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Clara Nett asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Any comments from the global warming crowd?

Interesting article here:

Basically, Al Gore's chief scientific proponent of global warming plays fast and loose with the figures. The report states that the error was so glaring that it was reported in TWO blogs.

It seems that Dr James Hansen, likes to play fast and loose with the figures and has been caught before reporting erroneous data.

What is amazing is that even after reports like this, liberal, and global warming pundits are not likely to admit that the issue of global warming MAY (even) be overblown. .


23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Knowing the history of the world reasonably well helps a lot to see the outright lies the promoters of AGW continually make.

    First lie.

    In the last 50, 100 or 150 years temperatures have risen faster and higher than any time in history.

    Truth is, in every previously recorded climate optimum period it has gotten hotter faster than it has currently. In fact the year 1400 warming went from the bottom of the wolf minimum to a peak 3c hotter than our current maximum and down to the bottom of the Sporer minimum the coldest part of the little ice age in about 100 years.

    Second lie.

    It has never been this hot in all of history.

    Truth is that at least 3 times in the last 1,000 years it has exceeded our current temperature by up to 5c, once for several hundred years.

    Third lie

    The Arctic Ocean has never been this ice free in history.

    Truth is that during the Holocene, Roman and Medieval periods the Arctic Ocean was navigable most of the year most of the time. It was even more navigable during WWII than it is currently.

    So it is not very difficult for anyone with a decent basic education to put the lie to any point the AGW crowd use to sell their pogrom to the less well educated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok so you don't like liberals and you don't like Al Gore.

    But here's the thing Al Gore made a slide show to try and inform people.

    Let's assume Gore was lying and or loose with the figures. what? The idea that man made global warming is happening is based on thousands of peer reviewed articles by scientists.

    It really isn't that big a question anymore. We knew before 1900 that some gases (CO2 and the like) warm the Earth, otherwise it would be very cold. Why is saying that putting more of these gases in the air, (which we undoubtedly are doing), causes more warming such a big leap?

  • 1 decade ago

    No I think that our net temp dropped this year like I said it would at last years end... they are creating an economic stimulus I guess... or blowing a bunch of money... one way or another, there isn't anything too wrong with making things that seem healthier and natural for the environment. I support that, but not that our planet will be dead from global warming any time soon.

    Oh and unlike all the global warming nuts out there, I learned in 5th grade that an iceberg melting in the ocean doesn't mean anything about water levels.... its about displacement not about what you can see people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have some thoughts on this article and your comments.

    1) Personally I try to avoid getting my science information from the Opinion section in newspapers, for obvious reasons. I can write an opinion piece on the mating habits of Tasmanian Devils - that doesn't mean I have any clue what I'm talking about.

    2) The incident in question was totally minor. Some of the data reported to NASA was from September instead of October, so the end result was wrong. They removed it after less than 24 hours and have already redone the calculation with the correct data. You can read about the incident direct from NASA personnel here:

    It's not like NASA was trying to do something sinister here. They got some incorrect data and immediately fixed the problem once they found out about it. I mean geez, it was one month's worth of data out of 130 years.

    Also, it's kind of ridiculous to call James Hansen "Al Gore's chief scientific proponent of global warming." I don't even know where that silly claim comes from or what it's supposed to mean. Gore has no impact on what Hansen does.

    The reason global warming pundits aren't going to say it's overblown is because the fundamental physics is sound. Little minor reporting errors which get fixed within 24 hours certainly don't change that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is fact......, the cause is the only thing being debated.

    I personally think it's a combination of both, a natural cycle, and an acceleration of the cycle by human activity...mostly cars and coal fired power plants.

  • 1 decade ago

    Overblown? Perhaps. Should it be overblown? Definitely.

    Regardless of the rate at which it is happening, it IS happening. The more of a problem it is perceived as by the media and the public, the faster changes will happen to slow it, or even stop it, possibly reverse it.

    We may not have to plateau carbon emissions by 2050 as many have said, but if we do, we will be that much more prepared and proactive, rather than reactive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    global warming is real and very likely caused by human activity, we know for sure that human activity has increased greenhouse gas concentration and we know for sure that this traps heat.

    Most models show that this is responsible for the most of the observed rate of temperature increase.

    it is lunacy to deny that temperatures are not warming, it is clearly obvious from that glaciers, ice shelves, sea ice, ect which is melting all over the planet. These are natural thermometers for the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's all BS, this Global Warming stuff. If you have a hard time convincing everybody that it is BS, tell them to watch the Great Global Warming Swindle, either on DVD or even on

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think maybe someone is tooting their own horn here!

    But it's really true! Manny Ramirez and cats with diarrhea DO cause Global Warming®.

    Source(s): I read it on the interweb!
  • dave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Quite right Richard.

    The opinions of historians who didn't even manage basic science at school is completely irrelevant.

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