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When you hear the word "Miracle", what do you think of? ?

Or at another angle, when you think of miracles today, what do you usually think of or expect to hear about?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My perception of miracles is broad: a baby being born; someone waking up no longer plagued by a certain illness; money being given to someone who needs it to survive; someone bringing words of encouragement to someone who has become hopeless; narrowly missing a car accident - God is limitless and shows us miracles daily.

  • 1 decade ago

    Today that word miracle is used in a ridiculous fashion.

    For example: a passenger jets smashes into the ground killing all 192 aboard. Fortunately there is a survivor, a three month old baby that's found quite a distance away critically injured. The lone survivor is taken to a hospital and operated upon. Thus this saves the baby's life. Now at this point in time the audience is still glued to their television sets anxiously waiting for any information.

    Now the reporter looks into the camera then repeats the bad news with one exception that's instantly turned into a miracle. Later they call this lone survivor "the miracle baby" What a miracle? 192 men women and children lost their lives and one baby survive out of that 192, now is that a miracle? Or some terrible odds.

    Source(s): Religion is where you find it, under a rock!
  • 1 decade ago

    When I hear the world "miracle" I think of something that only GOD can do...things that happen without explanataion. Someone being healed of a terminal illness for example would be a miracle! God is perfectly capable of performing them by the way, and he does!

  • 1 decade ago

    A miracle is a manifestation of action or energy contrary to the laws of this world and cosmos. However, since this cosmos is the fallen world, we can say then that a miracle is a manifestation of the natural world, which appears miraculous to us because of our fallen state, or what amounts to the same thing, because of our separation from the natural state intended for man.

    Adam and Eve in Paradise lived in this natural, "miraculous" state of grace, and all saints who have returned to the original likeness of the first created man likewise live in this natural state, thus making the statement of Christ, "My kingdom is not of this world" take on a fuller meaning.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Someone surviving a terrible accident. These aren't miracles, just different circumstances leading to different events. Doctors can be wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Miracles still happen today.

    Authentic miracles are rare, too.

    That's why they're still called miracles.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think of hard working, dedicated scientists and engineers, working tirelessly to create miracles.

  • 1 decade ago

    miracle is a nonsense word that people who dont understand science throw around.

    When someone says "miracle" it means an unlikely event, not an event resulted from supernatural intervention

  • 1 decade ago

    The things that no man could heal or take care of on his own, you know that it had to come from the Lord himself!

  • 1 decade ago

    What some people refer to as a "miracle" is actually the result of traceable actions leading to an event, but they choose to see it as miraculous. I guess it's whatever your perception is.

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