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Should I transfer universities?

So pretty much I am going to school in Chicago, I know that everywhere there is going to be parties, and that first quarter freshman are highly likely to go out and party all weekend... But this isn't what I like, I have no problem with drinking, or even if people are doing other substances (not for me anymore...), but I hate going to these parties for the sole purposes of drinking, it is boring as hell. So pretty much I don't know what I should do, I came to Chicago because I wanted the option of hanging out and doing things in the city, but all people want to do on the weekends is go out and drink.

Now I feel like this might be somewhat of an over reaction, but I have been regretting my college choice to a large extent since I got out here. Most of my friends go to Ohio State, and the reason why I didn't go was because I wanted to be more adventurous and to force myself to grow as a person, but if feels like all I'm doing here is being around a bunch of drunk people.

Now I am at least staying for the winter quarter, and I think that going home while my friends are at OSU will give me a chance to see if I would really like it there.

Is it common for people to have these feelings and for those who are in college does the partying begin to subside after first quarter, or do the same people keep partying all four years?

I know I just threw a lot out there but for those of you who read it all and answered thank you!



Well I use to drink and abuse drugs a lot, so I can deal with people using drugs (I never was addicted thank god...) and I enjoy drinking as long as I am not just drinking to get drunk, and it is part of a larger setting... But it feels like everyone is only looking to drink to get drunk, that being said I honestly do enjoy the friends I have made here, and my main reason for thinking about OSU are...

1 it is cheaper.

2 it is closer to home

3 I have friends there who drink and have been through similar events that I have, so I know they have similar attitudes.

So it isn't solely to be with my old friends, but it would be nice to have people who are more similar to me.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Congratulations on doing something different and branching out from your friends - I wish I had been that smart/brave 12 years ago when I was in your shoes. Don't go to OSU just because your friends are there. I think you will find that if you stick it out in Chicago (such a cool city!) you'll meet different people as well as figure out interesting things to do on your own.

    At every university there are going to be freshmen through seniors that are intent on drinking and partying as hard as they can just because they can but you will find that the appeal wears off for most people after the first year or so. And you'll meet people on campus, through jobs, etc that are not all about drinking just to get drunk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first semester in college is hard, no matter how much you enjoy it! It's tough getting used to living away from home, friends, and familiar stuff while learning a new routine. If you're really interested in transferring to OSU, maybe you should try visiting some of your friends there for a weekend -- you know, to see if you like it and to find out if lots of the partiers aren't there as well. You'll find that partiers are on every campus and some manage to party all four years!

  • 1 decade ago

    Whether or not the partying stops really depends on the school. Some schools have cultures that are centered around partying - I don't know if your school is like that.

    There are schools out there with great social lives, but where partying - or at least drinking and drugs - are not the focal point. So if you were to transfer, you'd want to pay attention to what the social life, on campus and off, is based on, and include that in your decision process.

    Even at "party schools", there are large segments of the student body who don't drink or drug to excess. You'd need to seek them out. Meet the right people. You won't do that by going to bars with your current group of friends, though. You need to find the people who aren't doing that.

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