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Lv 5
bksamz asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Don't you agree we should give Obama the benefit of the doubt before we judge him?

I for one believe he will do a good job, but we have to give him a chance before we all go crazy on him. I think this is a good thing an hope-fully he will prove that to all Americans.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was very, very strongly opposed to Obama winning the presidency. Everything he said and did during the campaign suggests that we have just made an incredibly giant leap towards communism. It also looks like our military will be weakend greatly and San Francisco values will be pushed throughout our entire country. It looks like he will also be eager and proud to rush in the end of America as the world's greatest super power. I know many folks in America are begging for this to happen...they don't know what a world without us at the top will look like unfortunately....the "hate America first", "blame America croud".

    However! And it is a big however. I support the office of the presidency of the United States. The "hate Bush" people (who also happen to be the "hate America people), no matter what he did, still hated Bush. It was profoundly bad for the people of this country. I refuse to do that with Obama. I am proud as an American that we have elected a black president, I think that he has great potential to really give the black folks in this country real hope that they can achieve anything in life that they want to. I also think that he has the ability, more so than any other president in history, to really help to put an end to racial non-sense.

    I will support him, the president, as well as the office of the presidency. I will applaud him when he makes good decisions and scream loudly (peacefully) when he makes bad ones. I do believe that, according to his past and his campaign, that he has the POTENTIAL to really do irrepairable damage to our nation for the reasons listed above. I am NOT rooting for this like another person before has said. As an American, I am rooting for him to be a success!

    Go Obama, we are praying for you, hoping for the best...please use great wisdom and judgement and listen to those who support and oppose you.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i do no longer comprehend any guy that leaves his "pal's" (who happens to be a woman) living house at 5 interior the morning all sneakily and shall we her sunbathe interior the front backyard with him at a similar time as the spouse is out of city. and there is likewise pictures of them cuddling in Utah on Kate's birthday weekend... i might say that is especially obtrusive that Jon HAS been dating this lady. Now i'm no longer asserting that is all his fault, Kate is psychotic too. i think of they are the two in charge, Kate cares greater with regard to the money and the popularity and being controlling and Jon needs to pass be a bachelor now that he has the money for a posh activities automobile and an place of abode in NYC.

  • TLB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I didn't vote for him, but I want the man to do well, great even. That doesn't mean that I have to give him the benefit of the doubt though. Already he has hired an investment banker as his chief of staff. Doesn't that choice seem odd considering...well, everything?

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama, yes. The fact is that because of his razor-thin resume, we really do not know a lot about him. I know, the people that voted for him ignored that during the election, but let's get real now that it's over and admit the facts, which for the next three months at least can be spun positively. He hasn't enough record for us to really know what he's going to do, so as you said, give him the benefit of the doubt.

    However, we do know Reid and Pelosi, and their records should make us extremely apprehensive.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Answer from an honest Conservative... YES. If he tacks to the right like Clinton did, things will not be so bad. If he tries to jam his policies down the countries throat, the electorate will barf on his shoes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course we's funny that GOP and its proponents all told us to get behind Bush because he's our President and we should support him. Now we've elected President-elect Obama, and those same "get behind Bush" are screaming about what he's doing wrong...and he's not even officially in office yet!

    As was pointed out by Bush in his broadcast yesterday...when he told us not to forget that HE was still President!

  • 1 decade ago

    the guy hasn't even taken office and we have been told on here a hundred times by Conservatives exactly what is going to happen during an Obama Presidency. That is completely ridiculous. Even Bush was given a chance in 2000.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. but people have been conditioned to hate him by McCain and Palin, so it is going to take a lot for them to actually give him a chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. With his wide margin of victory it will be folly if the GOP doesn't appear to cooperate with the new administration.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but already Dems are blaming Bush for future Obama problems. Can't have it both ways.

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