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Why do people desire to be loved if we all just evolved from some random cosmic accident?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing is random, it's an empty word. Being loved has nothing to do with how life was created.

  • 1 decade ago

    The phrase you're using "to be loved" is a human term. We've used the word "love" to describe the intense attachment feelings between people throughout history. Every major civilization has had some way of expressing the emotion.

    But we can never understand our drives completely. Even though the term "love" is easily identified, it is as complicated as we are. Logically speaking, human beings are relational creatures. Due to some inherent genetic qualities, nature has showed us that humans survive and live bitter when they are amongst other humans. Studies today show that people who live alone average smaller life spans. There is some sort of biologically-based drive within us that makes us crave love, just as we crave food, shelter, warmth, etc.

    Over the past few hundred years, as the quality of life for individual people begins to improve, newer philosophies arose preaching the importance of individual happiness. It's in our Declaration of Independence (a very American addition).

    This desire to feel happy contradicts our constant desire to stay alive. Of course, the happiness concept seems artificial while the survival tactic is purely natural. However, as it is in our nature to desire this happiness, the two can not be completely separate.

    So basically, to answer your question: I have no idea! Nobody can tell you for sure, it's one of life's great mysteries. Perhaps as humans, we are bound to only studying the physical world as we know it, while we can only ponder as to anything on a grander scale.

    The way I see it, happiness is a man-made concept, making it different for each person. This is not to say it's not essential to life. It seems that in a world where many people can live comfortably, our biological system of constant desire and need turns its focus to our emotions. Many of these questions are not approached by those who are struggling to find food, water, shelter, etc. There is a hierarchy of needs.

    Since this world is the way it is, and we are the way we are, we must accept that this desire for love is permanent and essential. Although we may not fully understand how it works, this can add to the true flavor of life, for it is in asking these questions that we truly learn about ourselves.

    Source(s): 20 years in this place
  • 1 decade ago

    We desire to be loved precisely because we evolved from a random cosmic accident. Social and physical connections are part of our search to imbue our lives with meaning and purpose.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone who's a random cosmic accident really NEEDS love.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mostly every living thing craves affection. It is the insurance of survival when you have a mate, friend, or family member to help you in a time of need (physically, mentally, and emotionally). Everyone wants something from someone they want to be loved by. It may not be selfish or harmful, but none the less it inevatably ends in personal gain.

  • Huh? What does one have to do with the other? Without love we'd have little incentive to procreate or to care for our young. It's a survival and reproductive advantage.

    By the way you may want to read up on evolution a bit. It's really not all that random--hence the "selection" in "natural selection."

  • 1 decade ago

    gotta make babies cause these vessels will only carry our cells so far, then they for continuing reasons want to make more little selves and send them off, why??? why did colonies of organisms continue making more of themselves? why do they "want" to? what is "want"? is want a physical feeling or an expression of something that controls us? which is to say is want just an expression of a state of a way things are, even though these micro organisms making our body and organisms of monkey and unicellular bodies. these cells never dicussed it or expressed feeling about it but compel a human brain to have a want. why the hell do they want.... but my point is they don';t want, they just happen to be. the thing we think of as something we want is only related to something that happened to be. the cells did not evolve or continue to exist because they wanted to or chose to. they just did, if they didn't fine, but they did and obviously here they are. they just happened to and just happened to continue to, for if they did not happen to continue, then they woul not have happened to continue and would not have continued and would not be here today. And indeed it's most likely many failed and ceased continuing to. they are gone, but what's here is here.... they just happen to be.

    we think of this want which is derived from a happen to be and can see how confused our consciousne and understanding is. at least i'm confused and you are too if you're still reading this.

  • 7 years ago

    Love is not a logical case, it is an emotional one and cannot be really related to the mechanics of reality and the things we feel and imagine.

    Love and the morals we create ourselves associate with our outlook in society, what we consider socially acceptable and our primal urges to connect and reproduce.

    I think the "cosmic accident" excuse is just an easy fix explanation to something no one can really be certain on.

    It certainly encourages materialism, strikes greater fear of death and the urge to look for a new messiah in technology, which works well for financial empires, big bankers and corporations who would like to have us believe that our god is money.

    A cosmic accident has been mathematically estimated by what is called the "cosmological constant" it suggests that "chance" is beyond extreme odds we once imagined, considered operationally impossible, yet is still believed in by the majority of people in the scientific community.

    Does this mean that they know the truth for sure? Absolutely not, but they came to settle on this as our current explanation to fit in with what has been discovered.

    I don't trust influential public figures from the atheist community as much as I don't trust other religions.

    I admit that I don't know and don't try to present myself as superior to others.

    I like to be vigilantly skeptical of everything people tell me to accept.

    At the end of the day we all hit that same brick wall.

    It's just speculation. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a theory, but there is no definete answer to be had here.

    I think because according to modern believes, evolved in a group (Apes) and have the natural instinct to reproduce - scientifically it makes sense that part of our nature is to look for a mate.

    If you want to be religious about it, or simply a different view. I have a simple belief. Let me quote an entry from one of my blogs (Wrote when I was 15 so it might be a little raw):

    "Its strange when you sit there thinking about human nature as you find your thinking will come round in circles. Hope and religion are again the same thing seem to come round in circles and thought of as the same thing. As a race I fear that it is in our nature to have a terrible fear of loneliness and in that being alone in the world. I like to paint a picture, a lone star spinning in orbit, absorbed within itself and its axis of rotation. Then years later another star finds itself being pulled into the gravitatioal field and again only orbiting itself. More years and another star appears again they all orbit themselfs but also each other in a weird birds-eye line dance. Weaving in and out of each others paths and so affecting then next star, hookinng to each others pull and the onto the next star. Round and round in huge galaxy size circle. More stars and more currents of persuation and influence.Now zoom out and we see this effect is happening all over the place eddies and galaxys are forming and dancing around each other with stars breaking off and floating free only to pull or be pulled. A constant stream. I like to paint this image to help picture humaity and our fears, understanding and dreams. Each star is a human absorbed inside of their own orbit only to find that no matter how far out they are everything they do effects and is effected by everything else, galaxys forming ad breaking, eddies of influece, chance, course ad effect. A miriad of things to far and wide for me to grasp coherently without babbeling in an effort to explain. Instead look at the picture and dream, let your mind sink into the huge expanse of life."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Altruism makes survival more likely. If we're watching each other's backs rather than stabbing them we're all more likely to survive and so is our tribe and species. Love is part of all that.

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