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Lv 59,407 points

Damsell With Stress

Favorite Answers8%

Ordinary person with a decent career going - kinda happy about that. Enjoys life and all its ups and downs.

  • Should Japan build a large statue of Buddha that towers over Pearl Harbor?

    If it is okay with so many people to have a Mosque built at ground zero, then they would have no issues erecting a large statue of Buddha that towers above Pearl Harbor right?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did Obama ruin the only good thing he had going for him?

    Barack came out and single handily and within minutes, gave a speech last week regarding HIS new restrictions that he is going to put upon the banks... which brought an end to the ten-month bull run in equities, which has seen most of the world's main indexes recover all their losses since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • White House reports 1 million jobs saved, created?

    Here is the link

    Now forgive me if I am wrong but didn't Obama say that if his 787 Billion dollar stimulus bill is passed we would not see unemployment raise above 8%? Now we are sitting just barely under 10% and the white house now sez 1 million jobs were saved??

    How is this possible?

    And before some of you go here "It would have been a lot worse if not for the bill" I will say and have said "Government intervention prolongs progress and we would be better off letting the free market correct itself". - Both statement can be true and both cannot be confirmed for we will never know the outcome so both are speculative.

    I think Obama is positioning himself to request yet another sizable stimulus bill... yes/no??

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Mafia Wars - have question regarding payouts and fees?

    Okay I just started this game and I can see why so many are on it but I have to admit I think I am getting hosed... I have 2 restaurants, 5 rentals, apartment complex so on so forth and the price that is shows it pays out is nothing even close to what I bring in - also, to have a tommy gun it will cost me 36,000 yes I said thousand to upkeep - now I am a level 11 and my buddy is a level 73 and it only cost him 1700... what is going on???


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • When Inflation hits well the Democrats still blame Blame Bush when Obama has spent more than he did?

    in his first year as Bush did the entire time he was President including the two wars?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Obama trying to force companies that have international offices leave the US?

    Under existing laws, companies with operations overseas pay U.S. taxes only if they bring the profits back to the United States. If they keep the profits offshore, they can defer paying taxes indefinitely. Obama's plan, which would take effect in 2011, would change that.

    If you were say Procter and Gamble and paid taxes in the countries you had offices in for the amount of money you made in those countries like they do now - even here in America. But then America sez No... you owe taxes for ALL the money you made around the world because you have offices here... What would you do if you were Proctor and Gamble?? I am just using Proctor and Gamble as one possible company that will remove their offices from the US.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Instead of the Bank Bail Outs would it not have been smarter to do this?

    Instead of giving money to banks that had toxic books. Would it not have been smarter and more Capitalistic to take the TARP money and open up a brand new bank? They have close to 2 trillion dollars set aside to banks, with a 10 to 1 leverage system that would have been close to 20 trillion dollars in loaning power not to mention absolutely no toxic loans of any kind...

    Yes I know it is a form of Nationalizing the banking system but they are already doing that now.

    I am just trying to think outside the box... your thoughts?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the Mark to Market Accounting be more relaxed or kept the same?

    Mark to Market is the accounting rule that makes banks account for the value of assents on their balance sheet at the price of the most resent sale. In this case.. since mortgage backed securities are being forced sold (ie Lehman bankruptcy) into a market that is so thin, the prices are artificially low and banks are having to account for them at these low levels and that is what is putting their balance sheets into trouble..... this is the meat of the problems with the banks today.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would reinstating the Glass-Steagall act fix a lot of our banking problems?

    The Glass-Steagall Act basically separated commercial banks from investment banks and made them separate entities. It kept the banks from getting "too big to fail" so in 1999 when it was repealed allowed banks to not only take your money but then write securities with it and leverage your money to the point of insolvency. This allowed the banks to get too big to fail.

    Kinda caused all this problem that we are in today.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do you want to move from Capitalism to Socialism?

    Is the way of life better? Do businesses do more business? Do people have more money? What is so good about Socialism?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • U.S. Willing to Roll Back Missile-Defense Plans in Europe?

