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Does an atheist ever wonder if they might change their mind about God on their death bed?

Sincere answers only, please. No need for sarcasm.

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've worked in a hospital for years, and have seen that the older and sicker people get, the more they pick up the bible and try to find out the answers they were never shown during their life. I would bet that most proclaimed atheists are actually agnostic due to the fact they simply don't know what to expect when they pass on, but do actually believe there is more to life than that of only in a physical sense. It is hard for me to imagine that there could be absolute nothingness when we die. I am sure our souls move on to continue our spiritual progression.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll change my mind if the evidence changes, otherwise the only calling out for God will be because of either senility or the cultural conditioning to use that word at times of stress.

    Deathbed conversions are in general myths and there are few well documented cases and a large number of hoaxes. Of course the benefit of a deathbed conversion is that there's no real time to sober up and see reason again.

    Now if I was famous I'd convert early and publicly, there's always the Templeton to tempt!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really don't see any reason why that would happen.

    Why would negative things like that make me believe in something for which there is no evidence? Unless the reasons were purely emotional, of course. And if they were based on a desperate wish on my behalf for there to be a heaven.

    But still, even if such was the case, I honestly don't think it would change anything. Because I see this issue rationally, not emotionally. So no matter how much I would have *wanted* something to be true, that wouldn't erase the fact that my mind has logically concluded that it isn't...

    It's a bit like asking me to believe that I will become insanely rich tomorrow. Sure, that would have been incredibly nice indeed!! But I know that it, with 99,99 % certainty, is not going to happen. And I can't possibly fool myself to believe in it. Same goes for gods, heaven and the likes. Once you've seen through those fairytales, there is nothing you can do to go back to them, even if you wanted to.

    Source(s): Seriously, though: They need to develop anti-aging treatments and such before I get so old that I get to that stage... *Crosses fingers*.
  • 5 years ago

    Well; never mind the Death confession - but consider all those on the front line in a battle of war. You would never believe the amount of soldiers who all of a sudden profess a belief in a Higher Power (usually "God") when their life is on the line. Talk to an Army Chaplain they have seen tons of soldiers do this. As a soldier once told me, "When I was in Vietnam doing battle, I took a look around me and there wasn't a non-believer to be found". There is something precious about life. When people are comfortable (lots of $ and the toys they buy) and things are going their way - God is the last thing on his or her mind. Self-sufficiency is a curse to our world because it focuses only on the self. When a major crisis breaks out - it becomes too much for us humans to endure and our comfort zones are in jeopardy - people turn to God. The real problem is that it requires a major crisis for humans to see their need for God.

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  • S.E.B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    As a nurse I've been privileged to attend a number of peaceful deaths.

    Some Xian, some Atheists, some from other Faiths. I've yet to see a death bed conversion.

    On the Other hand I do not consider it ethical to pressure a conversion when someone is dying. I have to much respect for the rights of the individual.


    Source(s): Just moi.
  • 1 decade ago

    Having watched 2 people whom I loved dearly pass in front of me, I can honestly say no I wouldn't change my mind.

    The First - In a hospital bed, those who believed ask for the hospitals pastor to be present, my grandmother ordered him out of the room.

    My grandfather spoke to my grandmother in our native language. He told her she was the start of his life, and she will be his last thought. With those words and us crying, my grandfather passed. He was 89.

    The Second - My best childhood friend. Her last hours, her last thoughts were FOR those that she was leaving behind and their hurt, she passed happy in the arms of her father and mother. She had cancer and deteriorated fast, she was 28.

    I don't need to think of what might happen on my death bed. I may not have one. I could get in my car tomorrow and get plowed and die instantly by a truck or something, the last thing on my mind will be the ones I love.

    Take care and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Does a theist ever wonder if they might change their mind on their death bed ?

    It is offensive to keep claiming that atheism isn't a fully real point of view, that something must change it, *in spite of all of the facts and evidence for it*.

    Grow up.

    Source(s): The God Delusion: Richard Dawkins god Is Not Great: Christopher Hitchans
  • H.u.S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Nope. I would have more important questions on my mind, like whether the people I will be leaving behind are going to be fine. Worrying about the thousands of deities that man has managed to dream up won't serve any useful purpose.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course not; I have NEVER seen any evidence to support belief in any breed or brand of invisible sky critter - just the opposite in fact.

    If I look at the available evidence I see that haphazard mayhem happens to everyone regardless of thought or deed almost EXACTLY as if there was NO invisible magician up in the sky pulling the strings.


  • 1 decade ago

    I have wondered, more generally, if there is anything that might change my mind. I haven't thought of anything yet. I might wish I believed as I was dying to make things easier, but that's different to actually believing. And I doubt that would happen anyway.

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