but nearly worthless medical care that takes months for them to be able to see a Dr., a high percentage of our homeless are vets. We send them to war without proper body armor, I could go on and on, but WE need to support our Vets in their fight against a government that shortchanges them again and again. They give us their all, we should give them our all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they were not swayed as much by the "bread and circuses" popularity contest that was this election. I do feel that 97% is probably incorrect, since we have foolish people even in our armed forces.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand your feelings are hurt, but you need to get over yourself. Those who voted against Bush, still had to deal with him. Learn to deal with the decision that more than half the people wanted. You can't always get what you want. You can however, learn to respect other Americans and their right to vote according to what they feel is good for their families and their lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that is incorrect. where do you come up with this trash? there is no way the military voted 97% for mccain. he MAY have gotten the majority, that itself is iffy. 97% no way. 3% dissent? not.

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