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Why did Obama ruin the only good thing he had going for him?

Barack came out and single handily and within minutes, gave a speech last week regarding HIS new restrictions that he is going to put upon the banks... which brought an end to the ten-month bull run in equities, which has seen most of the world's main indexes recover all their losses since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

24 Answers

  • Di
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He believes that he has all the solutions, thinks that draconian measures and severe limits will resolve all the problems he has not yet fixed and he demands entirely too much without thinking of the repercussions. His political inexperience is becoming more clear, he shows little respect for others and enjoys talking down to those he believes his intellectual inferior. When he lectures us all, something goes horribly wrong and it affects our livelihood and general welfare. He should stop talking and start listening as he isn't providing solutions, just making the problems bigger and more expensive.

  • GunnyC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Read the first two answers and one is partially correct and the other in incorrect. The President is not a moron he is an astute politician and of above average intelligence. The other answer is correct-he is basically a politician and used to running for office and when elected this time based on political promises and very good speeches then tried to steamroll all he wanted and found resistance. The losses in elections since his election and fear of continually losing then in the midterm has put him back in "election mode" so he becomes a populist and does things strictly to get votes for his party with no understanding or concern about the consequences. He cannot use the "Bush did it" blame answer for everything now and attacking the previous administration for high cost/deficit was a partially correct though not honest game anyway-Democrats controlled one or both houses of the Congress for almost half of the eight years former President Bush held office and Congress controls the purse strings so that spending has to be attributed to both political parties. President Obama needs to keep two of his campaign promises to get the government running again and help the economy-transparency in the process and bipartisanship; he has done or ensured neither of those and has actually made the process a back door hidden system with a very partisan tone. Having Republicans in for lunch and telling them that they lost so shut up and support him was not reaching out a hand but a slap in the face so no he never even tried, having legislature written and then submitted to a vote without any meaningful input from any outside his party is not bipartisan and passing laws before they can be read is not transparency. President Obama's attacks now are based on what pollsters and his political advisers tell him will ensure the Democrat Party needs to keep a majority in Congress and not what is good for the country; purely political actions and talk for the good of the party and not necessarily the nation.

  • Alan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In case you haven't noticed, the banks aren't lending money but they have been doing well by not taking new risk and gaining growth from the money they have out in good loans as well as the money we threw them over a year ago. They are being good capitalists, making profit regardless of the impact to the economy. I don't know of a single economist who, in hindsight, will say that deregulating the banking industry was a good thing, so re-instituting regulations would be the prudent thing to do. But Obama is doing it so it must be bad. Even Steven Colbert has said that if we damn the president for the things he does and for the things he doesn't then that just makes us a$$holes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Once again this is an example of what happens when you elect someone that has no experience running anything and is nothing more than a good speaker. He slipped in the election and stated he wanted to do a "re-distribution of wealth", then later tried to explain that was not what he meant. But he really wants to take money from the rich, which in his mind is anyone that is not on welfare, and give it to the poor (people who do not work and live off the government permanently). New restrictions and taxes on banks are stupid considering most of the banks he will be taxing have paid back the money they borrowed. While the car companies he bailed out and then gave ownership to the unions have not paid back a dime, probably will not anytime soon and they don't get any kind of penalty. That is because that was payback to the unions for helping him get elected.

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  • Too many seem to have forgotten that we did not get here overnight or in one year. Can we expect to have every issue from that last 8+ years solved in one? NO!!

    Can we expect to elect someone and then sit back and watch? NO!!

    When he campaigned on change we, the people that voted him in, knew it would not be easy or quick. Anyone who expected it to happen quickly were only fooling themselves. People complained that the banks and other corporations needed to have better oversight since they are a big part of the problem. Now that the President has begun to do what we asked of him, people complain about the actions taken. Stop complaining and make up your minds. Either we act and provide oversight or we let big business continue to take from us which means we stop complaining.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many factors affect the stock market:

    1) stock market cannot keep on its bull run forever, and it can go down at any time without warning (and nobody can predict its directions, otherwise all of us will be rich);

    2) opposition to Bernanke's re-appointment caused some concern, as Bernanke was responsible for bringing stability to the the USA's economy when it was on the verge of collapse;

    How can we blame everything on Obama? Now, the good thing is you are still alive, can we credit him for you still being alive? If you want to blame on bad things on him, then let all good things be credited to him, that you should thank him that you still have your computer!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    aww . be happy you could discover the money for to order take out . your zionist time table of greed of wall street , firms , and the bankers ruined the financial equipment of the entire working type in united statesa. .

  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Bo's school teaches their must be an Emmanuel Goldstein - a scapegoat enemy - for him & his followers to focus all their venomous hatred on. It doesn't serve Barry well for the capitalist system to work. But he'll find he wont be around much longer if he won't embrace it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The time has long passed to do something about out-of-control bank practices.

    He did exactly the right thing, let them get a bit stronger, then start dealing with the problems.

    The Stock market can go down for all I care - the DOW is a lousy indicator of the economy.

    Source(s): Bush's "14,000" DOW as the debt had DOUBLED right before a massive crash as a great example!
  • 1 decade ago

    Obama will continue to do everything and anything that destroys the American economy. That's the order from his globalist buddies who want a unified world currency, etc. His actions continually lead to the destruction of the dollar, and our capitalistic society.

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