    Meanwhile, Russia is building for Iran a heavy-water nuclear reactor in the city of Bushehr, and is in negotiations with Tehran to sell sophisticated missile systems.

    Does this make any sense to you? That missile defense plan is to protect our allies from Iran. Russia cried saying that it was pointing in their direction and Obama caved in... All the time Russia is building Iran a nuclear facility.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does Bipartisanship mean that even if you know that the bill is bad and will fail you still sign and pass it?

    because the other party wants you to?

    This works for both sides... The Dems are as bad as the Repubs and vice versa. Regardless of the case, neither side is working together.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Toyota, Honda, Subaru and other foreign car companies with plants in the US don't have Unions...?

    Why do the big three need them?

    Union reps have tried to get the japanese auto workers here in the US to join the Union but the workers themselves don't want to join. The workers don't make as much but have similar benefits and are happy employees.

    Have the Unions ran their course? Are they nothing more than a drain on the company? Should the big three get rid of the UAW for good?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • al-Zawahiri used the Arabic term "abayd al bayt," when they referred to Obama?

    Al Qaeda's 2nd in command has mocked Obama calling him "House N****r" and "One that does the bidding of Whites". He also said that Obama's plan to send more troops to Afghanistan is doomed and he ridiculed Obama for his lack of foreign policy and world view.

    There was a ton more that was said that can really piss even a non Obama supporter like myself off.

    What stance should Obama take? How does this make you feel?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • al-Zawahiri used the Arabic term "abayd al bayt," when they referred to Obama?

    Al Qaeda's 2nd in command has mocked Obama calling him "House N****r" and "One that does the bidding of Whites". He also said that Obama's plan to send more troops to Afghanistan is doomed and he ridiculed Obama for his lack of foreign policy and world view.

    There was a ton more that was said that can really piss even a non Obama supporter like myself off.

    What stance should Obama take? How does this make you feel?


    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should kids be brought up in same sex households?

    All this talk about same sex marriage, change the name and I am fine with that and they should have the same benefits as a married couple does. But... should they be alowed to adopt?

    Should our children be raised in a society where homosexuality is a norm? Should kids be brought up to believe Mommy and Mommy or Daddy and Daddy is as proper of way to live their lives as a traditional family?

  • Barack Obama Day!!! A group wants to make a national holiday for Obama...?

    A group called "yes we can" is trying everything possible to make a national holiday entitled Barack Obama Day.

    Obama is in his second year of Senate, most of which he spent campaigning. Never been in the Military and his biggest claim to fame is as a Community Organizer...

    Should he have a national holiday made for him? Or should we wait to see what he will actually do?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Obama remove the missiles in Poland?

    Okay this is a toughy. Russia has threatened Obama that if he doesn't remove the missiles placed in Poland from the Bush administration that he would put his own missiles in and possible attack Poland.

    So, basically Russia is trying to gain dominance over the USA. Poland isn't to concerned as it appears but Germany is.

    Now in my opinion we only put those missiles there because Russia invaded Georgia and we put them there to stop them from invading other countries that separated themselves from Russia after the cold war. We say it is to protect that part of Europe from rogue missiles from the Middle East ... yada yada

    Now, if Obama backs down he will send a message out to every single country that cannot stand us that we can be bullied. What that will do is incourage those countries to try us. Now, if he doesn't back down and stays strong that will set the tone for the rest of the world that we cannot be bullied.

    What would you do?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which is a better way to help those less fortunite?

    To give them a check, welfare and other programs to ease their burden, or to have new jobs so they can make their own money?

    Give a man a fish and he can eat for the night, Teach a man to fish and he can eat for life.

    Should we do more for businesses so they can hire more people or should we give the people their basic needs so they don't have to work?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama wants employers to provide health insurance but...?

    small businesses are exempt according to him requiring to provide health insurance. However according to Obama 90% of the people are employed by small businesses. So, where is the change? Large corporations already offer health insurance, it is the small businesses that don't. Small businesses cannot afford to pay $12,500 (obama's own statistics - but I think that was for a family) per employee per year. If they don't have to provide insurance what is the difference?? 90% will still not have insurance provided.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago