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Redistribution of wealth- when did Obama say that?

Obama was quoted as saying that he wanted to "spread the wealth around" to give everyone the chance to achieve what Joe had.

The only way that Obama has ever said he would shift money is through rolling back Bush tax cuts to the wealthy (which is a few percentage points) and by cutting everyone else's taxes. The people here make it sound like he is going take all the money from the rich people and give it to the poor people. Why does anyone think this? Please point to something that he has said that would indicate to you that he is so extreme.


I agree with many people here that I have never heard Obama say where he is going to get the money from.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is the reason we think most Obama supporters are totally uninformed. They never heard is words only the rap beat of his speech. His words were I want to spread the wealth around and give everybody a piece of the pie, it is really like sharing my peanut butter sandwich with my Friend when I was young. NOW for you airhead a civics lesson Sharing is voluntary #1 so when the government decides to take from one class to give to another it is COMMUNISM period. Taxes are not sharing they are paid to protect the country and conduct government business. No where in the constitution does it provide for wealth redistribution or even social programs like Obama would like to change it is amazing people would vote and not have an idea what their candidate stands for. I would guess it is an age thing and inexperience.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Do you know a man known as Joe the plumber? He approached Obama, asked him what his intentions with his tax plans were, and Obama's response is "we've got to spread the wealth around". He said it just prior to the 3rd debate.

    "The only way that Obama has ever said he would shift money is through rolling back Bush tax cuts to the wealthy (which is a few percentage points) and by cutting everyone else's taxes."

    Uh, no, that's not what he's doing. He never said that. The Bush tax cuts expire in 2011, Obama wants to create a new tax plan before then to replace Bush's tax policy. Upper classes taxes are going up, middle class taxes are going down. He's also proposing $1T in new spending. He is proposing economic stimulus packages. He is proposing health care for all. What's ironic is his tax policy is a net tax cut, and he is proposing spending beyond what the Iraq war cost. Change we can believe in?

  • 1 decade ago

    Right this second you are receiving Bush's tax cuts. He didn't just cut the "rich" taxes but every single person. So.. when those go away your taxes and you your taxes will go up as well.

    So, if you are a person that falls within the zero tax bracket - that is you don't pay in taxes you will be given a check. The money that you will be given is from the person who does pay taxes. It is not a stimulus check where every single person gets one. So that is where the spreading the wealth around comes from.

    He has everyone so fooled he is not raising taxes it is funny. And if you really think about he is not but.. He is taking them off the special rack and now you have to pay full price. Sucker.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This sounds way to Clinton-esqe. Words have simple meanings and the clear meaning of what Obama said was that he thinks he can manage the wealth in this country better than the people can and he will use the Federal govt to do it.

    You sound like you're arguing "what the meaning of the word 'is' is" (to quote Clinton.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Repealing capital gains taxes, waging war on the folks and business' that make $250k....that sounds like redistribution of the wealth to me...then you've got to ask yourself where the hell is he going to get the money to pay for universal health care??? for no child left behind???for welfare??? for bigger government???

    The only way he is going to fund his socialist agenda is to the tax the crap out of the middle class......that's what the demoncrats do....and please don't talk about taxing the rich...because they employ tax attorneys that will FIND and create loopholes for them and shelter the saying tax shelter....from the liberal avalanche of tax hikes.......

    I hope and pray I am wrong....I want this country to be able to prosper but I just can't see osama being the person to do it....still too many questions in my mind about his character and if his heart is truly in America with Americans....................

  • justme
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Bravo!! Someone finally said something that makes sense about the redistribution of wealth. All these NON-RICH people are getting so upset about taking one's money and giving it to another - but THEY are the ones who will be GETTING the tax breaks! It's ludacris how little people really understand about Obama's policies, yet they're so quick to judge and criticize them. The rich have been getting tax breaks for too long. Now it's our turn to reap some benefits.

    Source(s): Obama/Biden 2008-2016
  • 1 decade ago

    wish i had the exact link for ya..but there is a Video of an interview with obama before he formally ran for president in which the topic is and i quote "the necessity for redistribution of wealth in america". It's not a black mark on his character..just a personal belief in modern socialism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's EXACT words were what is being said - caught on tape. It couldn't be any clearer

    He says it at the very end of the clip

  • 1 decade ago

    Some synonyms (that is words that are similar to other words) of distribute (they didn't have "redistribute" nut it close enough) from

    "deal out, diffuse, disburse, dish out, dispense, disperse, dispose, disseminate, divide, divvy up, dole out, donate, endow, fork out, give, give away, hand out, issue, lot out, measure out, mete, parcel, partition, pass out, pay out, present, prorate, radiate, ration, scatter, share, shell out, slice up, sow, strew "

    Sounds like "spread" to me...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



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