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Why are people being so vicious and mean-spirited?

Okay, we get it, President Bush hasn't been the best President and Barack Obama is the first black president-elect. Okay. Yes, McCain lost and Republicans are not in charge any more, and maybe it will turn out to be the best thing for the country. So why continue to be mean and vicious? Why do so many people feel the need to continue to tear down the current President, who is still the chosen leader of this country until Jan 20, and to tear down the Republican ticket when they're obviously hurting enough having lost? I'm not saying there aren't negative things about both the President and his Party, but why the need to be so vicious?


Yes, but there's a difference between voicing disagreement with a leader's policies or decisions and outright mocking him.

Update 2:

I agree with you, Farmer!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people feel empowered by just swinging wildly, as if their bitchin' can bring about some kind of solution,

    and that's just sad!

    The Reps. and Dems. who can get behind our new leader and give him some support through these impossible times are the ones helping with the solution, and I'd like to hear from more of them for awhile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Right now the economy is bad. For the last eight years, we have watch this president gave money away to big oil. Reward big corporations great tax incentives that took our jobs overseas. Failure to protect the american consumers from toxic/harmful products made in china that is poisoning our children, pets and ourselves, all for the name of profits for big corporations.

    Bush and Cheney interests does not lay in the American Citizens. Their interests only applies to their club of the wealthy elite. We the working class americans are ignore in favor the the middle through the upper elite class. It is maddening as hades to see people who don't see the big picture. Does it ever occur to anyone that Corporations got the government to pass a law in their favor to get your land, property called imminent domain if the want it bad enough or raise taxes so you can't afford your family farm.

    Where is the wisdom? Family farms and the american farmer should be placed on the endanger species list. We are buying mostly our produce from south american countries as well as mexico. What if they suffer from an natural disaster or get mad at us or get greedy and make us pay more, why? because we lost all of our futile farm land to greedy developers. All of this accelerated after Bush and Cheney too office.

    And lets not forget the bailout. One week he told us the economy was good and then another week told us that the banks needed a bailout. What about the working class bailout? Who works hard to make aliving and finds goods and service going up but not the pay. Eventhough, some american workers ran up credit card debts, some in poor judgement, but the bankers made poor judgemnt but they get help from the bailout, while the american worker is taken to court and sued if he don't pay.

    Sure people are mean spirited towards Bush and Cheney. We have good reasons and I know I do.... and I can go on.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to treat like with like under the circumstances.

    Bush was really not that naive Cheney, Rumsfart are nasty pieces of work for sure.

    I'm vicious in these matters because I am sure they can look after themselves they have big guns, deadly ammunition and armed body guards looking after their sorry @ss 24/7 and words could only damage their souls if they had one. They have been holding everyone to ransom through fear for years and through their very powerful media outlets have brainwashed the ignorant to hate people they don't know.

    They are the sad murder filled spewers of hate who have had too much power and now they have it all you are either with them or against them and they would rather awkward people be dead, they are fake and criminal and not to be trusted in future.

    We should be able to stalk people of power at every move like they do ours since they are currently working on sterilising the internet.

    I want America's administration to be nice but they aren't, and its good to have a new face but he will still have to deal with the corrupt rot that still exists, he would need to be very brave to make a difference and I think he will have no choice but to do as he is told or take a bullet.

    Source(s): B1tching about the bosses in the case of GWB and slimey friends is very underrated most of them are over-paid bad-boys, good people don't get power they are too humble and meek. I pity them they have sapped the blood and love out of peoples hearts they want people to hate so they can enforce and monitor. ~ Divide and Conquer is the end game. To be fair the voting system is only set up to mainly attract the brainwashed masses of common folk who don't really know who they are really voting for, a PC smile is all they see. The good guys don't have enough money to be a media whore because they are too honest and people are too scared of the truth and don't like their overly proud filled ego hurt.
  • 1 decade ago

    I feel the need to "tear down" Bush and the Republicans because for the last eight years, Bush has destroyed privacy and civil rights, dismantled environmental regs that protected us, and has gotten untold people killed in a pointless war. I will "tear down" the republicans who sat back and did nothing to stop this perversion of government even though it was painfully obvious that it was wrong. I will continue to voice my disapproval of this administration until January 20th because I love this country and I hate what's been done to it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I was a Bush supporter to start with and I'll admit I was wrong. He's destroyed the constitution. The sad thing is though, that Barak will probably be just as bad or worse. He's basically a socialist. That's pretty serious for our country. It's great we elected an african american. I just wish we elected a better one.

    Source(s): My opinion.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you can pull back and see the big picture, it becomes clear. They have been seduced into believing and promoting evil men and their evil agendas. The seducer is none other than the Prince of the Air. And he has given power to 'the One'.

    Source(s): . . We're screwed.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's because people are voting with their penis instead of their brain. A more PC way would be feelings instead of rational thought.

    When emotions get involved then all kinds of emotions get involved. Some people really feel they have a personal stake in this. Perhaps they do at that.

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