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Who designed these things?

My husband and our daughter and I did a little shopping today, and I noticed that ALL of the baby clothing stores we went into today had NO ROOM to maneuver a stroller (with the exception of Gymboree - thank you!). I was just really annoyed about it, and was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences?

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yes! It drives me nuts when there are a ton of strollers and we are all bumping into each other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know isnt it ironic that baby clothing store have no room to maneuver a stroller?? And where I live Gymboree isnt small but has no room for a stroller either -too packed!!

    And I have a medium size stroller I think it's called a light stroller-by Graco, not even the huge sizes that are sold nowadays! My daughter is big enough for an umbrella which we have but mainly to go on trips,airports, etc to go out I use her regular one...

    But it's a pain to go with a stroller anywhere!!

    Source(s): Mom of Matthew 4 and Gabriella Rose 21 mos
  • k
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A lot of stores at the mall are way too small for strollers. In my area Gymboree is the smallest. I hate going in there with a stroller but I love the store. Dillard's is the worst in my opinion. The only stroller that would fit is an umbrella stroller but I hate those. I just go over stuff and fit through...I don't

    I agree, it is annoying!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! I hate going to the mall with strollers. They are the worst place for sure. I usually bring the babies' umbrella strollers in public though. They aren't easy to maneuver, but they are easier.

    Source(s): Mum to a 1,4,and 2yo
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Happens to me all the time - drives me freakin crazy. Whether its a children's store or not the powers that be should anticipate that there will be mothers with children in strollers shopping there - duh!! Usually I'm running into things and pushing my way through while complaining (loudly) so the clerks can hear me. I almost lost it in a Hollister store recently and threatened to "park" my stroller at the front of the store because I couldn't move around.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have a mall in my town, and l have yet to take the stroller into walmart, I just use the buggy and carseat b/c my lil one is only 3.5 months old. But the baby section there is soo tiny. You would think they could at least widen the aisles a bit so I could get my buggy through there without running over clothes stands and other people!

    Of course all the other aisles are wide enough for two buggies! grrr.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I have fond memories of attempting to take a stroller in to Carter's... not. I had to leave my mom with the baby while I shopped. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    MEN ! men do not think of things like that ,stupid considering what the store is selling ...

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