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Is Sarah Palin stupid , unaware and unsuitable for future leadership?

Media reports are surfacing of US Republican Vice President Nominee , Sarah Palin thinking dinosaurs co existed with man 6,000 years ago and that Africa is a country not a continent. Is it fair to say this typifies that Sarah Palin does not have the intelect or education to run for the US's 2nd or 1st highest office in the future ?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most amazing thing about that report surfacing, is that Fox is the one that reported it!! Against their own golden party!!! There were reports that she was not accepting any prep guidance prior to the interviews and as a result she came off looking bad.

    She may have been a great leader for Alaska, but as far as being a world leader (as you should consider all VP's in their roles as second in command if the first bcomes incapacitated) she was not. Mccain did not pick her for any other reason than to gain American favoritsm and to put himself in office as the 44th president before he kicked the bucket. He was not thinking about America on the world stage. He was only thinking about America as its own maverick super power. We had enough of that for the last 8 years. Obama may not have had "experience" but look how close we came to having that "experience" in office...again.

    <Whew!> That was close.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe she is the brightest bulb. It took her 4 colleges and almost 6 years to get a degree in communications. In her debate, she didn't really answer a question - she just routed to what she knew. I do believe she is cunning, maybe even clever - but that doesn't mean she is smart. She is good at playing to people and saying things that sound good. Per a person that was on her governor staff and worked for her election, she is good playing to crowds and directing things to her folks stories. He stated that is how she won Alaska. As for her being a good and smart governor, that has to be seen. I do know that the natural gas pipeline she is supposed to be having built, it will take least a decade to build - if ever. She contracted it with a Canadian company, rather keep Americans employed.

    Here is what stated on Fox news:

    The first section has yet to be laid, federal approvals are years away and the pipeline will not be completed for at least a decade. In fact, although it is the centerpiece of Ms. Palin’s relatively brief record as governor, the pipeline might never be built, and under a worst-case scenario, the state could lose up to $500 million it committed to defray regulatory and other costs.

    I do think she cost McCain some votes, but she wasn't the only reason he lost.

    Yes, she isn't real bright. She relies on what she learned to do as a beauty pagent contestant, she diverts you from her faults.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those "surfacing reports" are coming from an anonymous source on the Internet with no backing behind it.

    It may be true, but I seriously doubt it. A lot of what Palin believes has been twisted to say other things, and then pretend that is what she said.

    I don't like her politics, but as a person and as a politician she has gotten a rather raw deal here. She's not as bad as she is made out to be.

    Yes, her inexperience may have been her most prominent attribute, but it certainly wasn't her only one. She is intelligent, strongwilled, has determination, and is motivated. And this campaign has done much to help her past her inexperience; she was doing extremely well near the end of the campaign.

    She has the talent, but it is raw and undisciplined. With a little work on her weaknesses and an expansion of her strengths, she will be something one day.

    If I were her adviser, I would not recommend she run for President again in 2012. Another loss in 2012 would end her chances of ever being President or a number of other prominent positions. But with another term as Governor or maybe running for the Senate or something of that nature, I would absolutely recommend that she run in 2016.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stupid? No. You don't get to where she did by being stupid. Knowledge about dinosaurs is hardly an important requisite for running a government. Unaware? Kind of. It depends on what you are specifically talking about. She sure seemed unaware of what a vice president did and was often unaware of McCain's stances on certain policies. But on other issues she seemed pretty sharp. Unsuitable? You bet. She lacked the experience or ideals to be President. But give her four years. Now that she is on the political radar, a lot can change. Regardless, I think you can make a more effective argument for your case without irrelevant examples such as what she thinks about when dinosaurs were alive.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Vanessa A: If the only way you would be able to desire to get an abortion would be to declare you have been raped what number fake cries of rape would we hear? confident, Sarah Palin and her daughter have finished a superb job of coping with this. This does tutor character and morality. Obama is likewise for infanticide, which by that element that's blatantly obtrusive that's a human existence and that's no longer even approximately my 4 twelve months olds pay grade!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes she believes in creationism which says that the earth is only 6000 years old and dinosaurs coexisted with man. The Africa thing may or may not be true. But anyone with any common sense would realize that Sarah Palin is not very bright; at least not smart enough to be president. Those who believe she is qualified are being disingenuous simply because they themselves are fundamentalists. Most of them would vote for Britney Spears if she said she was against abortion and against gay marriage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Don't think so.

    Look in the real world.

    Expose lack of geography as basic needs on survival in time.

    With recent experience.

    Fine tune and upgrade fresh down loads in time.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

    Source(s): decoded from the missing x-files.
  • 1 decade ago

    of course . if she doesn't know africa is a coubtry god forbid another genocide is she going to be clueless ? and falling for the french president call prank was unprofessional , thank god obama won before we have another mcbushn admin

  • dee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You were doing great with "stupid, unaware and unsuitable"!

    That about sums her up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i get your point but why are you asking this??

    she is already the governor and she didn't win!!!

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